Again. I will allow Islam to speak for itself. Enjoy.
Hadhrat Umme Salmah(RA) narrates that Rasulullah, (Mohhammud),(SAW) said:...
After the death of a Ruler there will be some dispute between the people. At that time a citizen of Madina will flee (from Madina) and go to Makkah.
While in Makkah, certain people will approach him between Hajrul Aswad and Maqaame Ibraheem, and forcefully pledge their allegiance to him.
Thereafter a huge army will proceed from Syria to attack him but when they will be at Baida, which is between Makkah and Madina, they will be swallowed into the ground.
On seeing this, the Abdaals of Shaam as well as large numbers of people from Iraq will come to him and pledge their allegiance to him. Then a person from the Quraish, whose uncle will be from the Bani Kalb tribe will send an army to attack him, only to be overpowered, by the will of Allah.
This (defeated) army will be that of the Bani Kalb.
Unfortunate indeed is he who does not receive a share from the booty of the Kalb. This person (Imam Mahdi) will distribute the spoils of war after the battle. He will lead the people according to the Sunnat and during his reign Islam will spread throughout the world. He will remain till seven years (since his emergence). He will pass away and the Muslims will perform his Janazah salaat.
(Abu Dawood)
The holy Prophet(SAW) said:
A group of my Ummah will fight for the truth until near the day of judgment when Jesus, the son of Marry, will descend, and the leader of them will ask him to lead the prayer, but Jesus declines, saying: "No, Verily, among you Allah has made leaders for others and He has bestowed his bounty upon them.
(Sahih Muslim)
It is reported from Abu Hurayra(RA) that the Prophet(SAW) said:
What will be your reaction when the son of Mary (Jesus) descends and your Imam is from among yourselves?
(Sahih Muslim, bab nuzul 'isa, Vol. 2; Sahih Bukhari, kitab bad' al-khalq wa nuzul 'isa, Vol. 4)
The holy Prophet(SAW) said:
What would be your situation if the Son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends upon you and your Imam is from among you?
(Bukhari, kitabul-Anbiya, Chapter Nuzul Isa bin Maryam)
According to these reliable, authentic, and universally accepted narrations, Mahdi will:
Be from among the family of Prophet(SAW), among the descendants of Fatima(RA);
Have a broad forehead and pointed noise;
Appear in one night;
Appear just before the day of judgment;
Have same name as hazrat Muhammad(SAW);
Escape from Madina to Makkah where people will pledge allegiance to him;
Receive pledge and help of Iraqi people;
Fight in battles;
Rule over the Arabs for seven years according to Sunnah;
Spread justice and equity on earth; ie; Impliment Al'Shari'a World-Wide.
Eradicate tyranny and oppression; ie; (Again)- Impliment Shari'a World-Wide.
Lead a prayer in Mekkah which JESUS (pbuh) will follow in; Jesus will defer o the Mahdi, as Jesus supposedly recogizes the higher status of the Mahdi in llah's eyes. (OKAY?)
WILL NOT BE, the same individual as the Promised Messiah (Jesus).
*Note.... The reference within the Hadith to Jesus stating... "He will slaughter the swine and shatter the crosses."
Is a direct reference to killing all the Jews and Christians who have not converted to Islam.
What do you think? Is that the Jesus you know of, and are awaiting?
the Jesus of the Qu'ran is the same Jesus of the Bible.
the difference is the interpretation that each religion gives to the story of this particular human being.
Muslim religion was founded around 600 AD, while the Qu'ran was written around 630
don't forget that Muhammad was born in 570.
so they took all the Jesus stories from the jews, who were their neighbors.
In the Qu'ran you find all the jew prophets as Adam ,Noah, Abraham, and others, as Islamic prophets
and Mary the mother of Jesus is Miriam. You find Miriam in the 19th Sura, I think. I don't have the Qu'ran with me at the moment.
But Jesus is the same historical character, with different characteristics, according to each religion.
The Jesus of Islam is the one you see in this post. Period tanty.
You don't get to tell Islam who is who in their religion.
yeshua will return and bow to no one, nor will he defer to no one
I agree 100%. Now do you think that is the same Christ we as Christians are awaiting.
I do not.
no, mulsim dont know jesus, they think he was only a prophept!!! and do not listen to his teachings . every knee shall bow and proclaim him lord
I absolutely agree. This seems to be too formal and definitely too long of a forum post. And if they seem to know everything and indeed have all the answers, why post???
To discuss it.
If you don't want to, then don't.
I don't belive hub-pages makes discussing all topics mandatory.
HubPages does frown on forum posts that should have been written into hubs. And what is to discuss? How can anyone "logically" appease or add to a discussion full of answers, back door theories, and potholes?
Most logical people, do not wish to argue or debate just to hear themselves talk out loud, or the sound there fingers make tapping against the keys.
Too bad, your lost... It should have been a hub, that's all.
TMMason appears to believe his set of doctrines for his god are under attack from another cults set of doctrines. It would be funny if it actually wasn't so sad. Like some kindergarten playground, TMMason has stepped up as king of the hill.
Actually not.
Just posting exactly what Islam states about Christ, for all you who do not know, but claim to know.
Just admit you don't know the truth of it and move on.
As far as blu-slob, get a life. I will write what I want, when I want, in what-ever format I want.
You guys are just a laugh a minute.
likewise, so will i.
the hypocrisy of your religious beliefs is what is truly a laugh a minute.
and if you want to get into the name calling, i'll be happy to oblige. providing admin acknowledges that it's a two-way street.
you still haven't come up with your video to add to my stupid watch hub? i'll be happy to give you top billing.
I know what Islam states, I've read the Quran and the Hadiths and have had years of discussions with Muslims on the topic. So what? It's still just a matter of you acting like an emotionally charged infant.
If you insist. Of course, this has everything to do with you and your puerile rant and nothing to do with alleged scriptural truths.
I have seen OP's replies on other thread. The way he assumes that Bible is book of facts and thinks it can't be disapproved shows biggest ignorance and that's why i think he should stop attacking other belief's cause his own inquiries against his own religion are flawed.
For example, he thinks human written book Bible is not flawed and atheists/scientists are against it(Height of delusion) as if they care for any human written book that portrayed as word of god and they give damn to it.
My writing on science is in regards to the way they ignore what-ever they want, to spread thier lies.
Like man made global warming. lol get real.
You guys all name call, but not one of you have posted any evidence. No matter WHO states your wrong, and I am not the only one here who know your games, you all name call and cannot defend your positions.
Whose problem is that?
like blu dog, name call as if that proves anything you say. lol
Yes, the same lies that have provided you and your family with every convenience that separates you all from dwelling in a cave. No amount of bombasting claptrap from you is going to change that. You simply look the complete fool.
Name call ? Err, not even inch interested in that. And you need evidence from me to prove you that Bible is human written book ? Whole vatican knows that. Let's be honest now for that instead of pretending. Let's get real.
And Man-made global warming ? Yeah sure, as if you gave any proof for that ? (Your own reasoning is against you when you demand proof from others).
I have not said the bible was not wrote by man. So go back and read my posts before you make stupid accussations.
Also. I have stated over and over man made global warming is a lie. So? Why would I have to prove to you it exists?
DUH go back and read then speak.
Agreed, TMMason spews hatred towards everything that doesn't agree with his faith-based worldview. He goes so far to spew his hatred towards science and scientists all the while sitting back with his comfortable lifestyle, computer and internet connection writing in a forum his denial of the achievements of those scientists that provide him with those very same conveniences. Shameful.
I am not sure what you're goal is here, but it is likely to turn out, just like most of the other threads do, when under the religion & beliefs title.
However, if you're interested in What I think about Jesus? Well, he was a human male, who had a very short life, due to the fact of other people saw him as a threat, to their way of life. Since he could not be bribed or forced to do what the so-called "Religious/Spiritual" Leaders of his time wanted to him to do, they righteously had him executed.
Was Jesus a God? YES!!!!!! But, in the manner you think!
Was Jesus a Prophet? NO!
Was Jesus a Teacher of Religion? NO!
Was Jesus' Life clouded under uncertainty? YES!!!!!!!!
Since his Life's work was administering to those who didn't know any better, it was very important for him at his time of life, to help those people.
However, there are missing elements of his life, for which, need to be learned, before people can simply automatically believe in him or his words. The problem is that many of Jesus' works wasn't included in the Bible or Biblical scripture, because the writing hasn't anything to do with religion or religious scripture. Yet, the CHURCH or those in Power, don't want the people to know or realize this.
Jesus has many things written about him and a lot of it was supposedly written, some 50-60 years after he was executed. His work was only included in religion and religious scripture AFTER HE was already dead.
So, the biggest question- Was Jesus really the son of God? NO! He wasn't. He was the bastardized son of Mary. Who was his father? It's open to interpretation and done so, so as to get people to make the leap of faith.
Thank you for your time. Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bulls eye Cags.there are flags in the Bible that point to what you say.
Example:Book of John"these are only a few of the things Jesus said and did,I suppose if you put them all in books they would fill up the whole world"...
And you guys dont know Christ.
So why are you even in this thread?
I know.
It is that left wing, liberal obssession you all suffer from, to support anyone who might hate and want to destroy America and Christians.
You all just prove it, every time you open your mouths.
And you guys don't even get the obvious.
All that infrormation is Islam, speaking for itself. lololol
And see Q you just cannot help but LIE.
I have never denied there are good aspects, and great scientific achievments which, (do you think you should take credit for them, I think NOT.), have helped to advance this world.
Thats all your words. NOT MINE.
That doesn't change the fact that some, agood many of you are liars. And would lie to your mothers to support your BS theories.
lololoolol get a life.
You know the REALLY SAD part is that NEITHER do you. You have absolutely NO CLUE who Jesus was.
It's known, because you call him Jesus Christ. If you knew anything about Jesus' life, then you would know his NAME isn't Jesus Christ.
So, who do you think you are fooling with your faith-based conjecture?
Just a thought.
His name was Yashua. Whats your point? lolo Another one who attacks me and not the facts. lolol
NO! His name was Jesus. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's my point. He was born Jewish, but NEVER taught religion. He knew religion was a hoax. Yet, you follow? Why?
lolololoolno it wasn't. lololo you have just proved you know nothing. No more for you. lolololo
See, you can't even answer my question. I've done the research TMMason. What you say is irrelevant because it's based on religion and religious text.
You are the one who doesn't know anything between the two of Us. And, it's sad to say, but you're so indoctrinated, it's not even funny.
You read Jesus' work, yet can't even tell what's truth and what's not? WOW!!!
I've at least discerned his work and was understanding enough(open-minded), to see the truth in his life's work. Should you know that his work wasn't ministering to the poor, because they had nothing, but because he didn't want them to be enslaved like others had been. So, he taught his truth, in coded metaphors, so as to NOT be discovered by the Romans.
If you had done an ounce of research into the history of MANKIND, then you would've learned that. But, instead you go to the Bible, so as to justify your sad belief in a person, who you know very little about.
If you actually opened your eyes...then maybe you would be able to see the truth for what it is. But, until keep hoping your keep using your lie based faith, and you form your beliefs incorrectly and when you're all said and done with your life. You will have wasted your entire life, with a lie based faith belief system.....only to never learn the real truth about your life.
It is very sad.
And that was stated in reagrds to the Lies I posted for the topic. Specific lies. Not a sweeping generalization of all scientific achievments and advancements.
Are you so lacking in comprehension to think you can take one conversation in regards to specific things and apply it all science. What a joke, you try to say I lie,... by lying.
Your proving my point about people like you.
As long as you take them completely out of context, which seems to be something you cannot comprehend. And again. The topic is Christ in Islam.
Not you and the poor scientific community. So get over yourself.
Like in this thread, for example? Your contradictions are thinly veiled.
yeah I know. Thats the one that you all got mad about and are still hissy fittin over. Too bad. And you never showewd anything to rebutt the truth of that post. That those lies are lies.
Too bad,... sooo sad.
So keep lying about what I said and say. Everyone can see it, they know you now for what you are.
So, if I'm the one lying, why is it that I never made a post in that thread? How can I be mad and hissy over something in which I never commented?
Sad indeed, TMMason.
And you know the LIEs we are talking of. Don't play stupid, some one might mistake you for it.
Again this posting is in regards to Islam and their version of Christ.
Not you scientists who lie and are still mad from loosing yesterday.
found it.
i knew you were out there somewhere:
I believe that humankind's greatest flaw is it's self centeredness. The basic tenets of the worlds major religions are all essentially the same: Love one another, treat others as you would like to be treated, etc. You can determine the influence that humankind has had on each religion by the degree of self centered righteousness it contains.
This usually manifests along the lines of: "My religion is better than yours", or "If you don't follow my religion you are unworthy of redemption" or "If you don't follow my religion I must make you follow my religion or kill you trying to make you follow my religion.
Christians did it to Muslims, Muslims do it to Jews, and it goes on and on and on.
TMMason - you should spend more time learning to Love rather than hate, and learning to accept all people as children of God - no matter what name they happen to give God.
Playing the "I'm better than you" game, or singing the "My god is better than your god" song has been the cause of many foolish ego-based wars throughout the centuries.
There was a ? yesterday in regards to Islam and Christ.
So! If posting that information is hatred to you. Then I don't know what to tell you.
There was a ? yesterday in regards to Islam and Christ.
So! If posting that information is hatred to you. Then I don't know what to tell you.
There is nothing hateful in this post, except the insults slung by the Atheis and scientists. Who for some reason feel a need to hop in, even though they do not know about, nor practice a religion. So, take it up with them. They are the hateful ones.
Also. Show me where I have said my religion is any better than anothers. You cannot. I have not stated it.
Just presenting Christ as he is in ISLAM.
Some people seem to think Islam honors the same Christ as we do.
So?.... If that is true, then there is no harm in showing him to everyone. Right?
And if he isn't the same Christ. Well then, there should be no harm in showing that one to everyone also.
Don't you think?
I do.
Sure, there's no harm in presenting and comparing one version of a biblical myth with another. My favorites are comparing the Roman and Greek myths and superstitions. Entertaining stuff.
Seems they are listening intently
Doing well Mr. Mason.
Oh I am sure eventually I will hear from the all BC.
Grammar check on that one... You are saying?
You don't have to do anything I say, or do BC. But the fact is the Crist in Islam is not the Jesus of Christianity.
It is plain to see. Just read Islam's own words. I don;t understand why it bothers you so bad, your not Christain or Muslim.
Are you for real, tanty?
I expected better.
Islam states exactly what they believe in regards to Christ. If you think they are the same, than that just proves how much you do not know about either of those religions.
Why is you people think you know better than Islam, Mohhammud and allah, what Islam says and believes.
You don't. Just accept that and move on.
You're the one that doesn't know anything!!
what a shame !
One- your argueing against Islamic doctrine, not me.
That entire post is from Sahah Moslim, not me. Take it up with them.
Knowing the source for the info, and its crediblity. I can state that is not the Christ of Christianity.
It seems I know more than you !
why do you think Muslims have one Jesus in the Qu'ran ?
Why A Hebrew name among muslims ?
Why this jesus was born from Miriam, a virgin, who's Mary in the Bible ???
why do the talk about Adam & Noah ?
Islam, the Qu'ran, states. Isa,(Jesus), was born of Marriam, sister of Arron, brother of Moses.
So what is it you know again?
Appearently not much. Islam cannot even get which mary was Jesus' mother correct.
Take a minute and read the Qu'ran tanty.
I rely on history.
Religious Books tend to distort historical facts.
it's not my fault if you prefer Mythical stories than facts.
Your the one who stated with all the pride in the world what the Qu'ran said. And you were as wrong as the Qu'ran itself.
As far as history, anytime anyone speaks of Jesus Christ we all think of the same historial figure.
but that doesn't make the Jesus of Islam, the Jesus of Chriostianity.
Or is that too deep a concepot.
That two things could speak of the same person, and one not be speaking of "that" person, but what they think they know of him, and want from him.
So I'm right ,then !
the Jesus of the Qu'ran is the same Jesus of the Bible.
the difference is the interpretation that each religion gives to the story of this particular human being.
Muslim religion was founded around 600 AD, while the Qu'ran was written around 630
don't forget that Muhammad was born in 570.
so they took all the Jesus stories from the jews, who were their neighbors.
In the Qu'ran you find all the jew prophets as Adam ,Noah, Abraham, and others, as Islamic prophets
and Mary the mother of Jesus is Miriam. You find Miriam in the 19th Sura, I think. I don't have the Qu'ran with me at the moment.
But Jesus is the same historical character, with different characteristics, according to each religion.
Looks like another expose` of the would be Messiah, Mr. Mason.
It shows how brainwashed & short minded you are !
No your not. lolol When you mention Christ to Christians, it is not the same Christ they expect. So. your wrong. Sorry it is too deep for you tanty.
Yes. I do dispise "Islam" and all the lies you Islamic apologists sling around to defend it.
Not knowing what it is your even defending. Because you and yours cannot grasp that religious people will act upon their faith doctrines. And that those doctrine could preach death in the name of advancing Islam and Shari'a.
It is not my fault you people don't know and don't want to know. but I will continue to excercise my right to free speech.
The bottoms are getting lower. Mason, I'm looking at you.
On the historical persons of christ, yes.
As to Christ being the same person awaited by both sides, NO.
No Q. It is a conclusion based on the facts Islam present in regards to Christ.
The question is not whether he existed or not. But if their Christ is the same as our.
wow. You guys really don't comprehend.
Yes, Islam presents in regards to Christ, just as I stated, a belief of a belief of a belief. Again, well done.
There appears to be only scriptural, not historical. A very important point to consider.
No there is historical evidence as to Christ, also in regards to the varacity of the Bible.
But you know that. It is just another comment to play.
When all you secularist, Atheists and scientists begin to answer. then maybe I will debate you. But I'm done answering while you all play games, because you cannot defend your positions.
Like the one, evolution explains all the species on earth. lolol
It doesn't.
We dont know where 90+ percent of life came from, so how do you know where the species came from.
Atheist is not equivalent to evolutionist or scientist.
Now, that's good comedy.
Like, the position in which the bible defends itself through veracity? hehe
Didn't your god do it then? Isn't that what your scriptures claim? Why would you care about the answers from science when you have your scriptures to keep you appeased?
Excuse me !!
We're not talking about Christ. We're talking of a human being called Jesus
the term Christ comes After these religions were founded.
Yes we are talking about Jesus the Christ. That is what the post is about tanty. c'mon now.
That is rediculous
Or did you miss this... Jesus Christ, (Isa), Of Islam, Is This The Christ You Know?
So you don't know what Christ means, nor why Jesus was called that way by Christians.
muslims don't use that term. It's Greek !!!!!
You are so lost. Go away cause now your playing stupid games. The title of the post says plainly what we are talking of.
We are talking about if Jesus of the Bible is the same Jesus of the Qu'ran
Don't play games with me, mister !!!
Don't treat me as a fool. If not i will have to do the same concerning you !
We are talking about if the Jesus they believe to be coming is the same as the one we as Christian are awaiting.
It is not.
You said it yourself the Qu'ran states that Jesus is the son of Marriam, Sister of Arron, Brother of Moses.
That is not the Jesus we speak of. That one if he existed would have lived 2 thousand years before ours, in the time opf Moses.
So?... Obviously it is not.
Miriam is Mary. Period. The name of the relatives are wrong or contradicted ,just as a lot of other names in the Bible.
history is what matters. Not fairy tales!
The facts are ,it's the same Jesus, taken from different points of view.
You're stubborn as a mule! Geeezzzzz !!!!
I am not stubborn tanty.
You just don't get it.
it doesn't matter if it was the same person historically. it is regarding the Christ which will return and his intent when he does.
How can you miss the question and go off about some that is incidental to the conversation.
It is the Christ they say is returning to which we are speaking.
the question is not about who his mother was, but what Christ will be returning. As their is not mine.
Yeah, its not you, its all of us
WE don't comprehend, right!
We are not talking about Christ. Which is a Greek term, BTW !
Again. You cannot defend your beliefs. It was a simple question/statement. Where did all the life after the Cambrian Explosion come from? You don't know and neither does science.
They have theories. Nothing factual.
And go to the other thread. This one ios about Islam and Christ. Not you guys and your theories.
And, you use conjecture supported by a lie-based faith belief. So, you don't actually know anything than anyone else, yet you are here making claims you yourself can't back up.
Talk about B.S. to the fullest extent. WOW! You really don't get it.
Yes I can cag.
I said that is not the Christ I am awaiting. And it isn't.
So what your issue? their idea of who christ is and his intent when he returns ios the issue.
I have provided what Islam states about their Christ, and it doesn't reflect the Christ i know.
That is a fact.
So what is your issue?
AND I DON'T HAVE BELIEFS !! Remember i'm an Atheist. God !!!
Jesus Christ is a Christian Character
Isa Is a Muslim character. No Christ in there.
Jesus was the human being behind JC & Isa
Each religion awaits the same Jesus under different characters.
Of course he's not coming ! but that's another story !
exactly, but the Jesus they await. Is not the one we Christians await.
Thats where you confuse yourself. We are talking about the ones to come. Yes they are based on the same person, but they are not the same person when you look at just who Islam thinks is Christ.
And Islam was officially concived in, 622AD, the year of the first Hajj.
The concept is an ideal
The Man is a fact.
I'm right and you're wrong.
Get over it!
Facts are facts, ideals are ideals !
I'm bored !
that fact is they are not the same Christ. Play semantics all you want.
the Christ they await is not ours. If you had any clue about Islam or Christianity you would know that.
Conversations over tant. I have wasted wenough time on your games in this post.
Again with Christ.
no Christ awaits the Islam . It's a Messiah.
Messiahs are not Christs
Look up the terminology, please.
You're confused with the term Christ. Nothing wrong with it !
Lots of Christians do the same mistake.
you're saying what I'm saying!
There's no Christ for Muslims
Bye !
yeah thats what I just corrected you on. Not their Christ, the Mahdi is their, "Saviour".
?... So what?
Your playing stupid games so as I stated earlier, it is over.
you're saying what I'm saying!
There's no Christ for Muslims
Bye !
So you come out with the stupidest things, just to argue.
You don't care that it make you look like a fool?
To show everyone just how inept you are in understandng theology and Islam in particulair
Mason, if anyone has been shown as the fool, it is you. You have done such a fine job!
Cause you guys come ion here and do not reply to the facts posted in the topic. No you think starting arguements shows your intelligence, it doesn't.
Their Christ is not ours. It is simple.
And because you guys cannot except ISLAM's own wword in regardss to it. Your mad.
What a bunch of fools. You guys ran in here to argue, not even discuss the topic. Loosers.
The word religion is an ugly word. It puts people against each other. We are all taught to believe something. This is the problem. We are brainwashed into our childhood up bringing of faith. But the soul tells you what is real and what is fake. I dont follow the normal. I do believe in God. So I just deal with him, and he leads me where I need to go.
What facts BC?
I haven't seen anything to dispute ISLAM's own words.
Yet you speak of fac5ts.
The man who says science knows how it all began, and can explain it all. huh what a joke.
Are you serious?
I said "Facts?"
Note the ? Yes, that was "Facts ?
What I posted is the hadith. That is the fact as to what Islam believes.
So what the hell are you talking about?
BS as usual,
And you two can pat one another on the back like a bunch of nobel winners all you want. It doesn't mean your right.
"soften your heart." (and pray).
or burn in hell.
ohhh poor lil blu-dog. Whaaaaaa. Another factless meatball rolling around the plate.
i'm so glad to see the hp staff is allowing you to continue with the name calling.
pricks like you really aren't worth the effort.
you who called me douche last nite and you had never met me. Your a loser. You can dish it but not take it.
Your a Punk
Yaa. That from a guy who hops on a topic last nite and screams I'm a douche when we hadn't even talked.
lololol starts but cannot take it. And he is another one who cannot produce any facts, just attacks.
although i did not call you a douche last nite, it doesn't stop me from thinking it.
or laughing out loud when i did read it last nite, from the person who did post it.
of course, the best one was from the guy who started weeping for your brain cells. that was just classic.
even if he had a typo in it. i'm sure he meant singular, as in brain cell.
Again no facts to dispute the topic of the post. Just BS from a pc of.... and you were right there talking your shit last nite. So... whatever it may not have been that one but I know you said shit.
Toooo badddd. and you didn't have any facts last nite either.
thanks for the laughs !
You get everything wrong , Mason!
that's hilarious!
I proved it to you, but you can't see.
as the bible says: Man is Blind !
huhahahahaha. Yeah right. Again you have to disprove what ISLAM states about ISLAM.
Not me. hahahahaha
Maybe when the staff get through the copious complaints after the Christmas hangover, Mr. Mason will be saying bye bye for a few days.
Mason, don't get too attached buddy. You will be taking some time out soon, I am very sure.
Don't mess,
Bovine Currency
You know if you look at this thread, and the one last nite. It clearly shows which ones of YOU came into this topic,(along with so so many more threads.) and the other, simply to start an arguement.
Plainly obvious to anyone who looks.
I will deefend myself.
I am not expected tpo be attacked all the time, and not answer back.
We will let the hubpages gods work that one out.
it's that true christian spirit in you that is most endearing.
say, you're not connected to atomswifey, are you? neighbors, maybe?
or are you just an army of one?
I'm out for a smoke. All this hard work gets my goin
Muslims belief in all of the Prophets and Messengers of God.This is a fundamental article of faith in Islam. Believing in Prophets Adam, Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad is a requirement for anyone who calls him or herself a Muslim.
that's in the Qu'ran
Also the Qu'ran says in reference to the status of Jesus as a Messenger:
"The Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary, was no more than a Messenger before whom many Messengers have passed away; and his mother adhered wholly to truthfulness, and they both ate food (as other mortals do). See how We make Our signs clear to them; and see where they are turning away!" (Quran 5:75).
About a Virgin Mother
Like Christians, Muslims believe Mary, Maria in Spanish, or Maryam as she is called in Arabic, was a chaste, virgin woman, who miraculously gave birth to Jesus.
"Relate in the Book the story of Mary, when she withdrew from her family, to a place in the East. She screened herself from them; then We sent to her Our spirit (angel Gabriel) and he appeared before her as a man in all respects. She said: I seek refuge from you in God Most Gracious (come not near) if you do fear God. He said: Nay, I am only a Messenger from your Lord, to announce to you the gift of a pure son. She said: How shall I have a son, when no man has ever touched me, and I am not unchaste? He said: So it will be, your Lord says: ‘That is easy for Me; and We wish to appoint him as a sign unto men and a Mercy from Us': It was a matter so decreed" (Quran 19:16-21).
the Christian Jesus is the Same as the Muslim Isa/ Jesus
Both are the Messiah that will come a second time.
What He will do when he comes is interpreted differently according to each religion's politic view.
they also believe he will kill all the Christians and Jews when he returns.
That is just the fact of it.
No matter how much you as an atheist wants to decide for us if this is our Christ or not. YOU CANNOT!
And you cannot make up a fairy tale of what you think Islam believes in regards to their Christ and his intent in returning, and think it is true.
Their idea of Christiuanity is not even correct, when you review what Muslims and Islam thinks of our religion.
But you wouldn't know that, because you don't know about Islam or Christianity.
it is aas simple as that tanty.
You don't get to tell us what Islam believes. That is the job of allah and mohammud.
Tooo bad.
And he is not the saame Christ, so stop the lil game play. The Christ they speak of may be based on the Christ of Christianity. But he is not. and any Christian who reads the truth about Christ in Islam and what muslims believe, will tell you so.
it's on the Qu'ran. Go and read !
You like it or not. It's a FACT
And again ! :
'the Christian Jesus is the Same as the Muslim Isa/ Jesus
Both are the Messiah that will come a second time.
What He will do when he comes is interpreted differently according to each religion's politic view.'
What do you think your the only one who has ever studied History? Get a life.
That is pure arrogance.
they are not the same and you do not get to decide that matter.
Suck it up and move on.
I am afraid this is not going to help. In their "history" books Americans won WWII...
Yes. We did win WWII. lol right along side of our allies, after we pulled their arsses from the fire.
See? What often amuses me beyond any imagination, is this enormous arrogance American Christians posses. Well, not that atheists have less of it, but at least they are not supposed to follow the babble LOL
LOL They did win the Cold War, USSR collapsed first. Yet I would argue that Cold War plays a huge role in current American collapse, too.
Well I don't see that way. something about China I would say.
As I see it, Cold War was used to grow the government and reduce the freedoms Americans enjoyed before. And waste precious resources on arms race. Both things contributed to the development of the current crisis.
i agree with that as well. Nevertheless ,I think people at that time didn't look at China much. Cold War is not about China, I know, but nevertheless... anyway. I'm lazy. too much posting makes me dizzy.
Lets not forget the portions of the world that would have been yanked into communism if we hadn't had the Cold War.
Oh but that is the point. you guys wouldv'e like to see more communist countries eh.
But America did business with communists and terrorists.
What about the talibans for example ?
Yes. We have done bussiness with a grewat many people. Alot of whom I wouldn't have. But I do ot make the rules.
But this thread isn't about that.
It is about Christ in Islam.
Why don't you start a thread about that topic.
Nah, having first hand communist country experience, this is the last thing I want to see.
Then you should know that for those who would have been forced into communism, the Cold War accomplished something.
Are you talking about Vietnamese and Korean kids Americans killed not to let them become communists?
That wasn't the question Misha.
So your going to discount all but Veitnam and Korea?
That seems a lil wacked.
lollolololol You know we fought a war on two hemisphers. the european countries could not even barley sustain the single fronts they fought upon. And Germany for all it's faults, fought a multi front war also.
Only the western european nations were unable to help themselves. Even Islam, Tukey ands Palistine, had a better time of it. Having patnered with Germany.
So explain to me how Russia won a war. When they were to busy trying to survive again. Oh it couldn't have been all the American help over there.
We should have just taken Berlin instead of being nice and letting Russia have it.
Simple as that.
"Pulled their arses from the fire." Yeah right!
Start a topic called by that name and ask about it and I'll answer.
But this topis is about Islam, and the Christ they try to pass off as ours.
Fair enough. What you know more that we don't know ? I'm interested in knowing, can i have that knowledge now. Or i'll be rejected for being skeptic ?
Read the post and you would know what we're talking about. duh
Yeah i get that, but i'm sticking with point for something that you know about christ that I don't and i'm interested in that so i quoted that portion.
Is it time travel ? Is it time domain manipulation ? What was that i missed but you knew or realized ? Anyway, i doubt i'll get the answer so let the thread be back to christ vs islam.
If you by chance thinks that i'm not admitting something about christ or scientists are mad against religion etc. and you want to talk about that. Then feel free to create thread on that. I'll come up with the lots of fallacy for human written book you love.
In between, let the thread be back on topic.
Wow! There was a war out there in this forum.
I think you'll never get any answer !
He knows nothing. Only hatred for Islam
The advent of Mahdi is not a universally accepted belief in SUNNI Islam and among those that accept the Mahdi there are basic differences among different sects of Islam about the timing and nature of his advent and guidance.Mahdi is important to Sufi Muslims, and a "powerful and central religious idea" for Shia Muslims.
Sunni muslims make up roughly 80-90% of the muslim community world wide and most do not believe in the Mahdi's return.
So you are questioning an idea which the majority of muslims don't believe in.
But, all muslims agree with the return of Jesus(AS) - That is fundamental, and a person who rejects that part of Islam is generally not regarded as Muslim.
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