As we are now entering into the busy travel season which will subject an increasingly large number of people to being sexually molested at airports by "screeners", this is a good time to familiarize ourselves with the relationship between terrorism and Muslims,which airport screeners are prevented by law from giving "enhanced screening" to,choosing instead to primarily focus their absolutely astonishing obscene attention on to "random search" victims.
Ever since the 9/11 attack on New York City,periodically political commentators have wondered in the media why
"moderate Muslims" do not speak out to condemn terrorism,not realizing that Muslims are required by their faith to support acts of terrorism.For that reason,the alarming truth is:THE ONLY TRULY SAFE MUSLIM IS A BAD MUSLIM.
In a valiant but perhaps naive attempt to try to get the federal government to focus its sexually perverted interest on real terrorist threats instead of the innocent victims of totally absurd and now totally off the wall obscene and completely unconstitutional government harassment.
Ok here you go;these are just a very small sample of the teachings from Mohammad who Muslims must obey to remain faithful to their religion:
Qur'an:59:2 "It was Allah who drove the [Jewish] People of the Book from their homes and into exile. They refused to believe and imagined that their strongholds would protect them against Allah. But Allah came at them from where they did not suspect, and filled their hearts with terror. Their homes were destroyed. So learn a lesson, O men who have eyes. This is My warning...they shall taste the torment of Fire.Bukhari:V4B52N220 "Allah's Apostle said, 'I have been made victorious with terror.'" Qur'an:8:12 "I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle." Qur'an:8:57 "If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned." Ishaq:326 "If you come upon them, deal so forcibly as to terrify those who would follow, that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by terrorizing Allah's enemies." Qur'an:8:67 "It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughter in the land." Ishaq:588 "When the Apostle descends on your land none of your people will be left when he leaves." Tabari I:42 "We have been dealt a situation from which there is no escape. You have seen what Muhammad has done. Arabs have submitted to him and we do not have the strength to fight. You know that no herd is safe from him. And no one even dares go outside for fear of being terrorized." Ishaq:326 "Allah said, 'No Prophet before Muhammad took booty from his enemy nor prisoners for ransom.' Muhammad said, 'I was made victorious with terror. The earth was made a place for me to clean. I was given the most powerful words. Booty was made lawful for me. I was given the power to intercede. These five privileges were awarded to no prophet before me.'" Ishaq:327 "Allah said, 'A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.'" Qur'an:7:3 "Little do you remember My warning. How many towns have We destroyed as a raid by night? Our punishment took them suddenly while they slept for their afternoon rest. Our terror came to them; Our punishment overtook them."
And for those who have any question about where all this hate-filled trash is originating,they will find their answer here:
Ishaq:510 "When the Apostle looked down on Khaybar he told his Companions, 'O Allah, LORD OF THE DEVILS and what into terror they throw, and Lord of the winds and what they winnow, we ask Thee for the booty of this town and its people. Forward in the name of Allah.' He used to say this of every town he raided."
The Christian faith has not been designed to create success or find pleasure in or even tolerate this world but rather to OVERCOME it!
Thanks for posting this great insight into the world of Islam. Hearing most peaceful Muslims, they are either not aware of this part of the Quran or they interpret it differently. But the last verse by Ishaq says it all.
Like Jesus said,
"You have heard that it was said, `Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."
"You have heard that it was said, `Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,"
Dear me.
Mark, thanks for showing how Jesus never taught terrorism, and actually taught the opposite. We need more facts out there.
If everyone did what he taught, this would be a much better world to live in, there is no denying that much. More love, forgiveness, and peace, praying for those that hurt you? If all did that, that would be the best world.
My bad, I didn't realize all those abortion clinic bombings were the work of muslims. I didn't realize all those abortion doctors were killed by muslim terrorists. I was completely unaware that it was the muslims who spent a century plus terrorizing the blacks here in the south. I'll be honest with you, I had no idea it is terrorists disguised as christians in my home town who seek to keep women as second class citizens. I was also unaware that it was islamic terrorist that attacked a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 in retaliation for 9/11. I was unaware that the baptist church in Virginia that is home to the Army of god, or the Westboro Baptist church are actually islamic houses of worship.
The problem here is that christians tend to view terrorism differently when it's done by fine, upstanding folks like them.
Stump, the difference here is that the people that bomb abortion clinics and all the other things you say, are having to go AGAINST their religion and teachings of Jesus or (whoever) to do that. (If that is directed at christianity I mean). The differences and facts actually matter here. Christianity and Jesus literally teaches opposite of what you describe, where Islam and Muhammad teaches what their most extreme do.
You maybe didn't know, which is why it is important to know what a religion actually teaches, what the prophet actually teaches. Anyone can judge a religion by its heretics. In Islam, you are judging the truest followers for their continual killings over thousands of years.
There is great confusion out there in the world in general among people, in regards to what Islam and Muhammad actually teaches its followers. Its very alarming and playing like this is just another group or religion isn't technically correct.
The peaceful followers of Islam, aren't speaking up against the terrorists actions, and technically those voices (if truly peaceful) should be very loud against the ongoing mass killings of innocents (throughout their whole history, and more recently on US soil and killing several innocent in a Mass the other day). We don't see their voices however, and I think that is telling. Why is that?
Which brings me back to this thread, it is good they know what it teaches, so they can leave the religion if they are against killings of innocent women children and those that just believe differently. The terroristic ways have caused so many to be silent though. Terror is an effective means to control even those that rigidly disagree. The silencing and dumbing down of this is rampant across the world. The ideology and philosophy isn't dead at all. Thank you for helping to educate everyone one, and sharing facts and not just opinions on the matter. No one can argue with the facts.
Out of 190 or so countries in the world America has military bases in 130. It has, at some point, bombed most of the remainder.
The people that you define as terrorists do not see themselves as terrorists. They see themseves as freedom fighters. They also perceive the Us as being the aggressor - America has invaded their countries - they haven't invaded the USA.
Afghanistan is a case in point. When the Mujhideen (the CIA put a data base of this movement's membership together that was entitled 'Al Quaeda') were fighting the Russians America defined them as freedom fighters. Now the Taliban are fighting Nato they are defined as terrorists.
We are in Afghanistan to bring democracy to a backward nation - or so we are being led to believe. This is a lie. We are in Afghanistan to pacify and subjugate a proud and independent people into accepting the dominance of the West. We are there to secure a corridor through Afghanistan so that we (more accurately Unacol - a subsidary of the Carlyle Group - do a bit of googling with those names, I dare you) can build an oil and a gas pipeline from the Caspian Sea out to India and Pakistan.
What is more moderate Muslims are speaking out about the extremists that are out there - its just that no one is listening.
America - it seems - is destined to get its war against Iran. Reading some of the views here it is obvious that the propaganda war has - in large part - already been won. But let 's not kid ourselves about who the 'good' and the 'bad' guys are here. We will be invading Iran to secure the oil. We will end up fighting the entire Muslim World as a consequence. They are not asking for this war - we are thrusting it on them. We are the bad guys.
This kind of mindless hate filled thread shows only the depths of ignorance and stupidity to which kkkristianity has descended.
The current hate campaign against Muslims just replaces the previous hate campaigns against Black people and before them each divided half of kristianity. I guess with all the foundations of your beliefs destroyed only in about 1600 it is taking you guys a while to castch up with the Renaissance huh ??
Hi China, I would kindly encourage you to actually read what both Muhammad and Jesus said and a taught and did. They are night and day.
Its not a hate campaign against Muslims, its about survival from a people that don't stop at anything, not even the saving of their own lives to obey their prophet. People are tired of watching the slaughters, the ongoing never ending slaughters of innocents.
Thank you for this post.
Slowly the western civilizations like France,Switzerland,Danmark and probably others that Im not aware of are realizing how hostile religion is islam, and they are forbiding the building of the new mosque and/or new islamic churches.
About a month ago I spoke with the muslim about the rights of the women.He said that all women are bad by their nature and must be kept in control???
I pointed out that an iranian girl,Aravane Rezai,left Iran with her parents,setled down in France and today she is well known tennis player.There is no muslim women in any sport,if they live in islamic countries.
I think this is tragedy.
It is a crime treating own people,without any proof,like criminals.
Can we please stop bashing Islam and Muslims on this forum? It is getting ridiculous.
Please peddle your hate somewhere else.
Roti, Its actually good that people are posting facts about what Islam Teaches, there is great confusion about what is honestly driving the most extreme of them. I don't have a problem with Muslims. I have a problem with Islam and have studied it a lot.
Because their great Prophet was a warrior, a soldier, a killer. It's part of their DNA.
Never heard of the Crusades or Spanish Inquisition, huh?
Sure I have! Unfortunately for you they weren't led by Jesus and no one bothers to mention they were in response to atrocities by you guessed it, Muslims!
Were you also aware cities were ravaged by the intrepid Christians? They murdered those wearing traditional Middle Eastern garb while being completely unaware they were murdering native Christians! Doh! Who were the terrorists in those events, LL?
Out of context! Are we not killing innocents now? Collateral damage is a consequence of war, but we didn't start this war, and we shouldn't make ourselves victims of this war nor should we apologize for it or rebuild that which we've destroyed. We should use everything, every weapon, all our might to defeat this enemy quickly once and for all!
Don't dare to answer, I see!
Tell this to the Native Americans, both in North and South America! Pretending Christianity is guiltless in these historical events does nothing to change the past, or future for that matter!
There is absolutely no difference in either religion, both think they are right and both are equally guilty of causing much strife and death over the centuries because of their narrow minded and self serving beliefs.
Except it is Muslims that are attacking us! That's who we should be searching at airports if we're going to even allow them to fly! I'd like to see Sasha and Malia groped in the name of political correctness and "safety"!
No one is being groped. You are lying again.
Right you are. Iraq and Afghanistan invaded us. Also Santa Claus is coming soon on his unicorn - have you been naughty this year?
Hint: posting your hateful nonsense could be considered naughty.
Yes Terrosists that trained in Afghanistan attacked us, and Iraq was a threat. That's the facts, not fantasy as you suggest. Our mistake was not launcing a nuke strike on both those countries and wipping out that population of terrorists! It's stupid to try and bring them freedom or to rebuild their defeated nation. They can't even read! They're babarians! The only thing they know is force!
Most of the 9-11 hijackers and planners were Saudis. Why didn't we bomb Saudi Arabia?
Take your time.
So you honestly think that nobody in either Afghanistan or Iraq can read? And you are quite happy to nuke whole populations of innocent men, women and children?
There are terrorists of all religions in the world unfortunately - neither the IRA or ETA are muslim terrorist organisations for instance.
Hey a nuke strike would have made all that oil we went there for inaccessable. That is the normal uneducated christian response in this country. armed with no more information that you get from the Faux News network, you are ready to launch the nukes. What threat did Iraq present to America prior to our invasion of a soverniegn nation?
Never mind Islam...I always wondered just what China and Russia would have done had we lobbed a nuke at Iraq?
Would they have thought we finally snapped and launched their own surgical strikes against us?
I mean a nuke strike by us would have been the perfect "Look! I told you they were monsters!" excuse if they wanted it.
We ain't the only kids on the block with a big stick you know.'s not a "fact"...
"The head of MI5, who knows more than anybody else—except for MI6, foreign intelligence—what was going on, has dismissed all of the claims made by the Bush administration and by British Prime Minister Blair, all the claims to justify invading Iraq. They were lies—that's what she really said."
Eliza Manningham-Buller, the former director of MI5 told The Christian Science Monitor that her spy agency warned that Saddam Hussein had no known links to al-Qaeda, that Iraq posed little threat, and that some in a generation of British Muslims had been radicalized by the action.
There was no evidence of any link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida – not even the CIA believed that – Manningham-Buller reminded the inquiry as she pointed to the alternative agenda-driven "intelligence service" set up at the Pentagon by Donald Rumsfeld.
Arguably, she added, it was the US and Britain who, by invading Iraq, "gave Osama bin Laden the Iraqi jihad". … ham-buller
Go see for yourself what christian terrorists are up to. Warning this is a very disgusting official baptist church website.
Go check out the westboro baptist chuch site and explain to me again how all terrorists are muslims. Remember that the bible says god hate America, god hates fags, and god parties like it's 1999 when an American soldier dies.
Quit trying to whitewash the brutal history of your religion. It was after all done in god's name.
Stump, anyone can always find people that go against their religion and do awful things. Its like judging a religion by its heretics. The extreme of Islam, are true followers of their teachings and prophets though.
Randy, the people of the Spanish Inquisition had to go against what is taught by Christianity to carry out what they did. They had to go against what Jesus taught.
Also if you notice, the followers of Islam haven't stopped even now, the religion has never evolved away from what Muhammad taught. Christianity didn't evolve away from what it was taught, but just saying that even if it was wrong back in history for Islam to try to force conversion at the tip of a sword, why are they still killing for their god daily now? That isn't right, and facts and education on the matter is important.
For a start I don't think most terrorists are Muslim. If you look internationally at all groups using mass murder to imtimidate, they come from all religions and none at all.
Before Russian Revolution terrorism was videly developed in Russia and I should say "popular" there. Now they are too busy with all kind of social problems I think
Every political power uses religion as a tool to achieve something. Any Religion is a very convenient element of power as it allows a very broad diversification of it. Religion keeps masses at bay, in control, in submission. A perfect tool.
I am appaulled that people are willing to speak so hatefully about a religion many of their fellow Hubbers hold dear. It is nothing but rank prejudice and hate speech.
Even if it were true that most terrorists are Muslim (which it is not) it is not true that most (or even many) Muslims are terrorists--so there is no basis for such hyprocritcal moral condemnation of a major world religion.
You are never going to wipe out Islam if that is your goal.
If that IS the goal, perhaps we should start with the Muslim U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
As I've mentioned in a couple other threads here, my husband is Muslim and gets pulled aside for a "random" search every second or third time he gets on a plane. Profiling may not be officially condoned, but you can bet your boots it's happening.
Secondly, the majority of the American Muslim community has consistently denounced Islamic terrorism. The extremists are louder, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say. Moderate Muslims outnumber extremists in this country by factors of tens or hundreds, but a bunch of people going about their lives and trying to build a new life for themselves in American society isn't "newsworthy."
Rabid, spittle emitting mullahs and people who claim sharia law obligates them to repeatedly rape their wives fit much more neatly into the government, the military-industrial complex, and the corporate media's narrative, which is designed to keep the American people cowed and frightened so we keep our mouths shut while we continue to spend more than half our entire national budget on military and "security" spending (like billion dollar bombers that can't fly in the rain) that goes directly into corporate pockets.
"Terrorists are almost all Muslims" exists in the false illustrations of Christianity, Islam, and terrorism...
I think if we speak to the Iranians who lost their national sovereignty bacause of American conceived and paid for terrorism they might see a "Christian" face...or at least an image that tries to show Christianity while really showing sure signs of Satanism...
The "Muslims are the terrorists" as long as people are unaware of the School of the Americas......and they don't know of the kidnappings and murders in places like El Salvador, in Honduras...and around the world...
"Muslims are the terrorists" if we remain unaware of Shell Oil and its complicity in the murders of Ogoni leaders who were fighting peacefully for increased rights on their own land.....
Of course....if we commonly knew that Shell Oil (and similar others) in fact are terrorist organizations themselves....perhaps they would find MOAB bombs falling on their headquarters...instead of fruitlessly (and wastefully) bombing away the mountains (and indigenous people) of Afghanistan.....
United Fruit.......another "non-Muslim" face of American "Christian" terrorism....that lives on today....
Anyone who by their actions causes terror in another is a terrorist. Their Religion is irrelevant, there have been and continue to be people being terrorized by people of all persuasions.
Reality, excellent points. Whoever is committing terrorists acts should stop. Religion truly is irrelevant. What may come as a surprise to many is that it is actually taught in their scriptures and by their prophet.
The only thing that I can say for certain is that all terrorists are HUMAN and it is HUMANITY that bastardizes religion for their own means.....blame MAN not Religion...
I agree all terrorists are human! Great point!
Reported as hate speech. This is stupid. Open your eyes - there are plenty of Christian terrorists. In fact some of the greatest atrocities in history have been committed by Christians in the name of Christ: the genocide of Native peoples around the world, the inquisitions, witch burnings, the KKK, and on and on.
Why are almost all terrorists muslims? Because, a certain sect is the only one who has declared a religious war on others.
Christianity did centuries ago, so I guess it is the muslim's turn.
Cagsil, what some christians did long ago would not be supported in their scriptures, nor by Jesus. On the other hand, the ongoing terror over the centuries by followers of Islam (note I didn't say muslims) IS supported and encouraged by Islam's Scriptures and by their prophet. Huge difference.
William, and Jesus would have been the first to condemn all terrorism like you post above. Not true with Islam's prophet, it was taught and supported.
It's probably a naive opinion, but they could at least stop covering their faces all the time? What is it? What are they hiding? No wonder, people are confused!
See my problem?
Americans who:
- bomb abortion clinics
- fly planes into IRS buildings because they don't like the IRS
- bomb banks because they don't like the federal government
- bomb Mosques because they don't like Muslims...
...are they not terrorists? (All these things happened in the last few years.)
Oh wait, sorry, I forgot... they don't fit into the Islam bashing agenda of "Muslims are terrorists," so of course they're not.
There are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. If 0.00001% of them choose to do horrible things, that means the other 99.99999% are guilty by association? Makes perfect sense! So by that logic, all Americans are terrorists.
It is all about judging other people's religions. Ironically, many of those judging the Muslim religion are not following the words of the main character in their oft quoted novel.
Sort of like all of the obese ministers preaching to their flock! They never dwell upon the sin of gluttony during their sermons! I was once told "a preacher's belt is merely a leather fence around a chicken graveyard."
I have many Muslims that I consider friends. I have never met a violent Muslim personally.
We need to treat each other as human beings and we need to stop grouping people into a label, it is much easier to spout hatred towards a group then an individual.
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