If it's ok in Christianity to have sex before marriage, ok to live with someone without marriage (like boyfriend or girlfriend), ok to have anal sex with the same gender or the other gender, ok for the brother to sleep with his sister, ok for people to expose most of their bodies (by wearing bikinis for instance), ok to spread wickedness among society, ok for priests to abuse children then:
I don't think it's ok to do those things in Christianity, but in Christianity, like most other religions, it's not about do as I do, but do as I say.
I've driven by many churches with big signs out front that say, "Divorce Counseling"
Isn't that simply one of the many heights of religious hypocrisy?
Beel - I'm pretty sure the counseling entails how to stay married, not how to get a divorce.
The counseling is for the divorced, that's why they call it, "Divorce Counseling"
Perhaps, you're referring to Marriage Counseling?
Thank you couturepopcafe... And Beelzedad it's apparent you have no idea what divorce counseling is. Divorce counseling can be for a single person who was just divorced by their spouse, but they did not want the divorce. It helps the victim deal with their situation of a love lost. It can also help those divorced couples realize what they may be able to do to rekindle their marriage. As the Bible states, divorce is not what God wants, but if those two should be joined back together then all is if it had never happened. The Bible states that when a couple gets married they are meant for each other and no one else. So if one divorces the other and remarries unless it be for fornication or death she or he is subject to adultery. I do believe abuse should be lined in there somewhere, but I was just addressing the adultery topic in the original post.
Really? So, the fact that I said divorce counseling is for those who are divorced means I have no idea what divorce counseling is, even though you just agreed with me.
That's nice. So, divorce isn't a sin?
Alright how about people who have been served divorce papers but are not yet divorced. Will that help you out? Because trust me. The partner service divorce will not want to go to counseling of any sort. Divorce counseling could be an exercise to help those who are being threatened with divorce by their spouse. And where did you get that divorce isn't a sin? Read the Bible and you will find all you need.
That has been stated quite emphatically here by Christians, especially the ones who are or have been divorced.
Seems you agree that divorce is a sin according to the bible, as would I. However, there are a number of divorced Christians who would disagree with the both of us.
Here on these forums, in fact.
then you should be comforted by the revelation that people do what people do even when they are christians, what is keeping you from joining the ranks of people who do as they wish.
Gods word says that divorce is not okay. Except in the specific circumstance of marriage infidelity (sex with other than spouse). Many people are married before they become christians or one person finds God becomes christian and the other non saved spouse wants a divorce.
Indeed the narrow minded thought pattern you have about things is alarming.
There are many reasons people need divorce and marriage counseling but once again you see what you want to see and ignore the rest.
There are situations where divorce is okayd by God but Gods preference is restoration.
The main reason people do what they want to do is because Self still rules and God is second to the Self nature, this is why we are instructed to deny ourselves and take up the cross... but many people find this difficult to do and is often the reason for many people failing at christianity. God is not forceful but gently guides his people and if they display enough resistance he gives them over to the desires of their hearts and hence, we have christians that can be looked upon as "bad christians" but yet, may just be in a wilderness experience while God melts away their resistance.
The bible says husbands love your wives and wives submit to your husbands for the husband is head over the wife AS christ is head over the church. When one person wants the kitchen painted blue and the other white they both need to come to the discussion table and together come to a conclusion about what color needs to occur. In situations other than this simple illustration i have just given you, it is often more complicated than that and conflict occurs, because self is at the front.
Also since Gods ways are not the natural ways of humans, It takes learning to know how to handle a christian marriage. Most people today having been brought up in the age of free sex and a disposable society tend to lean toward this type of resolution concerning marriage whereas Gods ways are more permanent.
I see divorce counseling advertised on many churches. Clearly, there is a lot of divorcing Christians who are going to hell. And, if not for getting divorced, then most certainly for infidelity, as you've pointed out.
And, we will find that is usually not the case in most cases of divorce.
Thank you for sidetracking the discussion and offering up meaningless drivel.
Where did you get your totally mis-guided information from. None of the things you claim to be OK or approved by Christianity is not OK as a matter of fact it is a sin against God. We Christians do not approve any of these sinful ways. Someone has been filling your head with a lot of mis-information. In the computer world this is known as "GIGO" Garbage in....Garbage out.
That's reality, Dave. Those are the things Christians do, and much more than that.
show me proof show me documentation, otherwise all you say is simply conjectutre.
Sure Dave. Here's some statistics on premarital sex, read the conclusions:
"RESULTS: Data from the 2002 survey indicate that by age 20, 77% of respondents had had sex, 75% had had premarital sex, and 12% had married; by age 44, 95% of respondents (94% of women, 96% of men, and 97% of those who had ever had sex) had had premarital sex. Even among those who abstained until at least age 20, 81% had had premarital sex by age 44. Among cohorts of women turning 15 between 1964 and 1993, at least 91% had had premarital sex by age 30. Among those turning 15 between 1954 and 1963, 82% had had premarital sex by age 30, and 88% had done so by age 44.
CONCLUSIONS: Almost all Americans have sex before marrying. These findings argue for education and interventions that provide the skills and information people need to protect themselves from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases once they become sexually active, regardless of marital status."
As far as wearing bikinis and priests who abuse boys, don't you think those are obvious in reality, Dave? Do you need me to put up statistics of those priests, Dave? They are readily available for anyone to see.
Yes, reality sure is conjecture, eh Dave?
Thank you for these stats. These stats are from a poll taken back in 2002. Not very uptodate are they 9 year old stats?
What you don't say is who held the pole?
How many people were polled?
Was the poll just one state or all 50 states, also it is only in the USA.
What about Canada, Great Britain, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, All of Africa, what about all of the Asian countries, such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, what about Australia, and all of the other countries of this world since you are suggesting that it is global.
How many Christian denominations are covered in this survey?
Are these unbias stats or are they collected by Muslims to try and make Christians look bad?
As for Priests, I am a Christian.
Therefore your stats could be considered conjecture produced to degrade another religion.
Get thee behind me satan.
Just because some Christians believe they are right in way-out beliefs doesn't mean others do. Some Christians believe it's ok to kill their babies because God told them to...like the crazy woman who killed all her kids in the tub! But...that doesn't mean "all" Christians believe this way!
Sure, there are some wacko people in the world... with all sorts of crazy beliefs...but that doesn't mean "all" are crazy!
That's the same as saying a man is the member of the US Army and kills his wife... does that mean one should say "all Army men kill their wives?" I don't think so... just because you have one or even a few people who do things against the law or Christianity doesn't mean "all" of those groups do it!
Sin is sin! The Bible clearly points out what sin is... those who look past those verses to live however they want are sinning in doing that! But that is their right... it's between them and God!
You would rather argue about the specifics of these stats than, for a moment, consider them to be a reality? If there's one thing that should be obvious is that religious preachings and reality have never matched.
I like your thoughts there, Simeon; but then they lead us to the idea of singular reality; who's to say? Surely lots of preachers or religious leaders are charlatans, but some are sincere, and perhaps there is no singular reality, but rather, greater truths, and so; should that be the case, then some sincere preacher's perception of reality could be valid for him, but not for either you or I.
From your responses in this post, it would appear you really didn't look at it. The stats are from the early 50's right up to 2003, Dave. It covers almost 50 years of trends.
Are you actually suggesting things have changed radically since then?
Hilarious, Dave. I can see that no fact in reality has any bearing on your life and your belief system whatsoever.
Are you stating that I'm Satan, Dave? Do you think yourself so superior to me as to make such a statement?
Your posts show well beyond a shadow of a doubt that religions are very, very dangerous for mankind, Dave.
Hi Dave. You seem like a nice guy, but just for the record the Catholics are Christian too. Did you mean you're a Protestant?
First and foremost I am a Christian. I attend Catholic Church out of familiarity, because I love the music, but since my teen years since I started to read my Bible and learn from it, I have ceased some of the Catholic practices, and even spoken out against them when I realized they did not agree with Christian teaching in the Bible.
Oh. OK. Good for you. We've got relatives in Ireland and the nuns told their kids not to read the Bible. Said it would just confuse them. I thought that was kind of odd. How does your preist handle your studying?
What has my priest got to do with my studying the Holy Bible? He is supposed to be a "Man of God" He teaches the congregation from scriptures from the Bible; How could he possibly object to my desiring to learn more about the God he says I should love?
non of what you said is true Christians are of moral right those things u said are ok are sins before God and man
the same in other religion not all people do what is right and written in their spiritual books some are sinners and used by Evil its not about Christianity
I've had an above adverage sex relationship partners in the past 44 years.
Only 5% were not Christain, 70% been divorced, none of the christain women ever came closed to being a virgin, before marriage.
To add, divorces are same for Christain as they are for atheists
I believe having sex before marriage is fine as long as the people love each other because that produces positive energy. People got married very young in Jesus' day. However, sexual perversion is not what God wants.
Having sex with your sibling can't be what God wants because the children are far more likely to turn out deformed.
As for bikinis, what is wrong with that? Why are men allowed to take their shirts off??
And God did none of those things in the OT passages that you speak off.
And, your belief is valid despite the fact that having sex out of wedlock is a serious sin?
Sex out of marriage is a sin? Are you referring to fornication? As far as I'm aware, fornication began to mean sex before marriage later than Jesus' time. Consider this:
Definition of fornication:
Sexual intercourse between partners who are not married to each other.
Word History: The word fornication had a lowly beginning suitable to what has long been the low moral status of the act to which it refers. The Latin word fornix, from which fornicti, the ancestor of fornication, is derived, meant "a vault, an arch." The term also referred to a vaulted cellar or similar place where prostitutes plied their trade. This sense of fornix in Late Latin yielded the verb fornicr, "to commit fornication," from which is derived fornicti, "whoredom, fornication." Our word is first recorded in Middle English about 1303.
To it actually means to indulge in casual sex or prostitute. So fornication meaning pre marital sex is modern, not the original meaning.
Here's a question I would like answered: Is anal sex an expression of love or purely a lust act?
I am referring to the bible and what it has to say about sexual activities outside of marriage.
Okay, give me the chapter and verse and we can discuss it.
Here are some verses from Paul. Start with those.
" The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (NIV, Galatians 5:19-21)
Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins people commit are outside their bodies, but those who sin sexually sin against their own bodies. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. (TNIV, 1 Corinthians 6:18-20)
It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God; (TNIV, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5)"
No reference to sex before marriage, I'm afraid.
Fair enough. I'm sure Christians will continue to have premarital sex, or will at the very least continue to find loopholes in the bible on which to act.
I think a Christian should be guided by God about any issue. My reasoning is that people who are married can completely defile their bodies. Just because they are married, doesn't mean they are honouring one another. I don't think Jesus would approve of a man beating his wife during sex because he finds that sexy. Marriage doesn't make things okay. A loveless sex life in marriage is useless to God. So how could a loving sex life between two people who are not married be wrong?
It is a personal issue and I'll say again, people should be guided by their consciences.
Actually, the conscience is the way God gives us an indication of what is wrong and right. If someone is in tune with God's will, they will be uneasy if something is not God's will.
Considering the bible is rife with condoning slavery and other such atrocities, I could commit all those atrocities too and be "in tune with God's will"
However, I would be abhorred at such things, relying entirely on a conscience completely void of gods and their wills.
And, so you're interested in owning slaves, but, not divorce slaves? Why else would write such nonsense? Surely you're not being mean spirited here, and mocking someone else's personal preferences. Not you B? Or is this just your attempt at being God like again?
Sure, the Bible is full of mishaps, contradictions and hypocrisy, but so is Moby Dick, or Huckleberry Finn. The Bible is a book, written by men.
B you are always wanting to pick apart another hubber because they believe in God. You are quite cunning in your tactics, and I often see you use the bible against people because you can. Yes you are knowledgeable. I'll give you that. But why do you even bother? Your one of those people who always has the answers. Hell, you're so smart B, I bet you know it all too. So why bother? You have it all figured out already. Don't you B? Sure you do.
One book does not define a persons beliefs. One book does not define a persons life.
I have a personal question for you, are you mean B? Are you perhaps comparable to Capt. Ahab, and thus in your mind are Christians, "your" whale Beezie? Because anyone who reads your posts can easily see how you like undermining someone who is not as quick-witted as you. And, it is always an added bonus for you if they are a Christian. Boy, that's like your favorite situation, right? Yeah, it's noticeable.
But it doesn't stop there. No. I have even noticed how you like twisting peoples words or beliefs too, and using them against that person, all to your tactical advantage. You have a sly way in how you trick people into looking like hypocrites, and you are very good at making people appear stupid at times.
Now since we are talking about sins here, I do feel this is relative to the thread. Therefore, if you don't mind me asking;
Do you feel better about yourself when you make yourself appear better or smarter than someone else? Does that make you feel warm and fuzzy? You like that don't you? Making other people look dimwitted, that is? It really is what tickles you rosy-pink inside, isn't it?
So what does that say about you B? Is this "thing" you do, by messing with peoples ideals and twisting them upon itself, sinful? Is bullying a sin? Now, I know full well that the bible is full of bullies, hell you can argue that God is a bully. Maybe my post is a form of "Christian" bullying. But B, does that make it alright to do, hence making it no longer sinful?
I didn't write that, you did.
But, it is interesting and somewhat surprising that you're responding to one of my posts. Weren't you accusing me of following you around? Didn't you explicitly demand I not respond to you?
Not only that, but your post if full of personal insults. What's with that?
Nonetheless, I do have a thick skin for such things and won't bother reporting you for the sewage, however I will address what appears to be on topic subject matter.
If the Bible wishes to stand alongside those other tales of fiction, I would have not problem with it. To be told emphatically that it is the word of a god and all who dismiss his word shall burn for an eternity does not exactly place it in the same category as those other tales.
What would your point be other than they were all written by men?
I think there are many who define themselves and their beliefs by the scriptures they hold in a variety of religions. I may not be able to argue this point better than a believer who may define himself such, though.
Come now, don't be silly, if people wish to look like hypocrites, act stupid or dimwitted when presenting their claims of belief, it is not my duty or my responsibility or some such other honorable and distinguished pledge of allegiance or vow in acting to expose them, it is simply my pleasure.
As for the rest of the contents of your response here below, don't bother. All it does is show how little you respect yourself.
Yeah, but Beelzedad, who said that what the Bible condones is what God condones automatically?
So? You don't think for one moment that the writers of the OT just said God condoned it when He in fact didn't? You remind me of kid who goes, "Why?" each time his parents say something.
Please use common sense. For example, in the OT, it states that animal sacrifices is a law from God, then in Jeremiah, God says He doesn't want animal sacrifices. Jeremiah even accused the scribes of lying. So if you want to know what God condoned, just look at what Jesus condoned.
Just to clear this up, you are not corresponding with someone who believes the Bible is the infallible word of God. Don't make those sort of assumptions.
If something in the Bible contradicts Jesus, then it is false. Also, a little research helps. Genesis for example is just a spin off from pagan texts. The only way to know what really is truth in the Bible is to have a personal relationship with Christ. Or else there is no evidence that Jesus is the son of God.
So, you talk with Jesus and he tells you what is and what isn't the infallible word in the bible? Seriously?
Beelzedad: I am in communication with My Father The Lord My God constantly, and we discuss many different things. Notice I say communication, yes we talk together, not in verbal communication but through telepathic methods as He communicates to both my mind and the rest of my body including my heart. He might communicate with you too if you earnestly sought Him out.
Yes Dave, and a number of people have also made claims as to hearing voices in their heads telling them what to do, institutions across the land are filled with them.
Your beliefs are easily compared to a number of myths and superstitions from the Bronze Age, Dave, so it is incredibly hard to swallow your claim considering your god is highly likely to fall into this category of tall tales.
Sorry Dave, but I have no immediate plans on developing any mental disorders at this time. Thanks for the offer, though.
In God world He wants the very best for his people.
If people have engaged in sex before marriage they are familiar with sex and have nothing to experiment with, with their wives.
The only thing new to these wedded couples are the bills.
That is true. It's an individual choice. Sometimes not living together with your future spouse can result in people actually not liking their spouses anymore once they live as husband and wife. You usually see someone's true colours when you live with them. They can't put on a pretence constantly.
G Miah: Yes, I agree, God drowned people back in history who did the same things people are doing today. It's still not okay to do now what was not okay to do back then. What constitutes love and respect today is the same as it was back then. So why isn't God drowning people today for the very same "sin"? When God intervenes and does some kind of catestrophic judgment it is at pivitol points in history to change the course of mankind. God's judgment will come again at a future pivitol point for mankind.
Nothing reported by the original writer of this Forum string is truth. The original writer hasn't a clue about what he is talking about and is just shaking the trees.
Let me get this straight Dave. Are you saying that Christians are not engaging in premarital sex, anal sex, and all of those other things, although we observe the behavior of this stuff everyday? Can you back that up with some proof?
What I am saying is that a "Christian" if they are following the teachings of Christianity, would not and should not take part in such actions. If you are indeed observing such behaviour personally and I mean seeing it with your own two eyes, doesn't this make you some sort of perverted peeper? Is this what you are all about being a peeping tom who gets pleasure out of watching others in carnallity? Get a life!
Dave, this is one of the most outrageously foolish replies you have ever made. And I'm not amused at the extremely ignorant attack.
When someone lacks the intellect to debate, this is the type of bullying tactics that are launched at innocent people posing innocent questions.
To immediately accuse me of the heinous activities you stated, just because I posed a true statement(which you decided to take out of context)shows an evil, dark, sinister, psychotic personality.
Just what causes you to be so evil, Dave? What pleasure do you get in misrepresenting others, and outright smearing them for no other reason than that they questioned your conclusions? Why, Dave? Just what kind of GOD would accept you as one to represent Him?
Your religion seems to cause nothing but ill-will, because of the evil inherent in it.
You claimed to have observed witnessed Christians in sexual acts, which means you must have been spying on them in order to observe them performing acts of sexual nature and behaviour. I believe this make you a pervert. Don't get offended, everyone needs a hobby, perversion seems to be yours.
Dave, I think G Miah is trying to refer to things witnessed regularly. Granted G Miah expresses it in generalities and hyperbole. However, looking to the real intent of G Miah's question, I see a very real and legitimate question born out of frustration at what is sadly witnessed around us. Right, we can't blame Christianity or God for people's choices, but it is a very real question as to where God is in all these sad evil choices that many even professed believers in Christ are making. This is not to say, though, that all professed believers in Christ make such sad examples.
Dee: G Miah doesn't have a clue what he is saying. He is just trying as hard as possible to put down Christians. I see through his little games and will not let him get away with his nonsense. You should go back to his original opening comments at the start of this string and you will see his Anti Christian attacking.
If a man understgands the origin and destination of his His thoughts from which all his actions flow..
What then will he allow....?
we are caught up in the "to do or ...not to do"
If a man thinks Life is in the thing which he allows for himself..... what else will he do.....?
Now if that be bestiality, Sodomy,fornication, incest,rape, or what soever else.... Then so be it unto Him.... To Him that's Life.
If Another sees Life as exactly the opposite as this man, what then will he do..?? Are not these things also Life unto Him...?
If the first are tempted to do the things of the second?
Will he not find himself in a quandary in his mind thinking " to do or not to do....?"
If the Second is also tempted to do the things that the first allows?
Will he not find Himself in the same quandary as the first?
I tell you truly, that freedom from this quandary, lies not in the " to do or not to do" for both these men are one and the same.
They oppose each other yet their way of thinking is exactly the same........
Their error is the same and it is this.....
They never finding Truth in the things in which they allow.
Now Truth is the beginning and the end and shows the way of Life.
Truth shows that all things are good in their own specific way.
Looking for Truth now changes the way you think... now you think Life instead death.. and it no longer "to do or not to do".
Truth gives you a singleness of mind in all things which you allow, because it shows you the purposes of Life in it.
For all things work to your benefit merely because you have the knowledge of Truth about it and in it.
To remain in the quandary is the Sin and death.
But Truth IS LIFE
"But why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say?" (Luke 6:46)
"Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." (Matthew 7:21)
"Faith without works is dead." (James2:26)
God gave us the laws by which we should live our lives, the 10 Commandments. Breaking these laws is not okay to do in our Christian walk. This is very plain and simple. Each one of them begin with, "Thou shalt not." plainly speaking, we do not do these things.
All things are permissible for me, but not all things are beneficial. The unforgivable sin is not an issue for you, as you were not alive during the time of Christ.
Please don't judge the Christian faith by what you have observed in some people's actions that claim to be Christian. First of all, we are all sinners and what Christianity demands and what people do are often two different things, that is why Jesus Christ said that the road is narrow that leads to eternal life and few find it.
Thank you for oyur post, i would like to say that the whole point of me starting this forum post was because Islam is being wrongly accused of mis-interpreted and out of context verses from the Quran. In the same way the Bible and Christians anre being questioned and criticised for their actions, which are against the word of God in the Bible.
What the whole point of the forum post i was trying to get accross to people, as you will notice on the 3rd or 4th post from me, is that -
AMEN Beginning at the death/resurrection of Jesus Christ mankind entered a period of GRACE during which judgement of each individual life is suspended until they take their last breath and enter eternity (hence no floods, fire/brimstone). This grace period was the only way for gentiles (non-Jews) to receive acceptance into the faith and will end with all who believed on Christ's work of the cross being removed from the earth. Then judgement/wrath will once again cleanse the earth of all who would exalt themselves and reject God, a period known as the tribulation. God is just, its all good and will all come right in the end:)
Where did you read it was ok to do such things. Just because people are doing these things doesn't make it ok, whether they are Christians or not.
It's not ok for people to drink and drive and end up killing someone, but it's still being done. Even though it isn't ok.
Wrong behavior is wrong behavior, even if 99% of the population is doing it.
So to answer your question of what's not ok to do in Christianity? It's not ok for us to do anything God has forbidden us to do.
Very good question, G Miah! The way I see it is that people will do whatever they want to do, whether they are Christians or not. Many Christians, although not all, are called "Christians at their convenience." I'm sure most of us have been guilty of this. Some people only go to church when it's "Christmas" or "Easter" and still call themselves Christians (I think, sadly, many of us are in this category)! Of course, none of the things you've mentioned above are OKAY for anyone to do, in the "real" Christian sense of the word. But we are all humans and we make mistakes as well as we try to make our "own" rules such as it's okay to have premarital sex as long as you love that person and does not get them pregnant before marriage or have homosexual relationships, just as long as you love each other. The thing is, being a Christian, from the way I've learned it, is very difficult to do, but people will still believe what they believe and live the way they see their lives fit, whether they are Christians or not. That's why God said, "Focus on Him and not unto man" because people are imperfect and will always put you down (intentionally or unintentionally)-that's just the way life is. My advice is try to be the very best person that you can be and accept and love other people the way they are and live your life in peace and harmony with everyone-there's my "two-cents" worth. Thank you for asking the question and I hope my answer as well as other people's comments have enlightened you. God bless!
Oh my gosh, you're right. Should we start building the boats?
Never mind. You're comparing punishment of man before the commandments were given to the relationship God has offerred as of the resurrection.
I think what most people forget is that the word Christian has an ian on it. I doubt anyone is Christ. Were they, you wouldn't be speaking of their sin. They wouldn't be sinful.
Not sure why their actions are always judged more harshly than the actions of everyone else. Seems overly judgmental, on my opinion.
Surely the answer are in the ten commandments?
I don't actually recall one about anal sex - that would have made me sit up and take more notice in the terminally boring and pointless hours spent sitting in the Chapel listening to someone drone on and on and on.
Is anal sex a sin?
Depends upon your definition of what sin is,
Just an opinion, but I wouldn't use my rectum as if it were a pocket. It has aother purpose.
I would never keep light bulbs, fish bait, or marbles, etc up there.
Our intestines are designed to absorb nutrients into our blood system, after these nutrients have gone through a rigorous filtering system,.
To bypass this filtering system in any way is dangerous.
That being said ; I agree with something that Grandpa said, … it's yours,
do with it as you please, but when you break it, you aren't getting mine.
I think if anal was meant to be, God would have intended it to be a sex organ, but it isn't.
I agree .. Hope I didn't give the wrong impression in the above post.
I think I know what the intended purpose of all of my body parts are,
And I think that I remember them all also.
It is the opertunity thing that I am lacking. LOL
This is just my take on things. I hate to write this because it sounds so vulgar but I think it proves a point. If anal sex was meant to be, wouldn't the anus secrete "happy juice" like the vagina to make things easier?
Okay, that's all I'm going to say.
I don't judge people but it is something to think about.
Wait a minute
Why did God or nature put the male G spot up the anal.
Lots of males are afraid to try it , for fear of becoming gay.
My g spots are in other areas, but thats enough details for now.
OMG! That's SOOOOOOOOOOO funny! OMG, that's funny!
My hubby is at a basketball game tonight, but, I can't wait to show him your post. He'll appreciate that.
He is an atheist, and has a funny sense of humor when it comes to Christians- like me. This is something that he'd might say. I love it.
Good point about the ten commandments.
The one that says 'LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR' i understand as meaning to say 'love you neighbour no matter what colour, religion, language they speak or what they look like'.
So why do some so called Christians DO EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE??? LOL.
I know GENUINE Christians who are very nice people, who follow their religion according to the t4eachings of the Bible, and i reqally respect that. But i don't understand some SO CALLED CHRISTIANS who think they are saints criticise other religions, racism, hatred, stealing, violence etc...
You finished your statement well!
The fact that some Christians do the things that you mentioned just shows that they are also people.
Those traits you mentioned are not respecters of persons.
They are found among all groups of people.
And most of us have been guilty of these things at some time or another in our lives.
But we are supposed to learn better than that.
Everyone hasn’t learned all of life’s lessons YET.
I don't think that many people ever do.
You are right. Some do! And I'm not judging what other people do and don't do. To each their own.
But as for me .. I like what I like, and don't like what I don't like.
I keep my marbles where I keep mine and everyone else can do with theirs as they please.
Time for me to get off here and let the wife have her turn on the computer.
Religion makes rules about what you can do and not do. Jesus and other enlightened thinkers did away with rules. Jesus said love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. On this do all the law and prophets depend.
Therefore, the rules mean nothing. They were created by men. The law that supercedes all others is love. If you love others, you see how your actions will affect them, and if your actions affect them negatively, love says you won't do it.
But we forget love and our egos rule us and we learn to hate and we make rules and we ignore what enlightened thinkers have been trying to tell us for eons.
We don't need rules and laws. We need a restoration of love in each person. That is the only way the world can heal and become a better place.
Daniel Carter: Do you in your heart actually believe that all one must do including yourself is to "Love God love your neighbor and love yourself, and the rest of the Laws Rules and Regulations created by man you can ignore because they are man created. Jesus also told us; "Render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar's and unto man that which is man's, which means adhere to the laws of the land.
Dave Mathews: I'm thinking when we render to others what is rightfully theirs, that is a show of respect. Respect is one aspect of love, so if we show respect for others' rights to their own property, then we are being respectful to others as we would like to be respects, i.e. loved.
Oh goody goody - another homophobic moralising moronic sermon from nutsville USA.
One thing that might be of interest... judging other people isn't allowed.
People do whatever they want, they just justify it differently.
If I'm reading the original question correctly, I think what was being asked is, "Why doesn't God punish sins the same way today as he did in the Old Testament?" Dave, not being able to figure this out, derailed the entire conversation. This frustration I'm feeling is one of the main reasons I seldom visit the forums. I'm a former pastor who has grown to loathe this form of assault disguised as piety.
Some people think they can sin, get absolved, sin again, get absolved. When Yeshuah healed, he was known to say "Go, and sin no more." When truth hits home and acceptance sinks in, you go, and sin no more. There is an even deeper truth here.
I've noticed nobody has really answered this question according to Bible... so let me--- God promised that he would never flood the entire world with water again... he promised this right after he flooded the entire world! It dosn't mean floods won't happen in parts of the world... he just promised to never flood the entire world again!!!
Just thought I would answer that! So...sin can be worse than ever... but God is not going to drown people for it like he did during Noah's days!
Is there evidence for that in the first place? Isn't it more likely that a large local flood turned into a story that was passed down from generation to generation? You know, the flood gets bigger with every new person who tells it.
I was simply answering the question as it was presented! It was asked if God destroyed the world in flood for all those sins before then why does he allow it today! I stated why in Biblical terms!
I think there is quite a bit of evidence to support a global flood... however, another scientist can look at the exact same evidence that supports the flood and claim it does the contrary!
All these arguments that God didn't flood the Earth.... What's it say in the Bible? Something like when the world is destroyed again, it will be done with fire, right? I've heard about this magnificent thing called global warming.... My how these scientists against God are predicting that the earth is getting hotter.... They are so smart... It's like they have no pre-determined knowledge of what the future holds... Kinda seems like the Lord's prophecy is edging closer.. Better build you a bomb shelter ya doubters...
There exists a problem in our understanding of prophesy.
There are instances is scripture that a word was translated "Earth" when it is in refference to the Mediterranean region only, and some that do reference the planet.
The difficulty is in determining which is which.
Yes, Jerami, you've nailed it. ...And it takes the context of the passage that the word occurs in to help decipher this, along with looking at what lexical item was used in the original text, comparisons to its use in other passages, etc.
Time passages...la-dee-da-da-da. Time passages...history repeats itself,,,,dum-dee-dee-dee-dum...over and over again...to every thing a season...time passages...and a reason to every purpose...time passages...under heaven.
Steal, lie, covet, disrespect to parents, idolitry, murder, adultry, take the lords name in vain. I doubled up idoliltry with worshiping another god. Those are absolutes.
I know some who do all those. Haggard is making a comeback, Round two.
And i did not mean to offend anyone here, that is not my culture. I just wanted to prove a point and see who really is a TRUE Christian and follows God's words from the Bible.
I apologise if i have offended anyone, especially the peaceful and understanding Christians.
There are many things to be found on the internet about Islam and Christianity which are out of context or wrongly translated, so i think TRYING TO UNDERSTAND ANOTHER RELIGION BEFORE CRITICISING IT is common sense, and any GENUINE CHRISTIAN would try to understand, unlike some over excited 'think they are saints' Christians.
Anyone, i hope one day we will all be able to sit around one table without asking what religion are you? Why are you black? Why can't you speak English? Why do you wear that?
That will be the day when, Inshallah, the truth will be revealed.
One thing that I see being expressed in the OT is that God shows himself to the people, works miracles , then the people come back to him.
Then in just a couple of generations they have forgotten everything that their forefathers taught them, and God has to do it all again.
This seems to be an ever ending cycle.
MAYBE ?? this new deal with Jesus is simply a personal thing? Groups usually appoint a leader that never has answers for everyone,
Where answers are concerned? One size does not fit all.
SO! On the personal plan, the issues are fewer, communication is easier, and the answers are more clear.
We are not supposed to become overwhelmed with someone else’s' problems before we settle our own.
We end up wearing their confusion over our own.
And this is the (KINDA) same as wearing our clothing in too many layers while playing out in the cold.
When we need to pee it takes too long to shed our clothing and we end up wetting ourselves.
I apologize , I just woke up with a wrotwiller sitting on my chest and can't go back to sleep, not enough sleep and now the coffee is sitting sideways in my head
Feels kinda good. LOL
Even if the whole world practices all that is said here, they are all sins in the eyes of God. But don't worry. You won't be packed off to hell. There is no hell. God must have some plans for sinners. Only we don't know them
Christians are bound by the same rules all decent people are bound to. I've noticed that even the atheists know what additional things we should do. But I think probably one of the most important things we should remember is that we've all got a pretty big log in or eye. It doesn't matter how hard anyone tries to be good, everyone else is trying to. Whether they believe in God or not. We should never sit in judgement.
Most people do not know what a Christian is as defined by
the Bible and accepted by God so they judge things based
on people who profess Christ with their mouth while disobeying
by their actions which is a subtle form of blasphemy, which
is they claim God's name while denying His power to rule over
their lives. Most people have been misled into accepting the
world's definition of a Christian and not God's definition
which is the only definition that counts!!! There is a saying
WWJD what would Jesus Do a true Christian strives to put God
first in everything, all aspects of their lives and strive
with all of their love and might to please God by living in
a way that is acceptable and pleasing in His sight. This is very
hard to say the least and almost impossible as one must overcome
the self, the world, and other spirits, of the three the self
is the hardest to overcome because it resides inside of you and
is always with you and it exerts a huge pull in a direct away
from what is pleasing to God. This world will also pull you
in a different direction and there will always be hardships
in the Christian life but scripture states that if we suffer
with Him will will reign with Him.
The true Christian is guided and directed to live by two great
commands: Love God with all you heart, might and strength and
love your neighbor as you love yourself. What is love, love
works no ill toward its' neighbor therefore love is the fulfilling
of God's law! Love is a spiritual attribute that always expresses
that highest good possible because of this it is impossible to
harm another when correctly expressing God's spiritual love
which is not temporary or self serving like human love is. Most
people do even know or can fathom the fact that if every human
being on this planet perfectly expressed God's love this world
would be a Utopia with perfect goodness and harm to none! The
bible says that one day in the future this will happen as all
living at the time will fully and perfect express and live by
God's perfect love, until that day there is much pain suffering
and devastation ahead for humanity!!!
WOW! Lots of negative,controversial,Mom-she is on my side of the line!First those who argue about divorce. The Bible speaks many time for allowance for divorce. Moses proclained that a man mearly had to write a letter or decree for a divorce, 1 Corinthians 7 talks about marriage. It commands a person who marries a non-believer that they must not divorce as they santify that person. I do not (my opinion) do not believe that a person in an abusive relationship is mandated and obligated to stay in that abusive relationship. Jesus even answered the divorce issue to the pharisees,etc when they tried to trap him. We are to live a life pleasing to the Father. The Father KNOWING that we could not keep the commands, gave us His Son. Does this mean we keep on sinning? Absolutely not! Talking about divorce--your information of what little I read is off! Just within the last month-the news reported that due to the depression/recession we are currently in that divorce was actually down. discussing the premarital sex, etc. That is why we marry-to control and make legal our sexual attraction,etc to our mate.Yes, sin will always be around us. Some of you in this very coloumn are doing what satan has tried to do for forever-make use feel guilty and condemn us of what we did,or others did--DON't. We are blameless thru Jesus blood! Do not as Jesus told the woman caught in sin-Your sins are forgiven go and sin not.He committed Himself to the Cross as He would have to die to be able to forgive HER. So get off the dragging everything you can find like a losing fighter and just realize we are all sinners. James 2:10-11 paraphrasing-if you have broke even one sin you are guilty of all. For in the eyes of the Father sin is sin-like a straight line. It does not weigh more or less than a lie than a pedophile or murder. So ye who have no sin let them cast. The real only thing the Bible says not to do is to DENY Jesus Christ as Lord for all sin He is able to forgive but the sin of unbelief He is not ABLE to for this is blashphamy (denying Christ).
Christianity has, at its core, nothing to do with "thou shalt or thou shalt not." Daewalker is right, the central commandments of Christianity are, "Love the LORD your God," and "Love your neighbor as yourself." The implication is this: If you love God, you will act in love towards others, and will do that which displays your love for Christ and His atoning work.
This translates to NO fornication, NO indecency and immodesty, NO taking advantage of others - the Classical Church, that which was instated by Christ and not that which exists in its commercial state today, preached forgiveness for these things to people who KNEW THAT THEY WERE WRONG and DESIRED SALVATION FROM THEIR BROKENNESS. Today, even professing Christians don't even realize that they're broken, that they even have something to turn away from. And Christ himself has heavy words for those who profess salvation and yet continue in selfish living:
“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.” (Mat 7:22-23)
“But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not from where you are; depart from me, all you workers of iniquity. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.” (Luk 13:27-28)
God is a just God. He loves his people even as he hates their evil, and he gladly accepts anyone who recognizes their own brokenness and inability to live for anything but themselves, those who recognize their need for him. But he also hates those who hide behind his name and drag it down, belittling his holiness by associating themselves with him - and, to put it plainly, he can read between the bullshit.
If you walk in the spirit you can do whatever you want to.
If you walk under the Law, pretty much everything you do will be wrong.
I always find it to be a contradiction that some people who call themselves Christinas are ok with drinking. Clearly there are several passages in the Bible which condemn this.
There are several passages in the Bible that condemn drunkenness, yes, but drinking in and of itself? Not quite so sure about that. I'm sure someone will be able to quote several chapter/verse examples for you, though, so there's no need for me to do so.
Differing branches of Christianity have differing interpretations. They of course are wrong and I'm about to reveal the real story.
The sin that prevents us from entering into Christ and heaven, is unbelief.
To refuse the Holy Spirit's testimoney to us through the Bible and directly to us, is to refuse salvation through non-belief.
Unbelief is only remedied by belief in Christ and that His sacrifice at Calvary satisfies the Father concerning our sins.
Believers drown, starve, die horrible deaths, were "sawn in half" and so on. No one has a rose garden promised them in this life.
The consequences of my sin and everyone elses is heavy and deep. We suffer many tribulations because of our own and others' sins.
But the only thing a Christian cannot "do" is not believe. By definition, they must be believers in Christ.
John 6:28-36 reference:
"28 Then they asked him, 'What must we do to do the works God requires?' 29 Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.' 30 So they asked him, 'What miraculous sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? 31 Our forefathers ate the manna in the desert; as it is written: ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’" 32 "Jesus said to them, 'I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. 33For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.' 34 'Sir,' they said, 'from now on give us this bread.'"
"35 Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life...'"
What's not ok to do in Christianity?
It is not fair to do things which Jesus never did and to believe what Jesus never believed; Christianity needs overhauling and made consistent with Jesus' deeds and his beliefs. It is for this that the Promised Messiah 1835-1908 has been sent by the Creator-God to rectify the mistakes of Christianity invented later by Paul and Church, unauthorised, while Jesus was alive in India.
The serious answer? It depends on the denomination. What's okay for a Protestant might not be for a Mormon.
by NewRepublican 15 years ago
I am a young adult and am disheartened to see so many of my generation engage in pre-marital sex, especially Christians. It has become so rampant that people disregard that aspect of the religion as if it were not important. When one is a Christian, he or she should be a Christian in...
by daug chibuye 10 years ago
Why is it forbidden to have sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend??
by kgoergen 9 years ago
Is premarital sex okay? Why does the bible say otherwise?
by cooldad 12 years ago
What constitutes premarital sex for Christians?This is a serious question. I honestly don't know. Is oral sex or masturbation considered sex, in Biblical terms? I am honestly curious.
by realtalk247 9 years ago
There seems to be a new trend among women now to attempt/try to wait until marriage to have sex with their significant others. Is this a return to virtue? Is this a return to the ideology, why buy the cow when the milk is for free?The latest to get married -Jodie Marsh. It is reported...
by Kitty Fields 7 years ago
Why is it that Christians believe that Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, Native Americans, etc. are all wrong in their beliefs and that they'll all go somewhere horrible when they die? Why can't we just accept that other people have different lives and different experiences, and let them believe how they...
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