Do they create a perfect balance? If there was no science with religion, what would hold religion in check to make up whatever they wanted? The same with science, if there was no religion, who would keep science from making up whatever they wanted?
Science exists without religion. They are not connected in any way.
Religion already makes up whatever it wants in order to perpetuate the hoax of it's god concept.
Science doesn't make things up. That's conjecture on your part.
You can keep your question as a response. I'm not debating with you. You want to learn more, then read more.
I think science has made things up before. Not as much as religion of course.
Science doesn't make things up, it is a method, not a person.
However, even if scientists made up stuff, their nonsense would quickly get weeded out in the peer review process and of course, through experimentation.
Agree. "Quickly" might take a few years though. Or even more. But this is definitely no match to thousands of years on religion side.
LOL Newton's third law of motion???? It is and has been incorrect for years...and years....and years...
The 'Scentific FACT' that the world was flat was believed for years and years and years...
and there are many many more...
Please Mikel, you're really embarrassing yourself. I know you don't want to learn anything but if you continue in this vein, it really makes you look like a serious nutter.
No offense.
I think you are oversimplifying. Science does make things up, and quite a bit of them. It is being performed by imperfect humans, ya know.
Scientific method, and double blind studies as well as the fact that science works, whereas religion is just fear based tripe.
Not at all, they are diametrically opposed concepts.
You mean religion doesn't make up whatever it wants? Since when?
The scientific method and the peer review process, of course.
If there was no God, science nor religion would exist. Neither would you and I exist. Science cannot explain God nor can it even detect God. Religion is man's way, for the most part, to reach an unreachable being.
No man can come to God unless God draws him.
Actually this is a 50/50 proposition at best...
I do believe in the 50% that says God exists.
No sweetie. This is a 50/infinity proposition. We already talked about this.
50% - no god
50% - possibility that one of the infinite number of other possible options is correct.
You define it, I'll disprove it.
Don't disrespect God! You are just mad because you haven't met him.
lol No, I was just fishing to see how many assumptions you would make. I must say, I am impressed.
So OK. Lying OK wiv god.
Vs Infinity. I 2 dsum 2 get it.K. I win.
Don't know about balance...but no real Scientist makes up anything and most could care less about mythology ( except for intertainment). Scientist are the only tool mankind has to scratch for any kind of truth.
A 'perfect' balance I would have to say no. But they are much like a right and left hand.(imho)
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
Is that better?
umm, is that rhetorical?
they are the same, lest one is masculine mystic, one feminine mystic. they are the same.
their mother, consciousness (sin)
their daddy, enigma (prophecy)
Science and religion are in perfect balance, they are always in tangle with one another, what one says, the other does not. I don't know why. With this nature, yes, everything is put in the balance, a seesaw.
It must be time for another quote from the loving bible.
Then Jehoiada the priest ordered the commanders who were in charge of the troops, "Take her out of the Temple, and kill anyone who tries to rescue her. Do not kill her here in the Temple of the LORD." So they seized her and led her out to the gate where horses enter the palace grounds, and they killed her there. (2 Chronicles 23:14-15 NLT)
Oh that's right, the new religionists throw that part of the book away!
I am a christian and I haven't thrown out anything.
You would have no trouble with this quote then I guess?
"Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told." (Ezekiel 9:5-7 NLT)
What a psychopath!
No I don't have a problem with that. I tell you something else I wouldn't have a problem with. If someone threatened my family I would waste them in a heartbeat.
I came back to edit my post. Eze 9:9 Then said he unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD hath forsaken the earth, and the LORD seeth not.
Eze 9:10 And as for me also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, but I will recompense their way upon their head.
We are well aware of your aggressive behavior Dent. You have made it perfectly clear you are here to judge and provoke.
That be wot jeebus wants innit? What a disgusting religion. No wonder it has caused 2000 years of wars and hatred.
Jesus would be proud of you for being so aggressive. I am sure it is what he would have wanted after all.
Some one f*** with yo bitches? Waste 'em. Ezekiel 21.99
" Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." - ( Albert Einstein)
I am not surprised that Albert said this.
Apart from being a brilliant scientist he was also obviously stupid as mud.
Famous clever people like Einstein are often borderline nut cases.
Carl Jung speaks of such a man who, when it came to his own life, left his wife and kids to run off with an exotic dancer.
I take it you don't understand the Einstein quote either?
Did he say that? And what do you make of it?
Yes, Earnest. Albert Einstein said that.
But, the question is do you understand what he meant when he said it?
Science without(requires) religion(ethics) is lame. True.
If science doesn't have ethics, then it's dead in the water.
Religion without science is blind. True.
Religion claims to have answers, yet provides none, while science provides answers, truth.
I cannot make the connection between religion and ethics as Albert did. I see no connection between religion and ethics.
Religion is a business based on a code of ethics, bound to a higher cause. The ethics is a moral standard...if you believe that.
OK now I'm with you. I do not use religion to find ethics. Ethics are logical.... to my mind anyway!
Here is an example. If I help others, hurt as few people as I can, that gives me more self worth, a better understanding of reality and the reward enjoying the truth of in the act itself.
I think ethics and good work are plain logic.
Yeah, I think you missed on your interpretation of the Einstein quote.
Here's a rather good explanation of that quote.
I think that whenever we try to live by a strictly scientific and/or strictly religious code, we fail to evovle as a society, or on a more singular level, as human beings. Both the man who believes only in that which can be physically proven and the man who believes only in the doctrine of his church would be pompous enough to call Einstein " stupid as mud." To be successful in either world, one must first admit how little he knows, and secondly, how willing he is to learn the truth, despite the fact that uncovering the truth may shatter all former beliefs. In other words, neither field will be benefited by ones own oppresive ego.
Nothing oppressive about recognising the weaknesses in idols. You seem to have about the same level of understanding as mud, so perhaps you relate too closely. religiosity is a lizard brain response to fear, anyone who wants to can work that out and locate the evidence of it. Unfortunately our dear Albert had the same spinal cord "add on" as the rest of us!
Im not pro, not at all. Just saying that both sides could do with a healthy dose of open-mindedness, and that theres a possibility to find a common ground. As for your dispariging remarks about my intellect and level of understanding..Ive heard worse. And weaknesses abound both in idols and long winded intellectuals.
Well my comment was direct, yours was not, you made the reference that bought on the remark. What you stated as pompous I see as just the truth. I did not appreciate being called pompous.
Understandable, but my remark was not meant to be personal, it was merely to demonstrate a point. A party from either side, if rigid enough in their opinion, often bristles with antagonism if confonted with the opposing parties version of the truth. This battle of wits between science and theology usually goes nowhere, and has been doing so for some time now, I believe. :-)
So what are you going to defenestrate ?
Religion or Science ?
I choose to defenestrate you.
You haven't add anything to this topic. Only worn out remarks.
Boring !
When have we tried to "live by a strictly scientific.. code"?
And who said that ethics need to be discarded along with a ridiculous belief in the invisible super being?
In fact - who is suggesting we live by a strictly scientific code?
I suggest we get rid of the religious garbage and replace it with a code of ethics we can actually live by instead of just paying lip service to, because no one really believes they are going to get judged when they die.
Whose code of ethics do you suggest?
How many would agree? What if YOU don't agree?
Just as big a "Utopic" idea as Heaven.
Oh - you mean everybody agrees with the code of ethics you guys stick to us?
Taking children away from aboriginal families to indoctrinate them as Kristian?
No killing?
No abortions?
No divorce?
That is the funniest thing you have said dj. LOLOLOL Kristians follow the ethics laid down in the Biybel?
LOLOLOL Very funny dj. LOLOLOLOL I am literally laughing out loud. LOLOL
And of course.."Lord save me from your followers."
U haven't changed a BIT.
I ask questions.....u don't answer.
I guess u don't know!
Or, u don't have ethics u wish to share with all of us.
LOLOL dj - I know that lying is a big part of your "ethics" but - we both know you were not asking a Kwestion to have an answer.
You seem to think I am stupid. I have written about this before:
I have also linked and promoted an alternative approach to developing ethics without an invisible super being.
And there is a discussion here (which no one is interested in); … Discussion
Stop by and see what the idea is.
I do not have a pre made list that you MUST obey, and will never do so because you do not really believe in the guy handing the list out. This is why we will need to develop our own when religion gets the boot.
I am growing tired of u calling me a liar.
What little respect I have for u is just about drained out.
I can see how ignorant and arrogant u really are. I said this when I first met you, and nothing u have done has made me change my mind.
Hope your ethics encompass calling people all sorts of names.
Like I said. Not really interested in an answer are you?
Do you even understand what you posted? Just curious?
Remember, WHY religion exists in the first place.
It's foundation is formed by the belief that if humankind didn't answer to a higher authority, then there would be chaos.
That is reaffirmed, when you look at society, as a whole.
Just an interesting tid-bit.
What many don't realize is that religion is destroying humankind and needs to be eradicated.
Religion purposesly creates selfish people and separation of others. It is perpetuated under the cloak/shield of Jesus' works.
I am in complete agreement with this statement.
To some extent you can say that science and religion create some kind of balance but not always.I think both are important from its own position and both needs to be well understood-only and only when we all can understand the purpose of religion and science then there would not be any question of balance-both are meant to be co-exist; for whom- for us only.thanks.
Religon originally was meant to create the guidelines for code of conduct in human society.
The science came in to explain the phenomenon of nature and how can you use it for advantage of mankind..
so I say that they are complimentary
The evil faces of mankind have identified the destructive forces from either and have spoiled teh very objective of either. Still the unknown force keeps them in harmony and slowly shifting humans to their final destiny.
Religion was actually started as 'The Government'. The men that wanted to rule had to have something that made them better than 'ordinary men'. One thing that accomplished that was violence, another was Religion/God. Being unquestionable because 'God Wills It' meant people would do anything for their leaders. So they made themselves into the 'hand of God' on earth. Religion is still being used this way today.
Yes but not all the time...
Sometimes you feel that you should go through it and your religion says that it should not be. For example in all religion we are taught that it is sin to kill or harm anyone but there are so many science projects which needs animal or human life to do experiments.
What will you say about it?
People who are non vegetarian are they not religious?
How can we balance both religion and science?
Doctor says eating fish is advantageous for your health. Are they not living creature made by God?
This was one example I have taken. There are so many like this.
So who can balance both?
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
Posting without reading is also blind.
Why do so many people get upset when someone challenges science or claims that it has been made up before? Is this because they have faith in their scientific belief? Sounds kinda religious.
Science can only determine what is, but not what shall be, and beyond its realm, value judgements remain indispensable. Religion, on the other hand, is concerned only with evaluating human thought and actions; it is not qualified to speak of real facts and the relationships between them.
Well, I disagree on religion. I think religion is more about "controlling thoughts" than evaluating them. I disagree on science as well, I think science constantly redefines what realm is.
We must balance and blend the two. Science and Religion. Depends on how far one delves in and what their programmed ego considers correct or accepted upon. Beyond it all is energy pure energy void of emotional or intellectual attachment.
I agree with that. It's when some make absolute claims to why or what created the energy that I disagree with.
The more you delve into science, the more you are convinced that God created it all.
Charles Darwin, in his last days, was convinced he had got it all wrong and was man enough to own up to his folly of propagating his revolutionary evolution theory. The scientific community kept its own counsel and was reluctant to acknowledge Darwin this time with the same enthusiasm it had displayed for the original theory. Perhaps it did feel defiant and did not want to appear foolish by saying yes to Darwin, no matter what he said.
Another shining example of great minds not shying away from retracing their steps, thereby tarnishing their image was provided by the greatest physicist of our times. Stephen Hawking stunned the world recently by debunking his own original theory that light could not escape a black hole and contended that it could just do it.
Be that as it may but, how did the atoms and molecules perceive the external agency gravity and its pulling everything down to the ground and "design" the human anatomy with mouth at a higher level at one end and the anus at a lower level at the other end facilitating the exit of excreta without any contortionist act involved?
Cell division does not answer this either. Cells just latch on to the next cell and bond together to form whatever they form. How did the individual cell decide they had to form a liver or a pancreas? Had cells been that intelligent, why did the cells in lowly creatures stop at being in animals and did not evolve further and strive to become higher life? For, if atoms and molecules had been so intelligent, the cells which are a collection of atoms with their consequent collective wisdom should have worked overtime to achieve this.
In deed, why do cells in cows and cats, even after witnessing the cells in man, the highest of all creations, want to remain trapped in a cow or a cat? Do not tell me they see what fine mess man got himself and them into with his 'intelligence' and had thought better of it! Come to think of it, it could well be the case!
So some one had to act the catalyst. The smart question "Who Created God" has no answer but that is just one of many million questions we do not have answer for!
Kristians Kreating Konflikt.
It is OK to lie for jeebus huh? 'Cause that is the message you are giving. Thank you for once again reminding me that Kristians have no moral or ethical standards.
Defend Kristianity at all Kosts!!!!
Mark, thank you but you haven't put forward any arguments to refute my thesis
And, where is the lie, pray?
Everything I said about Darwin and gravity and cells bonding is true.
It's not about any lies it's about you and your beliefs. The new chic is piling on Christians, it has nothing to with substance.
It is all about substance. Read a history book or a newspaper. Come on man - educate yourself. It is not that hard.
Kristians Kreating Konflikt
Well believe it or not I know how to read and I do quite a bit of it. How about you go to church and find out what all the fuss is about. If you'd like I can find a church in your area that you can sit in on. We invite investigators to come anytime. You'll be surprised we don't discuss politics at all. We talk about bible lessons and our testaments. We also talk about service projects and families. Let me find one of churches in your area and go see for your self. I can arrange a home visit if you like.
Find out what all the fuss is about? LOL
You mean like centuries of serial child abuse in Ireland by teh clergy?
Taking native American and Australian aboriginal children from their parents?
Attacking scientific knowledge because it goes against certain religious doctrine and teaching this to children too young to think for themselves?
How many rights fix the wrongs?
Never really understood the "I will pretend X did not happen because Y happened as well," argument other than as an irrational defense against an argument against an irrational religion.
I am not interested in studying the bible with you or listening to you tell me how clever you are for choosing your particular flavor of religiosity.
There is no shortage of religious institutions where I live. I suspect the churches per square mile are far greater here than in your neck of the woods.
The Mosques are starting to outnumber them and the tension is rising between the two groups. We have had several religiosity riots lately and France now has laws against some Muslim clothing.
Not that the newspapers are allowed to report them.
We're alittle different, our church is full of professionals. We have some of the most talented people in our community and these people still go out and roll up their sleeves work side by side with everyone else. Our doctrine says we are not allowed to critisize any other religion. Almost all of our youg men earn they're Eagle scout badge and our young women are always involved in community service. We have a huge missionary program and we send people all around the world. We never ask for donations everything we have is raised within our congregation. You should come for a visit it's always better when you're there.
"We're alittle different, our church is full of professionals."
The other christians are just peasants. Thanks for the prideful clarification.
I think God has a problem with bearing false witness, I never said anything about us vs them. My reference to the make up of our congregation was to point out that we're not a bunch of ignorant dolts as you may feel we are.
No - you are apparently a bunch of lawyers, doctors, stock brokers and bankers. Great. Pretty sure I prefer the ignorant dolts.
Good for you.
So - you do not identify with the Kristian I was speaking to then? You are a different sort of Kristian. A genuine christian no less. All professionals huh? Interesting - do you have to take a test to get in?
Now - when I am knocking the other sort of Kristians - you know the ones - why do you feel the need to defend them?
I assume you feel that attacking science and teaching children that they will burn in hell if they do not believe is OK - seeing as you feel the need to defend those people. Why is that?
I have seen you attacking anyone that expresses a liberal opinion that is not in line with a religious/conservative Kristian opinion.
You even sent me a personal note telling me I should stop criticizing christians.
You have even started threads attacking "liberals" and homosexuality.
But this is OK because your church has professionals in it and you spend a lot of money sending people around the world in an effort to convert them to your religion.
We are their to help them be the best they can be and to raise good leaders for the future. Leaders that realize theyre roll in their communities and the world. We want everybody to join with us and fight the moral challenges that face us all.
No one that actually "delves" into science would ever come to that conclusion. Only faith believers who know very little or nothing at all about science would make such a statement.
What's even worse are when believers make up stories to support their statements. Sad indeed when they are compelled to stoop down to the level of fabricating lies.
I'm almost sure you have no idea what Hawking radiation is but are still compelled to fabricate another lie.
You know nothing about evolution, either.
You can wake up one who is sleeping. Not one pretending to be asleep.
Do some google search and it will be news to you about Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking. You will be surprised but will still be adamant.
That is alright, I assure you
I am not surprised whatsoever by your lack of understanding and fabrications. What's so sad is that your religion compels you to do such things.
But I am surprised that you blindly refuse to at least do the research, sure in your false beliefs.
Uh, I don't need to do research into the fabrications of Christians, my friend. They are all to obvious and blatant and demonstrate an extreme aversion to reality.
Well, I rest my case, tired, really. God Bless you, my friend
Yes, what you've accomplished is to fabricate stories of concepts for which you have little or no understanding. Had you attempted to actually made a case, you would have provided legitimate sources for your claims about Darwin, you would have demonstrated how Hawking debunked his theory and shown the math too, you would have had an actual understanding of evolution before spouting gibberish.
Instead, you simply dismissed it all and told me to go off and do the research myself.
Hence, you have only demonstrated intellectual dishonesty and fabrications of stories.
If you actually do believe in your god, you should believe that he will judge you harshly for doing such things.
And that, my friend, is the only case you've made.
You are a science warrior aren't you? I think you follow religiously.
Four Catholic ladies are having coffee together. The first one tells her friends, "My son is a priest. When he walks into a room, everyone calls him 'Father'."
The second Catholic woman chirps, "My son is a Bishop. Whenever he walks into a room, people say, 'Your Grace'."
The third Catholic woman says smugly, "My son is a Cardinal. Whenever he walks into a room, people say, 'Your ence'."
The fourth Catholic woman sips her coffee in silence. The first three women give her this subtle "Well.....?"
She replies, "My son is a gorgeous, 6'2", hard bodied . When he walks into a room, people say, 'Oh my God...'."
Mark, we are on completely different planes. You are talking about the people who say they practice religion but go against Christ's teaching. I am talking about Christianity as it is meant to be practiced.
And being a christian in the "Way it is meant to be practiced," involves attacking scientific knowledge in what can only be described as an "intellectually dishonest" fashion, how exactly?
And, mark, why this obsession with Capital K? Is it meant to be an insult? Just wondering, that's all. You can insult all you want.
Or, is it patronizing?
Either way it is fine by me.
In fact, thank you
God is tired, worn out. So he speaks to St. Peter, "You know, I need a vacation. Got any suggestions where I should go?"
St. Peter, thinking, nods his head, then says, "How about Jupiter? It's nice and warm there this time of the year."
God shakes His head before saying, "No. Too much gravity. You know how that hurts my back."
"Hmmm," St. Peter reflects. "Well, how about Mercury?"
"No way!" God mutters, "It's way too hot for me there!"
"I've got it," St. Peter says, his face lighting up. "How about going Down to Earth for your vacation?"
Chuckling, God remarks, "Are you kidding? Two thousand years ago I went there, had an affair with some nice Jewish , and they're STILL talking about it!"
A middle aged woman has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she has a near-death experience. During that experience she sees God and asks if this is it. God says no and explains that she has another 30-40 years to live.
Upon her recovery she decides to just stay in the hospital and have a face lift, liposuction, breast augmentation, and a tummy tuck. She even has someone come in and change her hair colour. She figures that since she's got another 30 or 40 years she might as well make the most of it.
She walks out the hospital after the last operation and is killed by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital.
She arrives in front of God again and asks, "I thought you said I had another 30-40 years?"
God replies, "Sorry, I didn't recognize you."
This is a waste of time you know how I feel and you don't like it. Thats ok but I still love you and will pray you'll be inspired to come visit us.
Science and Religion go hand in hand... But religion has had its significance much before Science and thats a fact.
by SparklingJewel 16 years ago
So I borrowed this idea from Misha to start a new thread.For me, I can give one particular instance where I think science and religion/spirituality are complementary, as crossing each other's boundaries. When I think of energy; where Kirlian photography has proven the existence of the energy...
by pburger 13 years ago
A science paper is supposedly objective truth. But if language is the medium of expression, and all language is subjective, how objective the language of science?
by Rakim Cheeks 9 years ago
How come Science and Religion are always going against each other?
by Jefsaid 13 years ago
Science and religion has led to mass social order and material advancements. Arguably, these were necessary developments in our human evolution. However, in either case, they have set rules to the understanding of our existence based on human decisions that have dictated these two...
by marinealways24 14 years ago
Where is common ground between science and religion? Will there always be science vs religion for their opposing views? I think science and religion have a lot more in common than some would like to believe.
by Adamowen 10 years ago
Can both science & religion coexist together? what is your opinion?
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