Would the world be a better place without religion?
A lot of persons always speak bad of religion and how it's just a flurry of confusion to turn races and nations against each other and how churches don't really help out at all.
But suppose many people wishes came through and all of a sudden there was no more religion, what would the world be like?
hi dashingscorpio , It's nice seeing you here. I guess that's one point. but wouldn't there be something good missing?
With faith comes hope for a lot of people. Religion is the moral fiber for a lot of folks. However when you look at all the terrorism in the world that is rooted in differences of religious beliefs and past wars between catholic and protestants..
but come on my friend.....you must admit that there'd be some good missing
Satan can only be very satisfied that anyone would think the world would be a better place without a religion. The irony of this is, however, he is the author and/or promoter of religion. By this I mean, and you must understand this, that Christianity is not a religion.
“The difference between Christianity and every other faith in the world is that all other religions are about man trying to reach up to God. Christianity, and only Christianity is about God reaching down to man.”
"Religion is man trying to reach up to God. The message of Christianity is God reaching down to man. Religion is about what man has to DO to be right with God. Christianity is about what God has already DONE to provide us the opportunity to be right with Him. Religion says you must EARN your salvation by doing good deeds or certain acts and not doing evil. Christianity says all we need to do is BELIEVE that Christ has already paid the price for the evil we have done. Christianity says we are all evil (filled with sin) and there is nothing we can do to earn the right to be saved. Christianity says that God (in the form of Jesus Christ) stepped into our place and paid the awful price that had to be paid for us. He gave us the free gift of salvation if we choose to believe in Jesus." http://philippians1v21.wordpress.com/wh … -religion/ If you need a further clarification of these statements of the obvious I suggest you go to the above link and read.
Satan's purpose is always to exalt himself above God by opposing God and men and to lead humanity away from true Christianity. He is THE Enemy of God and his people.
One of his schemes, the Bible says, “in order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his schemes” (2 Corinthians 2:11), is to provide a counterfeit of anything God does.
So enters "Religion." Billy Graham said, "Satan's purpose is to steal the seed of truth from your heart by sending distracting thoughts." All religions are a distraction from the truth, Biblical Christianity, which is not a religion but a world view (the purpose of which is given to us in 2 Timothy 3:14-17) given to humanity by the supernatural God of the Bible, the creator of that world and all that is in it. It is what it says it is and no "religion" can compare to the truth.
So, to answer your Q&A, from my perspective, yes the world would be better without religion if religion was replaced by THE TRUTH, Christianity.
You believe in a deity and you have a holy text. Therefore, by definition, it is a religion.
Woooooooooow! Very interesting TSAD.....It's hard to dispute anything you've just said....segregating Christianity from religion. I have the same view but a lot of no-believers don't understand it. It's nice having a christian view on the topic
True..But sometimes Atheist also choose not to understand because religion has been bad to them. It pains me to agree that there are some bad experiences that people can have as a christian that forces them to atheism.
Those bad experiences are usually called reality.
Jag: Why do blame "ALL" (even God) for your bad experiences? Do you blame ALL humankind because there are rapist, murders, liars, thieves, whoremongers, etc? There are good & bad amongst every kind as in your belief!
We shouldn't allow our bad experiences to turn us from the good things in our life.
But we should let them teach us how to hold on to them
Overall, I would say yes, but just barely. There is a very good chance that all of the bad things (and good things) done in the name of religion would still have happened, but under the banner of something else. Religion is just one vessel for humans to wage war/promote peace. Politics is another such vessel, which probably explains why political beliefs are often as tightly held as religious ones. The only reason I say it would be a little better without religion is that, in the absence of superstition and mythology, objective sciences might have more of a foothold. But, even in a world like that, human nature is still human nature.
Mhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm trying to find some percentage of agreement here...but what it sounds to me like your saying is that religion has to exist in some shape or form....that it's all most coded in mankind. If so I agree.
I wouldn't say religion is coded in mankind. But I would say that empathy and brutality are coded in mankind.
LOL,I don't get that. So you don't believe that religion has to exist and can never cease. It is believed that football is a religion now (church of maridona). Even you can be said to have an atheistic religion where your god is variable of facts
I'm not sure where you're getting confused. I said religion was one vessel to express human nature. That doesn't make it essential. And atheism isn't a religion, it's a conclusion. We don't wish or have faith that there is no god, we've accepted it.
A religion is a communal set of beliefs and rituals, organized under like morals and practices. Atheists have only one belief in common. An example of a religion, without a god, would be Humanism or Buddhism.
The idea of religion nowadays is heavily diluted.... If you can have a religion as silly as the "Creativity Movement" check it out. Then the definition of religion really should be re-written. Don't you think some religions are just institutions?
Yes, it does seem as though some religions are just institutions. So perhaps it should be redefined, or at least given subcategories to differentiate between the humanitarians and the extremists.
Don't you see that "religion" is referred to in a "negative" context throughout scripture? Why do u speak of it as something good? Jm 1:27 is the "only" place "good" is spoken re:religion in script which the Holy Spirit guides us into doing!
It depends on how you define "religion."
Perhaps we can make a distinction between the movement started by Yehoshua of Nazareth and the religion it became -- between the movement started by Gautama Siddhartha and the religion it became.
The original movement was pure spirituality. Civilization would not last very long without at least a little of this.
What spirituality has become is a corrupted form we tend to call "established religion." Corrupted by what, though? By ego -- separateness, selfishness, self-concern.
But ego attacks more than just spirituality. It infiltrates every aspect of human activity.
Perhaps what we need to say is that the world would be a far nicer place without the source of evil known as "ego." And that's what Yehoshua and Siddhartha were both after.
Ironic that you would pick a picture of the twin towers. They were not attacked by religious zealots. That's the lie. The so-called "19 hijackers" were not Moslem fundamentalists. In fact, some of them drank, snorted cocaine and took loose women. Some of them had a U.S. military base as their former address. Many of them were given visas through Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on behalf of the CIA. 9/11 was an inside job blamed on religion by some people who are filled with ego.
I discuss this corruption of religion -- specifically Christianity -- in my new book, "Watered Down Christianity."
Thank you...Thank you so much. Your spot on . You see I dodn't like to think that I serve religion; but god in the purer spiritual sense. Because the name of religion is corrupted and abused. But still though you haven't really answered the Question.
I personally would find it interesting to see a world without religion.
To say if the world would be better off without it...I think so, but not by much. A world like that would force people to actually take responsibility for all the sins everyone complains about. That could be a step forward for mankind, or it could destroy us on the spot. Who knows?
At the very least, you wouldn't have lunatics slaughtering each other for their god yet at the same time proclaiming their god is one of love and forgiveness.
YES interesting.... But wouldn't there be a void of love and harmony that religion embodies. I mean after all a lot of the justice systems are where they are because of religion. -IN GOD WE TRUST- right america?
Umm, no. If you love someone just because your religion tells you to, can't really call that "love".
Also, do you have a source that specifies the justice system is where its at because of religion, because I highly doubt that's the case
Religion in Global Politics
By Jeff Haynes
My friend haven't you realized how bonded religion is to politics. Look at the middle east countries, Rome and Britain. In fact you rarely ever see a politician speaking out against god.
Yeah...because the public wouldn't vote for them otherwise.
Kind of a sad reason to base a vote on, rather than what they actually plan to do to improve things.
But you see that's what I'm talking about in one way shape or form Religion and its trinkets are being widely use, even if someone just feels like swearing on Jesus's name they do it. So what would the world be like if the "religion" factor was gone?
I doubt VERY much the world would be a better place without religion. The former Soviet Union is living breathing proof of that!
Recent flashbacks from inadvertently joining a cult and putting my life in danger have led me to becoming an agnostic. However, I am not against religion. I believe all the different religions of the world are the various societies explaining the unexplainable and figuring out how best to live in this world. In other words, they are a form of ancient science. Modern technological advances have proved some theories true, and some false. All religions have some good to offer. It's when they become egotistical, saying everyone must believe as they do, that they become harmful.
That doesn't mean they should be done away with altogether. It just means they should acknowledge that no one has all the answers, and therefore none have the right to claim to be Absolute Truth.
Very good answer. "Ancient science"...........I like that part. I've always seen were religion and science are so close, but what i realized is that many atheist refuse to see the nexus between them.
Yo: You're right! "No ONE has all the answers" but Jesus Who is the "Absolute Truth!" I'm Christian & if Jesus said it, It's "Truth!" "God is not man that He should lie!" Num 23:19
No: The cult I was in was Christian-based. Because of this, I can no longer agree that Jesus had Absolute Truth, any more than any other great leader. Yes this sounds blasphemous, but what is He doing to help those kidnapped girls in Nigeria?
Yo:This world has"free will!"God didn't break it, "MAN" did! Do you really expect God to intervene when "MAN" made evil choices? He allows us to serve either of the two"masters,"Satan or Him!Most have chosen Satan,& for that there r repercussion
No: even as a mere substitute teacher, if I allowed such an atrocity to happen without reporting their location, I would lose ,my license and possibly be arrested. The US would not tolerate such free will. Does the US have better ethics???
Yo: We have "free will" for which there r repercussions! God "allows us" to do anything! Rem: Days of Noah? Sodom & Gomorrah? ALL destroyed for evil (women & kids 2)! There r repercussions! But that's what "free will" gets us when we serve Sa
I agree! I am one of those "...persons who speak bad of religion and how it's flurry of confusion turns races and nations against each other..." Reason being, the Scriptures only speak of the word "religion" in a "negative" context for it is something that "man" has established to confuse "believers!"
Religion is spoken of in Scripture in only four places; Acts 26:5 which speaks of the word in a "negative" term; Galatians 1:13 which speaks of the word in a "negative" term; Acts 13:43 which also speaks of the word in a "negative" term; and finally in James 1:26:27 which gives the "test for one of true religion" (v27) "...to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
Deuteronomy 19:15, Matthew 18:16 and II Corinthians 13:1 all say "...In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. Based on these scriptures, the word "religion" is spoken of "negatively" four times and associated with organizations of the world or man-made organizations and/or churches!
True "religion" is defined in James 1:27 stated above. If one is filled with the Holy Spirit, He guides you to "...visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
In response to your question, the world would be better without religion, we rather seek being filled with Holy Spirit Who will "...teach you all things..." (John 14:26) which includes actions stated in James 1:27.
Religion, as described in Scripture, is an obstruction to the "truth" of God's Word! It has been interpreted by "men" not filled with the Holy Spirit based on "their wisdom and knowledge" and not according to the Holy Spirit's revelation which has/is caused/causing "controversy" amongst those who believe in God.
This is just another one of Satan's tactics to lose souls. (John 10:10) Unless "believers" seek the gift of the Holy Spirit Who will "...teach us all things..." there will continue to be a church on every corner, disagreements amongst "believers," and new denomination after denominations being created!
Ephesians 6:12 tells us "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the "darkness of this world," against "spiritual wickedness" in high places."
"Believers," it's time we wake up! Seek the gift of the Holy Spirit for "guidance" "into all truth!" (John 14:26;16:13). For without the Holy Spirit, one will fall for "anything!"
That's a warm answer Norine....
I remember the bible saying that god is not the art of confusion.
So when I see people getting confused by diverse religions and even denominations i can only sat that that's the work of the enemy.
DW: Yes, that's Satan's job (John 10:10). But ours to seek the "gift of the Holy Spirit" for discernment of those! For Matt 7:13!
That's really good Norine.
So you have the gift of discernment?
I have been anointed, yes! Read "Dream Interpretation, please" question from Stargrrl!
That's really cool Norine. Both my parents have the gift of discerning and a some of the other nine. there are only few times I've been able to manifest that one. It's one of my favorites and I pray that god blesses me with it.
Dwight: Stick close to mom & dad! They won't guide u wrong! But "seek" gifts for urself! Tell parents to read Jer 31:33,Heb8:10,10:16,Jn14:26,16 13,Acts 2:2, Acts 19:5. Holy Spirit spoke thru apostles & we should Acts 2:42!
Assuming one's interpretation of god is wrong and yours as right is the exact reason why there are multiple denominations.
Getting together to find the truth would solve that but that would require deflating people's ego a bit
Fat chance of that...
Thanks Norine...... And I see what you're saying jag. I find that time is the best means for breaking down walls.
Also I realize that most denominations are sometimes made different by some of the smallest things. church of god and the New testament
Dwight: Ur right! "Time" will break down walls!" Smallest things? Elaborate. New Covenant/New Testament. Do u believe? Jag:Ur right! We should come together but "time" will bring chg! Not in ours, but His!
So...do nothing, let someone else figure it out.
Perfect strategy. I'm sure that won't spawn more denominations in the future or anything.
Jag: Was the "do nothing" a question? For I am "doing something" even now, talking to you! Whatever "His Will" is! He will tell me when & what to do if He desires!
Interesting question.
The world would probably be just about the same with or without religion. Why? Human beings all have desires and struggle to fulfill their desires. This is a fact, people have needs and wants. There will be some people who will be able to be happy with their basic needs and some who will never be happy until they "own everything".
Some people will care about future generations and others will just care about the present and not consider how we manage our resources.
Religion is a set of practices and ideas that bind people together, so there will always be a religion. Family religion binds the family together. City religion, thinking I am from this particular city and it is the best because we are the best. State religion, country religion, and scriptural religion. Religion, based on the color of the skin, hair or eyes.
There is religion based on money, for example on the currency it says "In God we trust".
Back to my point, until people on an individual basis and group basis value life, nature, and cultivate more thoughtful and peaceful methods, then we would have the same type of situation.
The different languages are something to consider because communication is the key to accomplishing successful projects.
The struggle for who will be in charge and what type of "government structure" will benefit the people is another thing to consider. By the way, the religion of government is another thing to consider. Who will dictate the rules of the society.
Religion and Power usually go hand in hand as far as I have studied. If it is the Bible God, the Islamic God Allah, The Hindu God Vishnu the Egyptian God Ra, The Greek God Zeus, etc, There is some person of force at the top that makes the rules and te rest either follow along, leave the society, or rebel.
Human nature is the cause of the happiness and distress in the world. The overall group mentality of human beings is the real religion for the planet. We live and we want to be happy in this life and the life after.
I wish you the best.
If you could step away, look at mankind as a whole and trust that they could be "good" without the organization of religion and a belief in a doctrine telling them to be kind and peaceful, loving and helpful. If this criterion were met AND we end up will all the answers and I mean ALL of the answers that we seek as a species then yes the world would be better without religion but more a common understanding of our place in the cosmos and a shared understanding also of there being some things beyond our measure; questions which we can't know the answer to. Ultimately when all questions are asked and answered there will always be the question "Who or what set that into motion?". That in a sense would be a world religion of sorts but more of a shared paradigm. At any rate as of today, I'm not sure we could not check off either of these boxes. So, right now the world needs religion and is better with it. It has been responsible and still is for starting wars and death but today does much more to keep people on a more richious and hopefully path than if they weren't given a set of rules by which to behave and believe themselves accountable in the next life. It brings more people together and is useful as a humanitarian aid vessel by which millions of people are fed, clothed, sheltered or otherwise aided in the name of some body greater than their selves. Some people are good like this inherently and don't know where the moral compass comes from but for the masses religion helps them know where North is so that compass can be calibrated correctly.
This is one of the better answers I've had...thank you so much for your response. I like how you were able to give an unbiased view...Delineating how he world without religion would be as well as how I would be with religion. Good job
The hundred million people killed under atheist Communism and socialist regimes challenges that assumption.
Interesting......but could you enlighten me a bit more on what your saying?
by Thomas Byers 11 years ago
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