would world without religion but with moral teaching without using religion be better place to live or do you think it would be worst ?..
If one of the major problems with religions is the corruption of power by man, I cannot see how leaning 100% on mans "good sense" could be better.
Can you explain how it is possible for any knowledge to be passed on other than from man-to-man? In other words, even religion leans 100% on man's "good sense" to accurately pass on lessons that are "hoped" to be from some godhead figure.
Reality is that no godhead figure penned a single word and every single religious idea held dear is based on reliance on man's "good sense" that he understood correctly and passed along correctly inspired words from generation to generation.
Have you ever played the game of 'Chinese Whispers ?"
A message passed by word of mouth along the trenches during World War One;
"Send reinforcements we're going to advance !" By the time it got half a mile it became;
“Send three and four-pence we’re going to a dance !”
(Old pre decimal British coinage 3 shillings and four pence ). Just in case you were wondering.
Do you know why and when this much languages are comming to this WORLD.
GOD Shattered the peoples language .
But devil create many path to cofuse people to rech GOD.Because devil got permission to tempt all.
We have to choose.
That only works if religion exists. If there was no religion ever taught in this world, nobody would know that God or the Devil existed.
But, it would also make Halloween really boring!!
@jay you mean to say there is match going on between god and devil...both are playing around with devil creating hurdles with permission of god...then why should humans suffer because of god or devil's fun..it is their problem...all humans must be given direct ticket to heaven..if god can't control devil or goes one step further and permits devil...it is god on whom onus should be and not humans...
Riligion serves a good purpose, but it depends on which side you stand you are able to see or not see...
For religion as it presently exist do achieve a good purpose temporarily but it wars against the ultimate Good purpose of its creation which was from the very beginning.
There are some within who are just as blinded as those without,
and some without as blinded as those within.
Simply because they cannot see outside of life and death cycle,which is temporary.
To look into the everlasting and Ultimate, which is True LIFE.
Which is as plain as the difference between 0 and 1
While it is a biological imperative for human beings to form groups (which aid survival) there will always be 'outsiders'. Us + Them + Limited Resources = Conflict.
Currently that conflict is rationalised with such terms as 'politics', 'religion', 'patriotism', 'freedom' etc. Therefore fundamentally changing human nature, or developing unlimited resources (ending the need for money), or both can end conflict. But simply removing the rationalisations we use for it, can't.
I have no doubt human beings will harm each other on any pretext. We've killed 'others' for being a different shade of colour for goodness sake. Religion will just be replaced by some other rationalisation. Another way to define 'us' and 'them'. To end conflict we need to end the need for an 'us' and 'them'.
It's for this reason I think the whole anti-religion movement is wasted energy. Religion my be an immediate cause of conflict, but it isn't the underlying cause. Eradicating the immediate cause while leaving the underlying causes in place isn't solving anything. Better, I think, to use the energy mitigating the effects of religion by developing some kind of unity of purpose between the religious and non religious who (together) should oppose the extremist (religious or political) in order to carve some kind of liveable peace.
Then hopefully, given advancements in technology, the underlying causes may be addressed. The ability to create renewable unrestricted energy would be a step in the right direction.
The underlying causes are the deliberate and systematic, artificial rationing of resources. The big political religions are major players in the game, which goes back to the beginning of "civilization."
There is no real difference between religion and nationalism. These are artificial divisions created in order to divide and conquer. Religion has always been one of the most powerful tools in the arsenal of those who benefit from this. Central banks and royal families/political parties are the other players in the game.
Going up against the central banks or Big Government/Royal Lines just gets you killed. The polish PM is a good recent example and JKF another. I believe that educating people not to need or accept the idea of a god instructing them will eventually free us from the other two players also. And you have to start somewhere.
You do not. But - you do not seem to understand the game that is being played either. We could have all the renewable unrestricted energy we want tomorrow - but where is the profit in that? The religions are currently the weakest of the trinity and need to be taken out in order to get at the other two. You know my chosen weapon.
Perhaps a futile attempt to change things? Probably - but at least I feel I am doing something because what you are apparently attempting to do has no effect. Everything you say to the religionists gets lost in a sea of righteousness and incomprehension.
I think you are right about taking out the weak link. Religion at its very base is little more than a device to get us looking UP, then the controller stands in the 'light' and dictates down to us. The effect is to give them up there some kind of divine right or special position of respect - when of course they are normally the least divine or deserving of respect and the most self serving. The same goes for royalty.
i am glad that you feel that way but really let me introduce you to irony... you are doing nothing.....except venting your anger....yes the post was futile.
and ironically enough anything religionists say to you either gets us bad mouthed or gets lost in some fancy denial indoctrination that every atheist seems to be brainwashed with.
but my hats off to you.
I agree. I also hold the exploration of space in the same light. It is a hopeful AND fascinating task. The collective effort to develop the technologies to move our newly enlightened and peacefully cooperative species outward to other worlds. The location of new places and resources would take some of the pressures off of us and make for less reasons to kill each other in the name of survival (or power or greed). Religion is just a banner under which those fights can be waged.
Christ-likeianity has no interest in space, except to look at. Seems to us that whatever is out there is under Gods control, whether it be a malicious asteroid or solar flares. To us God is not in the universe, the universe is in God.
So on that note: The amount of money saved by all space programs, excluding the hubble telescope cuz its cool to look at Gods canvas, would be extraordinary and we CHRISTIANS who are striving to live Christ-like lives can direct all that wasted money on space stations, rockets etc, etc. into feeding the poor in Africa or whatever.
Not too mention, lol, since rockets are no longer punching holes through the ozone layer....we could be praying that God fix the ozone layer.
I am of the opinion that it takes all kinds to make the world balanced.
Are we better off without it, no. Would we be better off if everyone was the same? NO, no, no, no.
That's my opinion anyways. It takes all kinds.
I agree with you.
Nothing should be forced on anybody; one should be convinced at heart and mind.
We don't need religion, or religious leaders to tell us who we should love or hate, kill or ignore.
What we need is a return to a decent social structure built around the family and the community.
that's just what God wanted.
What makes you think people can do this without God.
cain killed abel when God wasn't around, before that, 0 murders.
Face it the only reason atheists don't swear at christians on hubpages is because we have a moderator who will ban them.
And this is only hubpages and these are not christians with the tempers or the continuous negative input.
So what factual basis do you have to say that man can govern themselves better without God since really this is what man is doing anyway. Do you not believe in power corrupting? and will you also take away power?
The world would probably be better without religion!
The thought that I will KILL God's creation because one does not believe in God in a certain way just shows that Self Mutilation is what takes place.
I believe we all are GOD in that there is only one source of life!
The beauty is to freely experiment different ways to experience it.
In the end God IS the robber , the victim, the cop and the judge, the etc...
It wouldn't allow anyone to receive salvation through the saving power of Jesus.
Not to be funny, however can we prove anyone has ever been saved!! Or does it go to a belief...
After you pray the sinners prayer and become saved through jesus christ, you tell us. We have to experience the different ways of being god, remember.
For me religion is a sort of social addiction. I can live without it.
Moral teaching without religion will be better place to live?
I think Yes. A good example could be the great men of history...from Aristotle to Einstein, most of them had forsaken their religion & contributed to human knowledge at its pick!
Another example could be Buddhism in its prime form. That is which emphasizes more on self improvement than serving personal Gods. As a result we find a faith system which is less corruptible & less violent than the other world religions.
But unfortunately, most of us are not ready for such world. You can see that in the responses given above. However, I personally believe we will learn gradually from our past mistakes & will eventually create such world.
Better without it. I think you can not truly believe what you want to until you feel it personally. I have struggled with hypocrits who would reach on sunday and then not even follow what they preach. i finally found peace with God in my own way without anyone telling me what to believe. Religion can steer many people away from the truth. Religion is like politics, it is all about power and money.
Still yelling I see.
You should strengthen your argument rather than raise your voice.
earnestshub I do not know how to strengthen my arguement. IT IS WHAT IT IS. IF ANYBODY HAS A BETTER WAY THEN PLEASE LET US KNOW ABOUT IT. THANK YOU.
Beelzedad THANK YOU. NO CHARGE. I FEEL YOUR LOVE. I AM THINKING AND WHAT I COME UP WITH IS THIS. Example: In my life I am love peace free and during the course of the day I come across the opposites of this in the events of everyday living on the earth. AS long as I do not react to these other events that occur outside of LOVE PEACE FREE and I stay in LOVE PEACE FREE, then these other events just bounce off of me and I do not get the results of not being love peace free like the other person is reaping as a result of not being LOVE PEACE FREE. THANK YOU. AMAZING WHAT THINKING CAN DO WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT. HAHAHA ETC...
There is nothing wrong with religion; if understood correctly world must be better with a religion than without; it is the politics or people using name of religion for doing things which is not the teaching of the Religion.
I think it is the same thing as the advancement of science or technology is used for destruction of the human beings;while it is for the betterment of the human beings.
Islam is a religion of war as is the bible. Chocka full of threats and killing by the sky fairy.
Religion is all about hate and intolerance.
I don't know what it is, but, I have a hard time reading a post that has a lot of ALL CAPS in it. Anybody else got that problem?
It is not a problem for me, I just don't read them.
As for the topic at hand, the only religion that the world can do without is that of the mystic sort. And, YES! It would be better.
The word "religion" can be applied to ordinary tasks. Therefore, ridding the world of religion completely in all forms is impossible.
Depends on what is meant by "religion," and also what is meant by "better or worse." "Better" to someone might mean more violent, if that's what their religion calls for, for example.
But assuming we are dealing with a humanistic conception of the good, and assuming we define "religion" as a belief system based on blind faith in unprovable claims, then the answer is obviously that the world would be better off.
But the thing is, the religions of the world are only the most obvious and in-your-face examples of blind faith belief systems with unprovable claims. So if people are really against religion because of its negative effects, we have to remember that there are many other philosophies, schools of thought, ideologies and types of thinking that can have a really negative effect, too.
Religion can be very virulent, but it is really a symptom, not the disease.
Don W wrote:
I have no doubt human beings will harm each other on any pretext. We've killed 'others' for being a different shade of colour for goodness sake. Religion will just be replaced by some other rationalisation. Another way to define 'us' and 'them'. To end conflict we need to end the need for an 'us' and 'them'.
Paarsurrey wrote:
I agree with you.
Religion is not the root of problems we are facing the people are. All religions teach us to be compassionate towards fellow human beings and do whatever we can do to make this world a better place to live in.
From Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper:
"Just weeks after the arrest of alleged Jewish terrorist, Yaakov Teitel, a West Bank rabbi on Monday released a book giving Jews permission to kill Gentiles who threaten Israel.
Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro, who heads the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in the Yitzhar settlement, wrote in his book "The King's Torah" that even babies and children can be killed if they pose a threat to the nation. "
The good news is that two more prominent rabbis recommeded the book.
Have you heard of Holy Wars. - Like an Oxymoron.
100 million Africans were killed during slavery under religion.
Religion was alive and well at the time.. But slavery happened under the name of greedy economics.
Religion was not the deciding factor.
Guilty by association yes. Responsible NO.
Slavery was the dividing issue between Baptist and Southern Baptist
Slavery would not have been possible without the authority of religion that consigned the 'others' to being inferior, not human. Religion was and is complicit in slavery and domination of all kinds.
I have to respectfully disagree.
Religion didn't intervene, for this they were guilty.
Back in the 19Th century in America, What percentage of the Christian population actually owned slaves.
I'll bet ya a nickle that there wasn't that many, in proportion to the christian population. I would guess that it wouldn't have been 1%.
Yes, religion did turn a blind eye or a long time. But we should remember that it was the rich folks that owned slaves; and the rich folks that financed the churches.
And the rich folks that was running the country and government and making the laws.
Back then you couldn't buck the system.
Slavery has been going on for ever, and still is today.
I still say that to say that religion caused this and many other conflicts would not be an accurate statement.
But that is just one of many point of views.
I think you have some kind of selective vision - everyone was a christian during the days of slavery, much of the abuse of the slaves took place in the name of religion. The only saving grace that I read anywhere was that one of the freedom routes for slaves after they were supposedly freed, was through a chain of chapels that moved them from the south to Canada.
You might want to brush up your history on this issue.
"Brush up on your History !" Now there's a forlorn hope if ever there was one.
Christian’s do not have a good reputation for reading or accepting their past history, they have a nasty little habit of turning a blind eye, rather than the other cheek, when to it comes to their own part in the violent path their own religion took to spread the word.
Even today most are in denial brainwashed into believing God is good, JC died to rid them of sin so they don’t have to worry about their own sins.... To me Christian is just another word in our language whereas it should be a commitment.
And yet look at the descendants of those slaves today... still living in the same States all flocking to the churches of their previous masters all singing and waving their arms in the air praising a Lord and God that their forefathers probably cursed.
Mark, I think we frighten them with our certainty, that and the fact that religion is for many a crutch without which they can not stand.
For centuries our ancestors worshipped the Sun.... some making daily sacrifices to the Sun in the belief that without that sacrifice the Sun would not rise.
It was extremely brave of someone to stand up and say 'STOP' no more sacrifice, the Sun will still rise tomorrow and it did.
We suggest the same, there is no God, there never was, accept this fact and the Sun will still rise tomorrow.
AP - Yup.
Merlin - at least you don't get burnt at the stake for it any more.
without religion? you mean - etymologically speaking - bound together over a philosophy that deserves credence...that, is religion...
so, what then is the answer?
In the last hundred years, many religions have fallen apart. Their removal from their various societies are growing with every passing day. Are we better off? Use history to answer your question..
well we are definiately better off today than our ancestors..i know many dont think that way...but if we look at history we have had more human rights violation ,more blood sheds , more killing , more women issues in history than we have right now...witch hunt ,cursadors , slavery , killing people in name of god were common in human history...
yes it is there but compare it 100 years before , 200 years before , 500 years before , 1500 years before and so on...there is better rule of law right now and so this is best time according to me...with time things would evolve into more mature ways...
pisean282311 wrote:
would world without religion but with moral teaching without using religion be better place to live or do you think it would be worst ?..
Mankind is what it is.
To replace "Religion" with Government legislation as to what morals should be taught would make no different in the world than what it is today.
Except that we no longer say God dunit, as Mark would put it.
And we would probably have to start each day saying ,,, Mabe today is the day that I become worm food.
Instead of saying; maybe today is the day that the Lord takes me home.
These are the only things that will change if religion were to be done away with.
Unless God has something to say about it.
Not sure anybody suggested that religion be replaced with or by Government legilation.... that would definately be out of the frying pan and into the fire as far as I'm concerned.
Nor did I see anyone say religion should be done away with other than by the people themselves finally realising what a complete con it is and has been.
Why do we constantly need people to tell us what to do or how to think or make our decisions for us ?
If you elect a srong Government to protect the land from your enemies then that Government is going to find someone to fight just to justify its existence.
Be honest, hasn't the various religions done exaxtly the same, created enemies to fight for exactly the same reason ?
would world without religion but with moral teaching without using religion be better place to live or do you think it would be worst ?..
Merlin Fraser wrote
Not sure anybody suggested that religion be replaced with or by Government legislation.... that would definitely be out of the frying pan and into the fire as far as I'm concerned.
Nor did I see anyone say religion should be done away with other than by the people themselves finally realising what a complete con it is and has been.
So you are suggesting anarchy?
six billion people establishing their own moral code?
Government establishes Moral code; they are called LAWS..
They already do that.
So, the only difference in a world without religion and such as it is today would be that I Guess; that it would be against the law to say GOD dunnit.??
Or would that be OK unless there were more that two people gathered together saying it?
The worlds ill will would thrive.
Nothing will have changed without religion Unless
as I said before .... unless God had something to say about it.
We can't do any better for our selves by killing hope.
That aint funny.
God does have something to say about it. Be love be peace be free and see what kind of results that you get in your life here on earth. This is true religion and you do not need a book written to be love peace free. This is the true nature of human beings that GOD created man with so that man can have fellowship with GOD forever and ever in his presence. Thank you. Go in peace.
your god has never ever ever said ANYTHING, the only words have been written and said by pompous morons who would speak FOR their so-called god.
What is the name of the Religion mentioned in the above passage and on what basis? Please
Don't you just feel sorry for whoever that might be !
Poor bugger can't be having any fun!
I am having plenty of fun being LOVE PEACE FREE. Thank you. Go in peace.
So you think you are the ONE.... How wonderfully conceited of you to think your God spends all his time looking out for you.
Mind you, having checked you out it does seem you are a bit of a one trick pony around here.. so good luck to you.
@jay watching person...now what is HE watching?..
world without religion : better or worst?
World without a Revealed relgion is definitely going to be worse; and would be still more worst in the hereafter.
interestingly in one of scriptures time zone of god and humans differ to many many years and not just thousand...
Did anyone else notice that the Planet Kolob
backwards is BOLOK ?
Now THAT makes even more sense !!!
Here are a few to choose from.
There were fourteen generations from Abraham to David
Matt 1:17
There were but thirteen generations from Abraham to David
Matt 1:2-6
There were fourteen generations from the Babylonian captivity
to Christ. Matt 1:17
There were but thirteen generations from the Babylonian
captivity to Christ Matt 1:12-16
both times i counted each i got 14.
you need to underline each with a marker and then count them.
all is fine here.
matt 1:12-16.
jechoniah, salathiel, zorobabel, abiud, eliakim, azor, sadoc, achim, eliud, eleazar, matthan, jacob, joseph, jesus = 14
matt 1:2-6
abraham, isaac, jacob, judas, phares, esrom, aram, aminadab, naasson, salmon, booz, obed, jesse, david = 14
If a man would follow, today, the teachings of the Old Testament, he would be a criminal. If he would follow strictly the teachings of the New, he would be insane.
-- Robert G. Ingersoll
I must confess that I simply cannot understand why we ignore everything over a thousand years old except religious stories.
If we remember anything else that old it is because it has some sort of historical interest or significance yet huge numbers of otherwise sensible people obsess about inaccurate unsubstantiated stories written about an equally obscure group of nomads who though the Earth was flat.
I have no idea who coined the phrase that JC was some sort of shepherd because whoever it was, was spot on .... Christian’s are very much sheep like in their total lack of original or free thought and seem to have a flock following mentality.
I have been blown away by some of the hypocrisy and statements that are megalomanic.
and yet i am neither a criminal or insane, just the opposite in fact and actuality, but i do perceive insanity all around me. lol
happens...we are programmed to see all problem lies out of us and not is us...that is being human and religion doesnot change that...at core we all all same..
I'm not too religious person. But I think existence of religions is good for the world. Otherwise the world will be worst than that. But I can't accept doing bad things in the name of religions.
There is nothing wrong with religion; if understood correctly world must be better with a religion than without; it is the politics or people using name of religion for doing things which is not the teaching of the Religion.
I think it is the same thing as the advancement of science or technology is used for destruction of the human beings;while it is for the betterment of the human beings.
world without religion : better or worst?
Religions do have their faults, as does any organization!
To really think about it though; If religion had never come into the world, a great void would have existed which something else would have filled.
I shudder when I think about what that might have been.
well why do you shudder...may be we never looked at possible alternative to religion...may be we could have found more inclusive model than my god only god theme which creates conflicts...may be we could have had better way for directing human race...
The post was speaking of any form of religion, I thought? Even if everyone that believed in God followed one doctrine
I was thinking on the lines of replacing religion with the actual presence of the creator.
Any other choice for filling the empty void would be worse than religions ; ..In my opinion.
ok...i got your point...but replacing religion with actual presence of creator is difficult task...because everyone has his/her version of creator and there is no consensus...yes most people believe that there is one god irrespective of religion they follow...but books make thinks difficult...
your point is correct though...leaving void is not right thing..but guess having moral code and teaching that since childhood might just work...but for that too we need consensus...
I can't imagine how it would be worse. Not living one's life through a myth would have to be an improvement.
Most of the world is religious. Happy with the world how it is then are we?
world without religion : better or worst?
It will surely be worst
Look a word up. Makes you look more intelligent. RELIGION: A belief, set of beliefs, or a belief system, by which you live your daily life. You couldn't even hold a job w/o it. You actually mean CERTAIN, INDIVIDUAL GROUPS who don't follow your set of beliefs by which you live your daily life. Now, isn't that really what you mean?
by Knight6 13 years ago
what do you think the world would be like without religion and why?this question is for all believers and nonbelievers
by Alina-Cristina 8 years ago
How would our world be like without religion?Would humans be able to find inside a moral compass to guide them towards good?
by Elizabeth 12 years ago
What do you think a world without religion would look like? Would it be better or worse? How?
by Dwight Phoenix 9 years ago
Would the world be a better place without religion?A lot of persons always speak bad of religion and how it's just a flurry of confusion to turn races and nations against each other and how churches don't really help out at all.But suppose many people wishes came through and all of a sudden there...
by jamhot32 15 years ago
does anyone else believe that the world would be a better place without religion?
by Thomas Byers 11 years ago
Would The World be A Better Place With Out Religion?I see all the fighting over Jesus and religion and I often wonder if the world wouldn't be a better place with out religion. After all no one has ever proved that God exists have they? What do you think?
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