I can't argue with your keys to happiness., well said. lol.
To begin with I'm not a spiritual person or a religious person. If I had to choose a spiritual world or a religious world, I would much rather be chillin on some mountain top than looking for someone to hate, just to feel good about myself.
Wait a minute, there's a Brain Fart a comin' on.....As long as we mave religious conflict, we will have large scale wars.
Until religious people decide to stop killin each other, everyone will be paying for these wars. A whole lot will pay with their lives, the rest of us with tax dollars.
Tax payers are supplying the funds to fight the wars of tax free organizations.
Hmmmmmmm..... Just realized that as an atheist, I'm being forced to fund religious wars with my federal tax dollars.
I'm callin the ACLU, brb.
ignore the first line, that was caused by a gremilin and he's back on his leash.
neither, would prefer a neutral world, leaving well enough alone. Spirit or Religious evolves into my way is the only way, and no beter than we have now.
Tooo much conflict and self guilt. Not necessary and detrimental to good mental health for people of the world.
Atheism is not a peaceful ideolgy either. Communism is responsible for many millions of deaths, so was Socialism. the 20th century proved they are just as deadly as religion.
Atheism is not a peaceful ideology either. Communism is responsible for many millions of deaths, so was Socialism. The 20th century proved they are just as deadly as religion.
Never heard of a war s in the name of Atheism, I know more people have been kill in the name of God then for any other reason in human history, The facts checking was done from my do before building nature history museum displays.
Today, 80% of people are Religious and 3% are atheist people live here on earth, even just by sheer numbers, it’s a lie.
Russia and Stalin, Hitler and Germany. It is self-explainatory. Stalin and Mao alone murdereed approx 100+ milion people. That is alot and cannot be dismissed. No ideologies, religous or other-wise, are innicent in the killing dept.
I taught some Art and history in Russia,
Most of religion statistics are made up. I have no stake in Atheism nor Religion so I can give you my unbiased option. I mainly mock Religion just so they may get their mad as hell, lazy a** and do some research. Even most of the atheists I know have read the bible more than most Christian, that is why they mainly disapprove of it. Religious are more likely to do as they are told, No. Atheism itself isn't a principle, cause, philosophy, or belief system which people fight, die, or kill for.
What factors led to Russia going from State-Atheist to the "Most Pious country in Europe" where Atheists are now less than 15% pre World War 1. What kind of ancient history dose Atheist have anyways , very little, mainly closet cases. Just an another reason why religion has killed far more,
There are very few parts the world who were Atheist
German Christians supported the Nazis because they believed that Adolf Hitler was a gift to the German people from God. Nazi Christians didn’t abandon basic Christian doctrines, like the divinity of Jesus. Germany saw itself as a Christian nation and millions of Christians enthusiastically endorsed Hitler and the Nazi Party, Hitler wanted to stamp out Jews an atheist as God’s work, why would Hitler kill more Russia than any other group of people if Hitler was atheist
I will open up the rest of the can of worm later on a thread.
My point is ideologies in themselves are dangerous, and all of them can cause the death, and have, that we are discussing.
Religion ideologies has been by far greater than any other group in history. Has killing ever stop killing in anicent times ? Or even the death penatiy: HAS it ever showed us killing is wrong?
Who are the most warlike countries in the world today?
USA has 4% of the world's population and half of the world' war budget. Is that a defense or an offense war budget?
USA (per capita) has eight times more crime than a non religious nation like Japan?
USA Military is the only Super power in the World other than our Global Public Options and the greatest threat to MANKIND.
You seem to want to excuse all but the religious ideologies. Why? Are the others not responsible for thier murders. I know religions could be argued to have killed more than non-religious, and that is debatable considering population and death tolls in the modern age, but the others are just as guilty of thier own wrongs.
And yes believe it or not America has alot of enemies in this world and therefore we need defense.
Not that believers haven't flogged that fallacious dead horse enough and to no avail, we can see the Communism is not a good ideology and is disappearing in many parts of the world and will most disappear altogether.
If you actually support what you say, then shouldn't religions disappear also if they are just as deadly? Wouldn't you support that as well?
I haven't said it should disappear... I just do not want to live under it or Socialism.
And the numbers of dead are a fact of history Beel. Thats indisputable.
Then add Pol Pot and al the other Socialst and Commie govs and you get 200 to 300 or more million dead. So what is falacious about that? You what? Just dismiss it because it isn't a religion? That is not right. We are all responsible for alot of dead, ideologically speaking. And all should be willing to admit it and face up to it.
I have never denied that Christianity, Islam, Judaism and all the other religions have had their days of slaghter. Only the Leftists I know deny their responsibility. Just like in the 30s when the NY times and Duranty and his ilk bragged on Stalin and his show trials, and boasted of Russia as the future... even while Stalin was slaghtering millions.
Thats just a fact that cannot be denied.
Definitely spiritual. The World is naturally spiritual and connected to us. Religion is completely manufactured and has positioned spirituality as being owned by god to whom we are its unworthy slaves destined to hell's fire unless of course we sell our souls to it...?
Stump, it doesn't matter if you got rid of religion or spirituality. There will always be war, as long as men rule the world. Why? It's what you do. I bet if we simply put women in charge, and made no other changes; we'd achieve world peace.
Are you serious? Haha. That is ridiculous.
Ever heard of Bloody Mary?
That's the English. And she was a woman attempting to function in a man's world. Give us a shot. Couldn't do any worse than the guys have done so far.
Emile R
WorkS for me
I think Women are already more so our spiritual guilds now more intelligent in kindness, I perfer more kindness in the world than more Politic and or more religion . I think there has only been one women reported as An American serial killer, and I think she was insane anyways
Sound like a plan , wait........ there is the male over ego problem
Yes, we've had some round table discussions about the male ego problem. The answer to that one has been a tough nut to crack, I tell you.
just like the pms problem is for us.
or the womens scorn
or the vanity that runs yas, most of yas can't even leave the house without puttin on a false face.
male ego ... are you suggesting that female ego doesn't exist?
power corrupts absolutely no matter who holds it. To think that one species over the other will do better is vanity.
It doesn't matter what sex runs the planet it will still be chaos.
The only reason men run things is because we pretty much kept your weak gender alive throughout history, now because man has brought technology to the point it is at, you diss us. Now that gratitude
I realize humor is a difficult concept for you. That's ok, a few others didn't get it either. But, I don't remember recommending puttting another species in charge. Simply a different gender.
And I agree with you. For once. How odd is that? Men are the weaker gender.
I see, so women would do everything better, unless they're English women? LOL! What have you got against English people?
Oh, I see, the problem is "a man's world." Never mind the fact that Mary I had TOTAL control over the country. Give me a break.
"Couldn't do any worse" is a long way from "achieving world peace."
How about this novel insight: all people, male or female, should be given freedom and opportunity to be their best.
Strange, I know.
You may have a point Emile, This could be the primary reason most religions don't allow women into places of power. Then again, consider the ramifications of someone likePalin being pout in charge, World peace my ass, she would be attacking anything and everything that moves. Of course it would be a little confusing at first for her generals. How would they be able to carry out an attack on the country of Africa? If they were given orders to attack Chili, our fighting men and women would have to wait for clarification as to whether she meant the country or the restaurant chain that screwed up her lunch order. Dont get me started on the problems we would have with the war on drugs. I can just see the insurance costs sky rocketing for drug stores as the would all be subject to shock and awe style of attacks at any time. Cant you just see the disasterous results of Sarah Palin being in control of the arms race? Every person between the ages of 18 and 42 would be required to donate one arm for training by American Arms Racing Coaches.
sec, I prefer her cousin bloody marie from mexico. Can you say Patron Silver.
Yes, but that is still a woman attempting to function in male dominated politics. She'd never get on the ballot if it was an all female field. Our first plan is to get you guys barefoot and in the kitchen; then take away your rights to vote. Then, we'll nominate women we want to run. Everything all in good time. After we correct the mistakes, we'll slowly give you back your rights. Trust me on this one. It'll be marvelous.
I could live with that! Sit around the house all day long watching Oprah and eating chocolate.
But would I have to fall to pieces and lose my marbles every 28 days? That wouldn't be so nice...
We aren't evil enough to wish that 28 day thing on anyone.
We would, however, make it a capital offense if any man suggested that might be the reason we were testy at times. That's the first law going on the books; if I have a say in the new world order.
"Would you prefer a religious world or a spiritual world and why?"
I prefer a spiritual reality which possesses
spirit and is intelligent and can communicate with me and I with it, as against a dead machine, or where God is only remotely interested. You asked.
World Peace has nothing to do with religion and/or mystical spirituality. It also has nothing to do with gender either.
Therefore, World Peace wouldn't be accomplished with any of the above.
I have been patient while reading that religion is the cause of all wars. But, now I must remind others that without religion there would be wars. It's not religion, it's the power hungry people. Now, no one can tell me that the Ones that preach and teach peace is the root of war. Man has been fighting since being in small bands. Man + Man = fight. Show me your sanctimonious secular group and I will show you a history of battle.
All thru out history power hungry men have hijacked religion in order to satisfy their egos. None of them were really religious, only atheist wanting to control the world. Hitler and his nazis counterfeited a religion (heathenism, mysticism, and a puppet Jesus mixed). Why do you think that hitler and his boys needed a religion? To make the people think that they were saviors. But, they were really devils and very demonic and blood thirty.
What about the wars that was stopped by the religious groups?
To promote the idea that religions starts all wars is ludicrous.
Most likely, no one would disagree with you. Religions have started a lot of wars and it would be great if they didn't do that. Sure, there are other reasons wars are started and we can deal with them, too.
We should try to abolish anything and everything that starts wars, wouldn't you agree?
gee there goes everything and anything.
Money, geographic envy, resources, politics, greed, oil, economics, basic control, over population,... that pretty much leaves the world in a shambles.
no i don't agree.
I wouldn't suspect believers care anyways, they're only interested in themselves and their salvation in the afterlife.
Of course, tossing out a bunch of words with "no i don't agree" stuck on the end does an argument make. It only shows a lack of maturity and intellectual dishonesty.
We should try to abolish anything and everything that starts wars, wouldn't you agree?
= - -=
Yea and if they resist being abolished we'll declare war on them.
So, that's your answer to problems in the world, Jerami?
Not a whole lot of thought went into that response, did it.
You are probably right Cagsil, there is no profit in world peace for those who value their profits from our wars above all else. Of course it would probably take dismantling all of the major religions to achieve anything close to world peace. However, I have been told often enough that with out god's laws there is nothing keeping the religious communities from falling into complete chaos. Every religious person out there is being kept from acting as they desperately want to, by the chain fixed firmly around their neck. It seems that the wanton killing of all people who differ is the true human contribution to this rock we all share.
I didn't say there isn't any profit in World Peace. The truth of the matter is that there is plenty of profit in it. The problem is there are too few people controlling the money supply and other people.
Actually, not only would all major religions need to be dismantled, but honesty in politics must come to pass. The question is "how" to make that possible?
This only shows you've been talking to mostly ignorant people.
Untrue. Your statement implies that people are actually bad or evil naturally and that isn't actually the case or truth.
What many fail to realize is that every individual is unique to themselves to begin with. Thus, making every single person different to start. The problem is misunderstanding life(their own) which is the main cause.
For most part, Religion, will be replace by the spiritual age
What planet do you live on again? Spiritual age?
The "spiritual" age has already arrived and dismissed as foolishness.
the spiritual age started with Christ was stifled by the carnal thinkers but they couldn't suppress it and it spread and is over the globe and heading toward fulfillment in christs return.
Only the carnal and those who couldn't grasp it dismissed it as foolishness.
Figures, you would certainly come to post. Well, you can keep waiting for his return. The event has long passed and the original ascension wasn't real to begin with.
Couldn't grasp it? Dude, you need serious help. Analysis of the writings from that time have been put in place and learned from. Thus, knowing that the many people of that time, were not even conscious of their own existence, much less Jesus. But, nice try.
The "spiritual" age has already arrived and dismissed as foolishness.
Saw a couple of science books in the book store didn’t read anything about the "spiritual" age foolishness. It could have been blinded by the many other shelves full of spiritual sided books
I am positive you can find many books on "spiritual" aspect. It still doesn't mean any of them are any more accurate than 99% of the self-help book on the market.
Edit: Btw- the 99% of the self-help books are JUNK!
Oh, I do get to take a few good notes from each book. Much of the self help books I don;t understand, why not, just go out and help yourself.
It doesn't matter, man, woman, all the same. War is in our nature. You want to get rid of war, then get rid of all people and the world would have peace.
Sounds like a religious crowd control plan
I give mankind more credit in growing wisers.
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