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The Soul Truth, Guide To Inner Peace from Sheila And Marcus Gillette?

Updated on December 4, 2014

Sheila Gillette with Marcus


Sheila and Marcus Gillette: Soul Truth and a Guide to Inner Peace

Have you heard of Sheila Gillette or Theo, the group of archangels that she says guide her?

A gentler soul, she tends to bet lost behind the noise generated by Esther, Jerry Hicks and Abraham, the channeling trio made famous by The Secret.

But the facts are, Sheila Gillette preceded Hicks by decades (and may be the source for a copycat effort), and The Soul Truth: A Guide to Inner Peace aims to move them higher up the list of recognizable "spirit guides."

Sheila Gillette's Story

Sheila Gillette began her career as a spirit channel long before Esther met Jerry Hicks and together went public with "Abraham."

Following a near death experience in which Gillette says she met Jesus, in 1969, she began having psychic experiences that led to her channeling Theo, described as twelve archangels who give spiritual advice and counsel.

Initially, most of Sheila Gillette's efforts were intimate, one to one sessions with seekers who paid to meet privately with her as Theo. This is where Esther, Jerry Hicks and Theo enter the picture.

In a session with Theo, Esther Hicks was told that she would be provided the name of her personal "spirit guide" in a "clairaudient experience."

Soon, Esther Hicks was being promoted as a conduit for Abraham, not archangels like Theo, but a group of "nonphysical entities," but her practices so resembled Sheila Gillette's (with a seasoning of the recently deceased Jane Roberts' Seth) that it must have been striking.

In The Soul Truth: A Guide to Inner Peace, Sheila Gillette shows how differently the their paths have led since that fateful encounter.

Keep It Simple: Channeling, Yes or No

Are some people channelling spiritual voices from other dimensions or universes?

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The Soul Truth: A Guide To Inner Peace by Sheila and Marcus Gillette

What if spirit guides or archangels could be accesses for light and inspiration? Wouldn't that be amazing? Imagine all the challenges we might be instantly guided to overcome.

The Soul Truth: A Guide to Inner Peace
The Soul Truth: A Guide to Inner Peace
Let's start with the positives about The Soul Truth: A Guide To Inner Peace by Sheila Gillette and Marcus Gillette. First, anyone would be hard pressed to find any words of guidance or advice in this book that aren't worth following. As Theo, Sheila Gillette suggests a process of "soul integration." This includes opening yourself up to aspects of your soul and emotions that might otherwise be closed off, preventing you from feeling the most enriching experiences and joys. Your inability to obtain lasting relationships in love and friendship may be a result. Job fulfillment and creativity must suffer. In their book, Sheila and Marcus Gillette cover all the spiritual basics: relationships, health, spirit guides, afterlife, 2012, the future, children and parenting, spirituality and manifestation. They cover the topics ably, but without a trace of originality. Contrasted with the aggressive marketing of the Abraham-HIcks operation, Sheila Gillette and her husband Marcus seem loving toward their readers and easy to read. There is none of Esther and Jerry Hicks' self-righteous, even abrasive demands to be believed. Presented gently, The Soul Truth: A Guide To Inner Peace can surely be helpful to anyone hoping to better understand the fullness of their being or to resolve internal conflicts and frustrations that prevent happiness. Unlike the whacky, but popular Abraham-Hicks teachings, Theo's are unlikely to lead you into dangerous practices or to alienate you from friends and family. The Soul Truth: A Guide To Inner Peace: The Downside For all the spoken and written comments expressed by Esther, Jerry Hicks and Abraham, in twenty-five years of books and workshops, as I've said before, nothing new has ever been produced or revealed. This is equally true of The Soul Truth: A Guide to Inner Peace. This is not to say the Sheila Gillette is in any way faking. If you are willing to accept the idea of channeling, that is, that spirits from another dimension, talk to us through special channels, then Sheila Gillette is as good as it gets. Seth, channeled through the late Jane Roberts, was deep, complex and difficult to understand. Abraham, delivering "blocks of thought" to Esther Hicks for interpretation, is shallow, unbending, remote and promotes a narcissistic "It's all about me" doctrine. Sheila Gillette, nicely assisted by an equally gentle Marcus Gillette, seems more like the pastor of a popular community church, accessible, able to relate to her followers on a personal level and deeply respectful. But (and this for me is the big one that has made every claimed channeler I've studied hard to believe) although Theo has spoken through Sheila Gillette for over thirty-five years, this consortium of archangels has never delivered an original or earth-changing piece of wisdom. Having listened to Sheila Gillette extensively as Theo interacts with call-in radio listeners, I have no doubt that she has helped many with sage, loving advice and guidance. But so has Dr. Joyce Brothers and Dear Abby, and they make no claims of otherworldly connections in doing so. Wouldn't Theo have helped so many more if they had used their knowledge to reveal the secrets behind the AIDS crisis before so many suffered and died while science raced for cures? Wouldn't they have agreed to show proof that there is either one or multiple Gods and end religious conflict with undeniable truth? I can think of dozens of contributions Theo (or Abraham and Seth, for that matter) might have made to human understanding. The potential for reducing suffering is immense. Yet, such revelations are never made, making us question both their claims about themselves and their motives in being here at all. Read The Soul Truth: A Guide To Inner Peace in good faith. If nothing else, you will gain from the loving warmth. As with the always impressive, more scientifically based Deepak Chopra or the inspirational Wayne Dyer, you're likely to feel good, just being in the presence of Sheila and Marcus Gillette.
Amazing: Truths About Conscious Awareness
Amazing: Truths About Conscious Awareness
Then, it happened again. I'm lucky for this.

What Happened To Me - Why I Believe Sheila Gillette Is Telling The Truth

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A Million Different Things: Meditations of The World's Happiest Man
It surprised me when this book arrived, and as it did, I got up every morning, eager to see what I was going to type out next. I was being taught, and it was thrilling.

Is channeling real?

Sheila Gillette, Esther Hicks and Jane Roberts are the best known, but a number of people claim to be direct channels for teachers, speakers or mentors from other dimensions.

Some believe these individuals deliver wisdom and insight; others find them to be performers, pitching hope to gullible listeners.

What do you think?

© 2011 David Stone


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