Just wanting everyone to state whether they believe the Bible is the fully inspired authoritative word of the living God, of whom Christ Jesus sent to die on the cross to save those who would accept God's grace, and who arose on the third day.
Your honest opinion is gladly welcomed.
Lectures are not needed. There is no class session, or students. Just adults with completely different world-views.
(Those that give lectures will be obviously incoherent.)
These are opinions. No one is wrong for stating what they think, for they know best themselves what is in their thoughts.
I believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God, however I am not a Bible inerrantist. I believe that this sacred text was deligated by a perfect God to imperfect men in order to establish his kingdom on earth.
I also believe that he will yet reveal even more scripture to his children as prophets and apostles are restored to the earth through angelic minitrrates.
No. If you look at the number of different branches of christianity, and the number of sub sects within those branches you have to realize that if this book was divinely inspired they wouldn't all be fighting over interpretation. I would assume a god, if he wanted intelligent followers, could have been a little clearer with the instructions. It couldn't possibly be the authoritative fully inspired book you claim it to be.
@just_curious well god if really intelligent wont have used medium of book at first place...god would have done better job by directly downloading instruction to individual brain and allowing to choose...just look at books.......torah-word of god , bible- word of god , quran-word of god and i am here mentioning only three biggies...there are 400 different religions ..and all have their book which is said to be authoritative word of god!!!!!!!!!...what does it show?...it shows that humans who are tagged as christians , jews , muslims or any , are actually similar in way they approach religion...all believe 'they have word of god ' with them... all have prophecies and all comes true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....only difference is in deity they call as god... you are right curious..
He has already downloaded 'conscience' to our brain/minds.
Which many believe to be the still small voice of God
hmm...interesting...so no need of book since god himself downloads conscience which is enough to live moral upright life...and thats why vatican sees scams after scams and we had crusaders , witch hunting...people tried to go towards un natural things like books instead of little voice...
God knew his creation.
He remembers where we came from.
Isnt it great that we all come with our own Life Manual book,so instead of seeing the word Bible ,maybe you can look on it as
Piseans Manual Book
not needed...i dont like man made manuals ...there are 400 of them...all claim to be divine and all are products of humans...it is good that slowly most are loosing its impact on humans...
P.S. you are seeing from context of bible being word of god and i am seeing from context of bible being humans work sold in name of god...so i dont think we would agree on this...
Many bibles are free.
I do agree on one thing though, it can be confusing.
( I have read a few different Bible and /or some claiming to be)
However the word of God is never hidden from a genuine seeker.
That perhaps is the main thing.
but that is not word of god to start with...it is human words in name of god..
Then the other 399 versions that you spoke about wouldnt do you any good either.
Make up your mind.
are you ok?...bible and others all are man made books..and i dont need any help from ancestors to live my life..do you get it?
kiwi, Agreed. God will reveal a scripture if we seek him and ask.
please continue reading bible if it helps u...i am fine without it...
Sorry I should have said It works for me.
Of course if you need to read 400,that is your choice too.
why are you so much into selling books?...i think you didnt get it...i am fine without it ...i consider humanity better than god and books sold in name of god...i dont tag humans as chrisitans or muslims or any...neither do i care whether i would go to hell or heaven because those are mere concepts...i dont mind people believe in god or bible or quran and if it works for them , adds meaning to their life , they should continue doing that...i have never needed god or book to live my life and dont think would need them in future too...
Im not 'into' books.
But if I want to know about something (life,me,people who faced circumstances like me) then its good to know how they got on)..how God related to different situations etc etc.
Yes you can live a good life without having seen a Bible.
I just dont see why you wouldnt want to explore it.
And how do you know the word of God ,without reading /hearing about it?
see it is matter of your faith and i guess you are too much into it and so i wont argue any further ...i understand faith works to keep going and i wont enter into argument on something related to faith...
Thank You, exactly why I prefer Mother Goose for my all literary moral needs. Mother Goose is not at all hard to understand, doesn't leave loads and loads of room for interpretation, and is clear in its intentions.
Well, I don't know enough about Mother Goose to quote it, but I'm well versed in Dr. Seuss. Although I would never advocate pushing green eggs and ham on those who didn't believe in it.
Dr. Seuss is a very noble and reliable source for ones literary moral needs, as well as a helpful way to generally keep your chin up and feel excited by the future. My favorite was a book my 3rd grade teacher gave me as a good-by present, Oh the places you'll go. Great stuff!
and that's coming from a believer! Agree with you on that though
I would argue that - if the Bible truly is the word of an infallible God - then why are people: many in positions of authority within religious organizations/churches etc, continually trying to re-interpret and even re-write those words?
Moreover, why are the 'words of God' open to interpretation in the first place? Surely if God wanted everyone to know the 'truth' he would have made his message and intentions clear and unambiguous.
The Bible was written, translated, translated, edited, translated some more, edited some more, etc, etc, over a very long period. Now, of course, we have the Plain English Society. I wonder what they would make of it?
Churchs ,creeds,man made traditions ,and rituals will all pass away.
But God said 'His word will remain forever'
but who knows whether god said or some one wrote it...bible has been translated n number of times...so it may be word of translator and god does not need book to make sure humans gets his word...infact book is too risky thing and if god is intelligent it would be last medium...most robust medium would be directly downloading into human brain...no risk of words getting lost or mis interpretated or false words becoming god's words etc etc...
If God did the direct downloading thing then all the priests, rabbis and imams would be out of business - which wouldn't be a bad thing at all.
When they're all gone perhaps we could then start on getting rid of all the politicians and the central banks.
Who knows. We could even end up with a world that we could actually call our own!
Peace and goodwill to all men.
kiwi, Amen. God's word will not return void.
I thought of this verse today ,just wanted to share it here
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (JER 29:11)
It is the infallible Word of God. What so many seem to fail to realize is that it isn't up to private interpretation. God cannot be interpreted but can only be revealed.
and thats why book is not needed...finally you got it...revelation and book are not related...
The book is needed. Satan roams the earth seeking whom he may devour. Not all revelations are from God. Satan is smarter than what we give him credit for.
who knows satan corrupted the book...so book is not needed and god is not so dumb to have book which can be translated , edit and misinterpreted...book is not the best mode and god is said to be perfect ...a perfect being cannot use imperfect mode to float his words...impossible thing for god ...yes if god is short sighted , imperfect and lacks knowledge of human nature , book might have been used by god...
God loves perfectly.
If you as good fathers know how to give good things to your children,how much more then ,would your heavenly Father give good gifts to His children.
If he asked for bread ,would he give him a snake?
So you think God cannot keep His book written correctly? You speak of God like he is merely a man.
You have to know who He is before you can know Him personally. You cannot know Him personally, until you first meet Him. You cannot meet Him unless you hear Him. You cannot hear Him unless He speaks to you.
To say the book is meaningless and fallible is a statement made from a person trying to justify their own beliefs or non beliefs.
.To say the book is meaningfull and infallible is a statement made from a person trying to justify their own beliefs ... statement made by faith but logically not best argument...god had more better ways than bible and other divine books...i mean human made books which are called divine...
Which of the so called divine books came first?
bible was second last in the list...rest are not important for you , since you wont read them
Which came first?
What I know is that the Tanach, (sp), came first. The New testament came after Jesus was born.
I take it that you agree with what I wrote above. Have you compared the New Testament with the old? If you have, you will see that they go hand in hand. Jesus birth, death and resurrection completed the Bible.
All those written after this are counterfeits. You cannot have a counterfeit without an original.
If you truly seek truth, study the Bible and ask God to reveal Himself to you. Stop depending on man's opinions.
One thing about logic. Logic is the following of the mind of a man. If you worship logic, you worship your own mind making yourself your own god.
Sir, you hit the nail on the mark. God bless you.
God has used imperfect beings since the beginning.
If God is perfect he can only create perfection...so something imperfect cannot exist if created by God...Unless he created something imperfect on purpose...if that is the case then sin is the fault of God and man cannot be held accountable for it...
You are wrong. An example.
I build houses for a living for much of my life. I could build the perfect house, every wall square, plumb and level. One person could come along and break one window and the house is no longer perfect. I can get it back to perfection, but I must work on it first. The old window must be removed then a new window installed.
God made Adam to be a perfect being. Satan came along and tempted him. Adam gave in and man is no longer perfect. God made plans to get man back to his perfect state. This is the whole reasoning behind the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To make perfect that which the destroyer has rendered imperfect.
Your house was still perfect... A broken window after the fact does not make a house imperfect...windows and doors are the clothing...the foundation. walls, floors and roof is what makes the house...Now if a broken window caused your house to fall down...then your house wasn't perfect...
Imperfections are imperfections whether cosmetic or foundational. I wrote that to make a point.
Cosmetics are nothing more than lies...Things used to make things look different than they truly are...The foundation is what is the actual...As in your Body is Cosmetic and is only the vessel that holds the true you which is your spirit...your current body will not ever go to heaven your spirit will be placed into a new body for your trip to heaven...So your body isn't perfect and never can be... but your spirit is or can be...which is why you are going to need a new "heavenly" body
You are right that this body is imperfect, it will die one day. Adams original body was perfect, no death, no sickness, no broken bones. Once Adam sinned, death came to the body making it imperfect. God made a way to make man perfect again. The way is Jesus Christ.
How do we know Adams body was perfect? He didn't eat from the tree of life...and he wasn't in the garden long enough to see if his body would die from old age. So we can only assume...And if God had a plan for Jesus to come and fix what Adam "broke" why did he wait so long? Why did he let his chosen people suffer so much? Why does he still allow his chosen people to suffer? And if Jesus died for all sins and God forgot all previous sins after the blood of Jesus covered them all...Why is it that we are still held in punishment of that original sin? One should only have to repent for sins that they personally have committed. If still held accountable to covenant of the old testament, then what was the purpose of Jesus dying and accepting all sins of man and thus creating a new covenant of which is claimed to be under grace and only a repentance of current sins is required? If we are not born sin free then all children who die would go to hell unless the parents asked repentance for their sins prior to them reaching the age of accountability...The Parents went to the temple 33 or 66 days after the birth of a child to have a sacrifice done for thier children...Even Jesus went through this... Why would that be required for someone who was already "sin free"
Scorpion.. We don't have proof..
You seek for God. He will show you He is there.
Otherwise, you can continue to seek for proof.
God gave you that choice.
It's why Jesus taught so much on faith.
And Christ said the scriptures bear witness of Him.
Don't read scripture.. Don't see truth... Can't see inside something if you don't look in it..
Hmm. Lets see I was raised Weslyan Holiness...and according to that christian belief almost everyone else is going straight to the bad place. I happen to hold a doctorate in biblical studies. so I understand the bible quite well. I ask questions not to get an answer for myself but to see if those talking actually know what they are claiming to know. and the sad part. most don't. they just spout off what they have been told or what they think. Reading and understanding the bible has nothing to do with what you have been told, but what you have read and been lead to understand...and that varies from person to person. "god" guides the reader to understand exactly what they need to understand at that time. and if you don't have proof then you aren't reading and understanding your bible like you should be. because I have all the proof I need. and no I can't prove it to you because it is MY PROOF. Each person needs to find their own proof. Not Faith of god, but proof of god. or the proof of no god. And I would be willing to bet that you don't even know how the current version of the bible you are reading even came to be in its current form.
Nonsense, your god caused the imperfection when he banished and cursed mankind forever. Satan had nothing to do with that.
And, then the house was perfect again.
But he didn't, he banished and cursed man forever, rather than just replacing the window, so to speak.
Very bad example, SirDent.
You refuse to listen. God made Adam to be a perfect being. Satan came along and tempted him. Adam gave in and man is no longer perfect. God made plans to get man back to his perfect state. This is the whole reasoning behind the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To make perfect that which the destroyer has rendered imperfect.
Copied from above.
No, I am listening, to contradictions. Evidently, it is you who refuses to acknowledge the words in your bible, which have been placed before you.
Repeating the same contradiction over and over does little to support your argument. The fact remains, according to your bible, that your god banished and cursed Adam and all men afterward forever.
Your Christ never died if he was a god, that has already been shown to be yet another contradiction believers refuse to acknowledge.
Smarter than many men thats for sure.
Its true we dont need the Bible to be saved ,but it is an Instruction book for our lives.
Written by different men spanning over 60 yrs.
Inspired by God ( breathed on)
correction...written by men who claimed divine inspiration which is subject to scrutiny...
I was just thinking something very similar.
And that has been going on for a very very long time.
Jesus accused the religious leaders of his day; "Sons of Satan"
I would say that this means that Satan had already begun corrupting the inspired word of God.
Most people don't realize that even the Hebrew religion was rewritten when a Persian king told Ezra to reestablish the Hebrew faith which had been lost under the rule of Babylon.
Very similar to what Constantine does approx 775 years later.
Maybe it was all rewritten properly ? And maybe not ?
Enough time spent in the Bible will show the person reading it that it is uncorrupted, and infallible.
Doubt in God will make it impossible to see God's truth.
To doubt God is to insult God...
The attempt to believe Him at His word will allow Him to reveal more and more and more truth..
Matthew 9:29
29 Then touched he their eyes, saying, "According to your faith be it unto you."
According to your faith will God open your eyes.. If you have faith, you will see His truth.
If you doubt, you will not see the truth in scripture... But will sink just like Peter did when He took his eyes off Jesus and doubted..
Enough time spent in the Bible will show the person reading it that it is uncorrupted, and infallible.
= = = = =
I can agree; Gods word which comes from his mouth is uncorrupted. Mans understanding of those words are not.
Such as the verse mentioned above Jer. 29:11.
It is just my opinion, I think that many believers think that God was talking to every believer in this verse
(Jer. 19:11) though it is mentioned several times exctly who he was talking to. 19:1 is very specific; he is speaking to ; all people whom Nebuchadnezzar had carried away captive!
A similar message MAY BE assumed to apply to all believers?
but, this particular message is specificlly directed to a specific group of people. We also assume that every word that Jesus spoke to his disciples, also apply to us when that is not necessarily the case. In some instances it does and in others it does not,
Sometimes when reading scripture, we assume too much, there by we corrupt what we then preceive to be the word of GOD.
My thoughts anyway.
Doubt in God will make it impossible to see God's truth.
To doubt God is to insult God...
The attempt to believe Him at His word will allow Him to reveal more and more and more truth..
- - - - -
I couldn't agree more,
But to have faith in God and to have faith in "A" religion are two diferent things.
I have faith in God! it is the Many different versions of religion tht I am conscerned about.
I agree with the facts about many versions. That's why I use a KJV and a Dictionary..
A concordance is nice, but not absolutely needed.
If it doesn't agree with the Bible, it doesn't agree with God.
The Bible has been upheld for centuries.
So I go with it. It's why I claim to be a Christian. I don't claim denominations.
And you must also claim the Bible as infallible just as it says it is:
2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
If it isn't infallible, then you can't use it as a useful argument..
And I wasn't intending to imply you didn't have faith Jerami, I would not even attempt to apply a thought to your relationship with God. That's between you and Him. I have no place to tell you what you have or don't.
vector7 wrote...
And I wasn't intending to imply you didn't have faith Jerami, I would not even attempt to apply a thought to your relationship with God. That's between you and Him. I have no place to tell you what you have or don't.
= = - = - = - - -
I didn't mean to sound as though I thought that you were implying any thing of the sort.
I do appreciate this afirmation.
I will mention that when the apostle said these following words ... "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" ... that he was afirming those scriptures that existed at that time.
Our New testament didn't exist yet so he could not have been testifying to their authentisity.
I'm not saying the New testament is not everything stated in that verse, just that this verse isn't speaking for itself, or any other "scripture" that is presented after those that he was speaking of.
I do believe that much of what is written both in the Old and New testament has been grossly misinterpreted by the church.
Particually that which is considered to be prophetic passages.
Which changes everything and yet changes nothing, depending upon how we preceive it.
Well, it's 1:30 AM and I'm off to bed again.
see Ya in about 5 hours.
Just a verse for thought on the New Testament scriptures. There's more, just not directly on hand.
John 13:20
20 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me."
What you are claiming, in essence, is that you want people to believe you walk on water and they can too if they take your word for it. Then you throw the sentence about it's wrong to question god in, so it appears you've got a big brother standing behind you to bully people into doing your will.
And you wonder why the laughing face emoticons abound when people respond to your posts.
God first created satan, then let him devour human, let him get into his bible to mislead human, let man be tested by satan to prove his mettle....
And Alas! even after doing all his work for him poor satan is still getting hell!!
God's justice
God is one and his word is one.
What so ever is written cannot be The Word of God because all writings are divided against itself...thus it cannot remain as one...
This is clearly seen in this world with their numerous writings.
I believe the bible is the true inspired word of God.
If the bible is the infallible word of god, then god must be crazy!!
valid point....but you get hell since you broke the code about true nature of religious god...punished till eternity ...yes you have chance if you keep this secret to yourself only
And just why wouldn't god be crazy...we're crazy. The evidence is all around us.
Yes, that's true, because there must be a single language that people all over the world could understand each other. The same is true with things that needs understanding...a universal thing.
"The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever." Psalms 12:6-7.
No one has interpreted anything. The verse says what it says.
Let God be true and let man be a liar.
No one interpreted that one either.
Yes, God's pure and preserved word is available on this earth today.
It is the Holy Bible 1611 AV.
It is the only Bible that is copy right free. Anyone could start printing this Bible tomorrow and sell them without worry.
ANY other Bible - would get you sued. WHY?
Because it's been changed enough that someone could own it.
That wonderful NIV everyone loves so much is missing over 45,000 words,
words like Christ, the blood, Jesus, prayer and fasting etc. But its ok because
its easier to read.
Thats like taking half the words from Catcher in the Rye, and saying its now easier to read. Whatever.
How much levin did Jesus say that it took to spoil the whole barrel?
As has been mentioned earlier, A good tree produces good fruit. A bitter tree can not produce sweet fruit.
Therefore in order to know our fruit it is important to know from where our roots are established.
But then we do have the process of grafting.
We may want to be grated onto another root system.
Then we can forever wonder if that was a good idea?
When it is all said and done. As Solomon said, eat drink and be merry
I don't think that we should waste this life that we are given, worrying over things that we have no controll over.
"inspired authoritative word of the living God"
That is a con-tra-dic-tion!!! Its either A) Its written by fallible humans "inspired" but not directly dictated by God or b) it is the actual literal word of God, like the Koran is the dictations of Allah!!! To put it simple, God either wrote the Bible, or he inspired humans through the spirit and so on to write it.
Bad theology.
O and by the way. Which genealogy of Jesus is correct, since they are two. And if the Bible is infallible...................
Jerami.. If you believe the Bible is the word of God...
Luke 12:19-21
19 "And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. 20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? 21 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
God bless you..
Is Beezeldad and Cags the same person?
They both answer posts in similar fashion ( copied ,piece by piece) and well neverind.
Just wonderin..
I was thinking the same thing of you and WoC, and Brenda, and SirDent, and BrotherO and Jerami and...
Same here, thank you for the compliment Beelzedad
I often wonder if Beezeldad is me.
I mean, are we split personalities living in different time zones?
But then I remember he is a dude and I snap back to reality.
WoC, Brenda, SirDent, BrotherO Jerami and even Vector 7 are the same person but with different accents.
Mark K is actually Mother Teresa (she didn't die, she just switched sides).
I have often wondered the same thing about Beezeldad and Mark K.
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