Is Kobe Bryant worth the $48.5 million the Lakers will pay him the next two seas

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  1. clopez26 profile image74
    clopez26posted 11 years ago

    Is Kobe Bryant worth the $48.5 million the Lakers will pay him the next two seasons?

  2. loveofnight profile image79
    loveofnightposted 11 years ago

    It's risky business giving someone 48.5 mill. when they are coming off of injuries.

  3. Alphadogg16 profile image81
    Alphadogg16posted 11 years ago

    Absolutely not, in my opinion. At the age of 36, coming off an Achilles injury, he is not going to be the same player. I understand he us the face of the franchise right now, but a title for the Lakers is extremely unlikely and the should have spent that money on the rebuilding process.

    1. loveofnight profile image79
      loveofnightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      i agree

    2. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Kobe brings in more money to the Laker organization than he earns! It is because of Kobe the owners were able to get the $3 Billion TV deal. The Buss family is simply saying thanks for everything he's done. From a business stand point it's good.

  4. jaydawg808 profile image76
    jaydawg808posted 11 years ago

    Let's just say this.  NO matter how GOOD a player is, to me, no one is worth that much money.  Just what exactly does all that money accomplish other than paying the player? Are we more satisfied as sports fans because of this? Doesn't mean much to me....I don't ever see that money for myself.  Sports is entertainment...that's all it is.

    1. dashingscorpio profile image70
      dashingscorpioposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Even if that player is responsible for selling out your arena night after night? Kobe's salary is a fraction of the (value) he brings to the team in revenues. Right now Kobe is the face of the Lakers. RDJ. was paid $54M for Avengers it made $1.5B!

  5. dashingscorpio profile image70
    dashingscorpioposted 11 years ago

    Ticket sales/attendance  for games, income from TV, and various other revenue streams are tied to the "marquee names" of an organization.
    In the sports world you are rewarded for what you have (done) and not what you (might) do. This explains why no "rookie" would be paid $48 Million. Since Kobe has joined the Lakers they have appeared in 7 finals and won 5 championships.
    According to Forbes Magazine the Los Angeles Lakers team value is $1 Billion. They signed a $3.6 Billion television deal with Time Warner Cable along with other deals before the season began with DirecTV, Cox, Verizon, AT&T and Charter for the team's two new regional sports networks, Time Warner Cable Sportsnet and Time Warner Cable Deportes.
    No one can convince me that the Laker organization would have gotten that kind of deal without having a superstar player such as Kobe Bryant on the team.
    Will he lead the league over the next two years in points, assists, or rebounds? Highly unlikely! Will the Lakers win their 17th championship over the next couple of years? Odds are against them. However they will continue to sell out every home game for as long as Kobe is on the team.
    Trust and believe no player has ever earned more money than the owner. The $48 Million the Buss family is paying Kobe is a huge thank you for everything he has done over the years including playing through injuries. He plays to win and he sells lots of tickets.

  6. soner67 profile image58
    soner67posted 11 years ago

    Everything about basketball jump  =

  7. RobSawyer profile image61
    RobSawyerposted 11 years ago

    He is worth the money from a business standpoint (which the NBA is) but not from a competitive standpoint.  While the Lakers can pay the luxury tax for going over the salary cap, he takes up valuable cap room that the Lakers need to sign better talent in free agency.  What this move really does is keep the Lakers in the purgatory of mediocrity for the next two years where they are not a championship caliber team but are not bad enough for a quality draft pick.  This draft will be deep so they may be able to add quality talent there.

    The Celtics had a similar situation but decided to trade away Pierce to start the rebuilding process.  I guess we will see what strategy is more effective over the next few years between the two teams.


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