For Christians ONLY.. Do you believe it is ok to have beliefs you cannot defend with scripture ?
Many that profess Christianity have beliefs that they have taken as their own, yet they cannot provide scriptural proof of how they apply to Christianity.
Do you believe a Christian should have beliefs that they cannot defend with scripture taken in proper context ? Why?
celafore- Another great question.
No. it's not O.K. to have belief that's not supported by scripture when it come to God's word. One of the big problem are the traditions that help creat false doctrines mixed within belief. Most Christian believe traditions can be supported by God's word. And that is a big problem with ALL of those who call themselve christian within the harlot church system. This include but not limited to the Catholics, Baptists, JW, SDA, Mormons and many others out there. TV ministries are included in this also. This is one reason why I don't have ANY respect for them. Most clergies of all of these churches are nothing but liars.
The question is "Do you believe it is ok to have beliefs that you cannot defended with scriptures? Revelation seventh church of Laodicea will deal with these offenders.
AP- Quite apparently you do not under stand. there is ONLY 1 TRUE CHURCH. IN EACH CITY THERE IS ONE CHURCH THAT IS PART OF THE ONE CHURCH. not a building, but group of believers. All other "churches" are imposters. the true church is PEOPLE!
I don't intentionally have any beliefs that come from scripture that are not in proper context. Having grown up in America I have been surrounded by the institutional church system and I have done my fair share of church hopping to find the "truth".
It takes a long time to figure out that the truth is in the scripture and not in a building ran by men. Man can drive the understanding any way they want to as evident by the thousands of denominations out there. We are called to agreement not separation.
In time although it is a hard pill to swallow, I have found that most don't want to change what they are comfortable with. My knowledge of scripture is challenged every day. The challenge is letting go of man's teachings that are seared into my being. The scripture given time will pry them out of my not wanting to let go grip.
I find that most preachers and teachers are nothing but echos for some doctrine, denomination or man that has went before them. Their teachings come complete with how to refute all that may challenge. The longer they live with and believe something they have been taught the harder it is to let go.
My only hope is that I will not be one of the ones that is told away from me I never knew you. My hope is in Jesus Christ and not the doctrines of men. As time grows short because we are not getting younger, I can only hope that my spiritual vision is not going the way of my actual vision.
I'm hoping for discernment to know not to get into conversations with people that already know everything. Finding those with like minds is harder than just walking into any church and being welcomed with open arms. Many are called few are chosen which means many are not chosen. For once I hope I'm not with the numbers.
Their argument will be, who is to determine what proper context is? Jesus didn't argue so I'm going to do my best to try once or twice and then let it go without some snooty comment while dropping the conversation.
Nope I don't think it is OK to twist scripture to fit beliefs you have been taught.
Well put! I was raised in a Christian home but only came to understand God's word in original context as an adult. There were many confusing nights spent in the realization that the scriptures and the Holy Spirit were telling me something different.
God bless you for choosing Him instead of the doctrines of men as the majority do
Someone claiming to be "Christian" that cannot defend their beliefs are most likely indoctrinated. They have been told what to believe. They have not been led by the Holy Spirit to truth, but fed by a religious salaried hireling, or someone taught in a seminary. An indoctrinated mind is a seared mind; therefore, it takes the work of the Holy Spirit to break from the religious bondage.
But TEST everything; hold fast what is good. - 1 Thessalonians 5:21
We have Scripture to use for correction, and when used in its proper context it is irrefutable. There will be times when you come across particular people who like/love to call themselves teachers pea-cocking their credentials for all to see. We must TEST them to see if what they claim to be is true, and poke around to see what manifests. A false teacher will not look at the Biblical evidence, but ignore, censor and curse instead. This is okay as it is part of the discernment process of testing those, and even ourselves to see whether we are in the faith.
Correction takes a big dose of humility. Anyone who believes that they are not susceptible to deception because they "know it all," because "they say so" are the ones who are deceived. Admonishment, reproof, rebuke, and correction are vital as we strive to say on the narrow way that brings repentance, change, growth and maturity. Throughout Scripture God used his people to admonish and correct others for their own good. We all need correction because the door to the Kingdom of God requires humility.
Someone who has religious beliefs that cannot be defended with Scripture are simply indoctrinated man-made beliefs. Again and again in Scripture, we are urged to communicate truth with others that they may correct their belief and behaviors to line up with the Word of God.
A seared indoctrinated mind will not admit that they can and could be deceived, and will malign those who admonish them to seek after the truth. As we walk Holy Spirit the truth will become more vivid and we will want to share it with our brothers and sisters in Christ, but also to those who don't know it yet.
Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. - Matthew 5:11-12
So this question was meant to lead to a condemnation of churches rather than an introspective review of our own beliefs? I don't believe I have ever questioned a preacher where he could not defend his statements with scripture.
I read this post 3x and did not see the word church or preacher mentioned once.
eric-- READ what is written. its to individuals . but in regard to your comment, I have never met one in that didnt twist or try to tell me a scripture means something it does not say to support his false doctrine. .
That if we go to the scripture to try and justify our current or past actions we are missing the calling. We must go to the scriptures constantly and then let our actions follow. Scripture must come first and action second.
eric- then why did you not say that? do you think you can reach inside the church system and teach that? it would be interesting to see their response.
Of course. But if it's not backed up with scriptures. You don't really have any way to know if your belief is correct. So as long as you're not trying to share your opinions with others and pass it off as the things are, then I think that is totally fine. So long as you realize it's just a belief.
So if you're going to share, make sure you preface any statement by "this is just my belief, or opinion" or something like that.
Of course if you're talking to someone that doesn't agree with you, they'll view it as your opinion anyway, where it's true or not.
Matt: If not in Scripture, it's automatically "my belief or opinion!"
I would have to say no. The Bible is the sword of God, its words the best defense at ensuring our logic or doctrines are not susceptible to malicious intentions. You take the biblical reinforcement from your beliefs, or don't "check your philosophical work" against God's, then your belief is bound to have some cracks in it, and those cracks can lead to floods of darker influences.
Yes! " those cracks can lead to floods of darker influences." Rooted and grounded in TWISTED doctrine!
Re: The Above:
First of all, one is to understand, that the Scripture is there as a witness to the Truth. We should always accept the Truth an live by the Truth. The Truth is the words of God. Everything that comes from God is life. Believe in the Truth and live! Or going your own way and die!
If one is believed that he has beliefs that can't be defend with the Scripture; is proved that what he has in his mind is not from God. Anything that is not acceptable to God is evil. Satan is there to make us believe, that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right. Thank you !
Louis Rabaud
When looking into this concept of not being supported by scripture I always start with the notion of the Trinity. Even trying I cannot defend it by scripture.
eric- glad to hear you say that. you got that one right. being a man Jesus is not and can not be God. but He IS the SON of God who has been given the keys to THE KINGDOM because of His obedience to the Father.
since the 10 were given to israel along with the law for a season FOR THEM. they were finished along with the rest of the old testament when the veil was rent in two, doing away with all the laws and jewish requirements which could not save anyone
The veil rip was for access to God, not an eraser for scripture. You had still better love the lord your God with all your heart soul and strength, and your neighbor as yourself, OT right out of the mouth of Jesus. I'm grafted to Israel, hope you are
Rich- the scriptures themselves tell us the law was for jews & only for a season- until Christ would fulfill. JC gave us two cmdmnts that are more stringent than the included 10. veil rent gave acc because JC fulfilled the law rendering it done
Interesting, conflicting views, both defendable by scripture. Scripture is so wonderful it can be personal.
Two greatest commandments. Deu 6:5, and LEV 19:18 The scripture is more than 613 laws. Jesus was a walking echo of the scripture(OT) You can't ignore the 10 commandments and be a child of God Just because Jesus kept them.He fulfilled/did not canceled
rich- when a contract (the OT) is fulfilled it no longer effective. when the contractor completes my house the contact is NO LONGER VALID or in effect. NEW testament means just that, a new contract, not additional. but NEW
Friend Charlie, that is not accurate. A fully executed contract still has force and effect, long after the completion of the task. We call these warranties and guarantees. If one lives by the covenant of the old he is fulfilled in the new.
eric-not what scripture says Gal 3:11 But that no one is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, for "the just shall live by faith." 12 Yet the law is not of faith, but "the man who does them shall live by them."
and following
The New Testament is a mirror of the Old Testament with the Blood of Christ being an amendment to the contract. We are not building a new house just making it easier for others to have access. You still can't kill, lie, steal, etc.
rich- the onLy correct thing you just said was we can't kill etc. the New Testament is A NEW CONTRACT ,OPEN TO WHOSOEVER WILL . REPLACING THE OLD ONE. it IS NOT AN AMENDMENT BUT NEW!!!
I have never heard that falsehood in 45 yrs, new one on me
Charlie, did it ever occur to you that you make other people feel condemned because they are not as well versed as you? What a high bar you place and you exclude and condemn the common man to hell. Where is your compassion?
Your 45 yrs aside, lets talk about the ONLY correct thing I said. Why don't you do those things, murder, lie etc. That stuff was in the old contract. If Jesus mentioned Old contract stuff does it still count and is it new or old carry over?
Charlie is RIGHT! NEW if living by FAITH! Gal 3:24-25 Wherefore the law was our SCHOOLMASTER to bring us unto Christ, that we may be justified by FAITH. BUT after FAITH is come, WE ARE NO LONGER UNDER A "SCHOOLMASTER" (LAW)!
Gal 3:29 And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Keep reading that promise was OT.
eric--I condemn no one- but proper application of scripture is supposed to expose and bring correction-- some receive it as condemnation. James 3:1-2 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter jud
I don't feel condemned.
My examples were suggestions, not dogma. There is a new covenant but we are not building a new house. The access has change but not much of anything else.
Rich, Keep reading Gal 4:5 JESUS came in v4 "To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons,"...v7"then an heir of GOD through Christ." JESUS came fulfilled ALL law & by HIS blood we are now heirs. LAW for bab
rich-- apparently you do not understand that until the crucifiction Christ was UNDER THE LAW, THE NT BEGINS AFTER THE RESURRECTION
I have no interest in suggestion or beliefs, my only interest is SCRIPTURAL TRUTH
until you figure out the Christ is not God or AKA the Holy Spirit I really don't care what you think I should keep on reading.
RICH-- I hope you understand I am not trying to be a jerk. but the most important thing in my life is proper understanding of scripture. and that the true church all are of one Spirit
Rich, Charlie is RIGHT again "ONE SPIRIT!" Consider GOD as smoke Who can break off into anything, anyone, @ anytime "simultaneously" IF He desires! ONE SPIRIT as @ His Baptism; A Voice fm heaven, a dove & being seen in the flesh (Christ)!
"I AM!
norine-- butt out all you do is bring confusion. or I will have delete All from you
Why then did you say the church is ONE SPIRIT? Don't you believe I Cor 12:12 "and so is Christ?" As the Church has "many members," so does Christ have "Many Glories!" We chg fm "glory to glory" as by the Spirit of the LORD (I Cor 3:18) so does GOD
I don't think you are a jerk. I just read your hub "are the ten commandments for Christians" I understand better what you are trying to say. In person I'm sure the conversation would go better.
rich- yes 250 words are too few.
if there is ever a desire to talk on a subject, I can call you.
Everybody believes something. Yes, it is ok to believe the world is round but it is dangerous to believe something about Christianity or God that you cannot substantiate with scripture.
This is a troubling question for me. I do believe that our foundational beliefs should be backed up by scriptural study and support. But I have trouble with it in the extraordinary versus the ordinary and just plain old daily beliefs that help us through a day.
Extraordinary. My wife was a non-christian. After marriage she attended services with me and I shared my faith with her. She had a support group of Christians. Before she committed to Christ and indeed began studying the Word she had an experience that brought her to Christ. I was in the hospital away from home and as she came to my side she was very much alone. On a walk to the hospital the Holy Spirit came upon her and changed her. She had a spiritual awakening and epiphany. While she came to strongly believe it was not based upon the Bible. It was only supported by her personal experience with God.
Of course now she is into the Word. But her initial and foundational belief was not based upon or dependent on the Word.
The mundane. There are rituals which I partake in that are not really supported by scripture. While of course years of studying the word permeate my thoughts in everything I cannot defend the method and substance of my morning prayers through or with the Bible. I have a personal relationship with God. I get up in the morning and converse with God. I most assuredly do not conform my prayer to anything scriptural. We are just two old friends. Certainly my side of the conversation is thankful and honoring but that is because God is awesome, not because the Bible tells me to supplicate. I could never suggest that my belief in my relationship is scriptural. It is straightforward personal.
Now if I am to act after giving thought to a matter it goes without saying that prayer and scripture are involved. That is just how I am. Tough decisions require Biblical reference. Important stuff requires reflection and that reflection always includes that which I have learned from study of scripture. Advice from man must be in accordance with that understanding or it is not considered.
So not every decision I make or action I take can be defended by scripture. But I think in the end, I could find scripture to back up everything I believe.
Take the Trinity. I just cannot say that I believe in it. I cannot support it with scripture. But in thought I think it is a cool way to look at a oneness concept all encompassing of the three holiests of Holy.
"But I have trouble with it in the extraordinary versus the ordinary and just plain old daily beliefs that help us through a day."
WOW! Go back & "WAIT" for HELP from the Holy Spirit!
eric-- "But I think in the end, I could find scripture to back up everything I believe." but then it is too late if you discover you are wrong
Such ordinary concepts aligned with your views of law. Such a stanglehold of making laws to govern rather than to guide. So black and white. Why didn't God make us all the same in your images?
eric -- so are you saying you believe you get a second chance after the end-- when you are dead?
eric- either you do not read what I say or your are no where near hitting the mark of what a REAL CHRISTIAN is. what a foolish answer that was.
NO ERIC, By your own admission ( in writing) some of your ways cannot be backed up with scripture IN CONTEXT. You have yet to prove me wrong by scripture. your ideas, thoughts, beliefs do not move me. typical liberal cant convert-em attack them
If a belief cannot be backed by Scripture - it is not Christian. Every thing you hear, follow, accept or believe in has to be bible based. We are instructed to examine all things and hold fast to things proven and true.
Scripture also warns us that we are not to add to anything that isn't in the bible, nor take away anything from God's words.
1 John 4:1
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world.
1 Thessalonians 5:21
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
yes, I agree scripture based NOT bible based, bibles are translations of scripture and have many errors that we must avoid. and that warning is good but actually only applies to the book of revelation.
What? "I agree scripture based NOT bible based," Are you guys privy to some secret society with scripture that is a mysterious?
eric- you ddin't know the book called the bible is NOT SCRIPTURE?
It contains scripture but unfortunately also the beliefs of the folks that did the translating. they all have errors
Charlie you continue to amaze me. You miss the juice. Maybe that is why you come across all cranky and unhappy. Buddy the good stuff is found in our humanness. The nuance of one human love and bearing to another. Our sharing of translation.
eric== you clearly DO NOT understand real Christianity. I have NO desire to involve with your humanistic belief system. my desire is to live in the Kingdom of God, not the kingdoms of men that you continually espouse
Eric: Charlie is RIGHT! Bibles have been translated & re-translated from SCRIPTURE!
That is why I keep telling ALL we need HELP from the Holy Spirit Who will "lead & guide us into ALL truth" but MOST think it's a joke!
Eric: Charlie is RIGHT! You believe man rather than GOD! He's trying to tell you KJV and others have rewritten SCRIPTURE (scrolls) and added "their" interpretation when translating BUT the Holy Spirit "reveals" diversions! TRUE CHRISTIANITY!
May I please? I was a Christian and not just on Holidays either. I was a full blown believer. I won't get into all the details of why I not only lost faith but later became an atheist other than to say I started realizing that a very large percentage of our Christian beliefs were never actually stated in the Bible at all. It seems to me that preachers and music and movies as well as tradition passed down from one generation to the next all influence what it is that people believe about Christ.
How many facebook memes do you see every day that show a picture of a long haired hippy man saying "Do you love me"? We are just supposed to expect that image of Jesus is somehow reality. I could go on and on but you start to realize these things more when you start looking from the outside in.
mm= that is a GOOD reason to leave the apostate church sysyem. but not a valid reason to leave Christianity. Are you sure you were ever a Christian? a majority of embers of the church system of men are not. church att does not make a believer
Another example of one that did not "WAIT" for HELP from the Holy Spirit Who "leads & guides into ALL truth!"
Don't you know that's Satan's Device to Lose Souls-Religion? WE NEED HELP "FIRST" before trying to worship GOD!
This is an impossible question because if you have 6 Christian ministers or priests all serving God and their congregations as God has directed them to do, and they can't agree on issues such as when to baptize, how much water, whether Love one Another has limits and so on, I believe that it is possible to agree to disagree and still follow the scriptures. To suggest that one is right and another is wrong is to judge, and that is for God to look into their hearts, not man. Remember the verse that begins, "Judge not, least you be judged." Christians who judge others or who claim to have all the answers, aren't acting with love toward one another.
m-- sorry but your answer is clearly not scriptural. we ARE called to check fruit. the fact that the "ministers" you mention cannot agree shows they ARE NOT of God as He demands there be NO divisions His church.
I disagree with you Charlie on some points. Can you write clearly in your mind that the Holy Spirit does not guide me? You know what the HS does in others and can judge it? You have great scripture but you left your God given mind to ruin. Babble.
Eric: If NOT IN WORD (bad fruit), it's Eric's "thinking" not HS!
One knows no HS when 1 speaks "I have brain, can't use?" which is AGAINST WORD & can "judge" by giving WORD that says "don't use brain" (Prov 3:5)
Let HS (WORD) "guide!"
Yes, I do. I also believe no matter what religion you are, no two people believe exactly alike. The bible like other religion books are man made and to be taken as a guide. Literal interpretations are lost through translations, over the years.
I experience this daily myself Charlie. I recall reading in the book that we will know them by there fruits. Many professing Christians are bearing very little fruit with the poor decision making, ungodly behaviors, and reckless attitudes. I often notice how people are living life soley based upon there own feelings and emotions. Many individuals are only living life by there own book of the law. They have simply done away with and are completly missing many swaths of commandments from the book of life. The book states that many clearly will turn away there ear from sound truth and doctrine. It's happening in todays modern world.
I agree with many people if you can't back your belief by the bible then it's not Christian but something someone probably made up in their head. There are different types of Christians might I add as well, so make sure that you ask them what they believe in.
I have to be honest when I was young I never knew there was an Orthodox Christian until I talked to one and he told me that they don't believe in divorce and a few other things but some of those things he was saying I don't remember reading in the bible. Watch out for the liars!
l- all denominations are not of God, Paul clearly states there are to be no division among those of the Kingdom of God. the kingdoms of men have so may divisions who can count the thousands of them
Good point - something Mr. Charlie doesn't understand. I for one was born and baptized as a Greek Orthodox but because Greek Orthodox people are few in North America, I guess it's okay to ignore them.
mh- no I do understand. that makes you a Greek Orthodox, does not make you a Christian which has nothing to do with the divisions of men that claim to be of God, scripture says HIS church has no divisions (dnom) they are of man not God
Lakeyia: Yes, "watch out for the liars!" Why we MUST "STUDY" (II Tim 2:15)! Why I give Scripture so if 1 "lies" u will have READ (I hope)!
Mr.Happy: U MUST READ WORD "in chronological order" or u will not live "according to Scripture" & soul lost
It has been my understanding and experience that ANY belief, even some that may not seem Christian, can be defended by some scripture in some bible somewhere, if you look hard enough. Just like any statistic or study you may find, everything depends on HOW it's interpreted. One line in the bible may mean one thing to one person, and an entirely different thing to another.
I consider myself a Christian, because I believe in God and Jesus Christ. However, my beliefs are derived from the 10 Commandments, and I would be hard pressed to find actual scripture to back them up other than those.
That being said, aren't all of our beliefs derived from those commandments? Can't we back up every one of them, in scripture, just by citing those commandants?
And am I wrong, or weren't the commandments around before Christ? Then one wouldn't even have to be seems it all overlaps.
Maybe I'm off here....
I see a lot of angry "Christians".
Yet, the Bible reads: "24 Do not have companionship with anyone given to anger, and with a man having fits of rage You must not encounter in, 25 that You may not get familiar whit his paths and certainly take a snare for your soul." Proverbs
mh-- I see people disagreeing but angry? who is angry. but of course there are not a lot on here that have companionship
Guys: "Anger" is rage which is felt that is "unscriptural!" Jesus was "angry" (or so it appeared to man) when HE tore up the Temple for men selling therein but It was "righteous" anger which "CORRECTED!"
There is a DIFFERENCE!
I will always be angry with Kenyan-born Bathhouse Barry Obama. I believe God wants us to hate BHO the Antichrist.
In Luke 10:18 Jesus(God's ONLY begotten son) stated "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." Per Strong's Hebrew lexicon BARAK O BAMAH means 'lighning from heaven'. Any questions take them up with the Lord like I have.
I don't see anything wrong with having your own personal beliefs whether you have evidence or not. My biggest concern is when people try to push their beliefs on others without sufficient evidence or true knowledge about their beliefs. Let everyone live their own way and worry about yourself!
cm= that is why the" churches" are in such a mess, they have accepted your liberal, un-scriptural , humanistic belief system instead of God's plan of course you have the right to believe what you want. just cant espouse it here without correction
I agree. However, with many people I have found that when the church forced their belief system upon them they only turned away. I have seen this issue while growing up. The more school pressured students, the more turned away from religion.
cm- yes
i have experienced it also. In fact my main ministry is to those that have been hurt and driven away by the churches of men, they need to be supported instead of condemned as the churches do if you do not submit to their man made rules
Exactly. I am very strong with my beliefs, but I do not try to push those beliefs on others, nor do I judge others for their beliefs. We are taught to not be judgmental; yet, Christians are at times the most judgmental...
cm- but scripture requires us to judge the fruit of those who profess to be in Christ. how else can we know who is a brother or not. our relationship to the brethren is totally different than to unbelievers
And who judges you harshly Charlie? You have a plank in your eye. Your demand of law is faulty. I think I should start judging you and find where you are wrong. Like 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Go for it eric, but learn how to discern truth 1st. i have judged only those that show a wanton disregard for scripture harshly. like you. Prov 15:10-11
10 Harsh discipline is for him who forsakes the way,And he who hates correction will die.
Chris: When Scripture is provided (& I do), It's not "their belief" but GOD speaking! GOD didn't tell disciples to "let everyone live their own way..." READ 2 Tim 3:16 "CORR" which means "judge" BUT w/WORD (Evidence)!
Everyone starts with something in order to answer the questions that concern them. Some people start with themselves, or what other people tell them. But the serious Christian should start with the Bible. That doesn't mean that he will have a chapter and verse for everyone of life's problems. But it does mean that he will have his first recourse to the Bible and then work out from it. I have found that this approach has served me well.
yes I am sure it has and will continue to as that is God's way. God bless you
"That doesn't mean that he will have a chapter and verse for everyone of life's problems."
CORR: 2 Pet 1:3 {paraphrasing} "EVERYTHING pertaining to life" is in Scripture!"
"STUDY" (II Tim 2:15)!
To answer a question like this, I like to refer to my favorite book of the bible - Galatians. The practice of circumcision was a covenant between the Jews and God. The newly converted Galatian Christians were pressured to be circumcised. At the time of the preaching of Paul, nowhere in the recorded scriptures was it said that this covenant was made null and void. Thus, the Galatians had to take Paul's words on faith that the practice was not necessary for the Gentiles.
In Jamaica - Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays. These days vary year by year. The observance of these days cannot be backed by scriptures, and when you are a member of a church that defends these holidays, it is hard to prove why other church-goers must observe these religious holidays as well
Thus, I believe we can have beliefs that are not backed by scripture. The Anglican church was formed as a break away from the Catholic church. No one knows for sure that the founder of this church was not called by God. Thus we take the church's teachings by faith, rather than by the scripture.
what a horrible mistake to take catholic doctrine as scriptural when scripture declare the doctrines of man are not of God. circumcission was to Israel for a season & finished at the cross. replaced by the circum of the heart not made with h
Where does it say circumcision was for a season? The bible is about people being in slavery, and God sending prophets to preach a message then, taking them out of slavery. Thus, He sets new rules and laws that are not supported by the ruling class.
ap- law establishesd requirement of circumcision. the law was for a season Luke 16:16-17 "The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is pressing into it. see Gal 3:19 for time
AP: Re: circumcision-READ I Cor 7:18-19 "GONE!" Was under law!
Charlie: Re: Prophets-READ I Cor 12:28;31! Still "set in church!" Lk 16:16 Were "unto Jn" when spoken but continue!
Heb 13:8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today & forever!"
Short answer, no. Scripture is the foundation for all Christian beliefs and anything stated otherwise should be carefully and prayerfully examined. This is a result of indoctrinated church "education" or family statements. It's ok to have personal beliefs so long as they don't contradict scripture and are based on scriptural study. Your personal beliefs; however, should never be lumped into a biblical context if they can't be supported.
Directly from Jesus. Duh. And what exactly are you saying sorry to? You think you DON'T need biblical support for your Christian beliefs? I'm confused.
jsb- sorry , that is why I delete his comments, he does not think scripture support is necesary every thing is based on his corrupt "love" doctrine
Oh strange. I could have sworn we were talking about modern day Christians. But to answer your question, Peter was supported by the Word, and the Word was God and was with God. Jesus.
The scriptures are the Word of God. They spent time with God personally. He didn't need to write it down on paper and hand it to them. The disciples did that for us after he left. I think you're taking things a bit out of context.
Many Christians who evangelize to the unsaved are not properly educated in the doctrines of Christianity. These "evangelist", either take it upon themselves to evangelize to the unsaved or are taught poorly by their pastor/ elders and are thrown into the lions den of humanity expecting to convert the world to Christianity.
Unfortunately these "evangelists" cause more harm then good representing Jesus Christ. Having beliefs these "evangelists" can't explain once confronted by a well educated person is not wrong - it is just sad to see.
it IS WRONG. if they are foolish enough to be led by men then they need to be quiet. Christ is the head of man and NO man is over any other man. either be led by the Holy Spirit of sit down and be quiet til they learn be HS led
RR: U r "sad" If you thk "well educated" r more than GOD (Holy Spirit) speaking to 1 directly! Do u know Holy Spirit?
Charlie: How do u explain I Cor 12:28;31 ("1st,2nd,3rd...");I Tim 5:17 ("rule"); Acts 6:3?
Man's RELIGION "kills!" Unscriptural!
But you are preaching to everyone to follow you. You are OK to follow but others are not?
eric stop lying and look at what I say. I present truth what you do with it is up to you. when you make unscriptural comments i respond. if i just wanted to be followed as you do I would not say to not believe me without confirmation of the HS
Eric: Case & Point: If one can't give Scripture, not true! If one gives Scripture not "following them" BUT GOD! It's up to 1 to then STUDY Scriptures, praying & asking for "revelation" fm Holy Spirit!
Consider chrono order & context!
Everything that a Christian believes is in the Bible, the word of God. And so, Christians never believe in something that is not found in the Bible.
by cjhunsinger 10 years ago
Central to Christian belief is the claim of a Blessed Trinity or the Trinitarian theology. This is, essentially, the belief that from one god, two other divinities (deities) emerge and co-exist or in theological terms, they are a, One that is All and All that is One, a consubstantial existence of...
by charlie 7 years ago
Why does it seem most Christians are immature.It seems most people professing to be Christian do not have a proper grounding in the scriptures. They drink the milk but do not seem to be able ( or maybe no desire?) to eat the real meat- understand the deeper things of God, in spite of the fact...
by Melissa Barrett 13 years ago
Okay, I've really taken an interest in the forums for the last few days as I need something to keep my mind off of something. I've noticed a few things and came up with a few theories on HubPages groupthink. Thought it be fun to test them out, so here goes:I, technically, am a Unitarian...
by Nichol marie 9 years ago
If you do not go to church, but you believe in God, are you still considered religious?
by Billie Kelpin 9 years ago
Why has the study of Christianity become so Old Testament-based in recent years?Growing up Catholic, I always felt the emphasis was on the philosophy and spirit of Christ. Old Testament study and emphasis by modern day Christians often seems to me , despite the obvious historical connection, the...
by Elizabeth 7 years ago
Belief without the Holy Spirit?If what many Christians these days claim is true, that it is impossible to come to have faith in the biblical god without the intervention and interpretation of the Holy Spirit, why was the great commission necessary? Why leave conversion and...
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