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Easy 2-Ingredient DIY Organic Sugar Scrub Recipe

Updated on April 1, 2022
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Melanie is an avid homemaker who has been researching and implementing natural home remedies for over 20 years.


Real Talk

We all hate paying for beauty products that are not only expensive but are laden with chemicals that we shouldn't even be using to begin with. Even if we score a good deal on a sugar scrub, we either go through it in a flash because it smells so incredible, or we tend to save it for special occasions so we can savor it. Well I have news for you ladies, this recipe is not only organic and easy to make, it will cost you pennies, so you can just sugar yourself out as much as you want and not even feel the least bit guilty about it. I'm not here to savor this experience, I'm just trying to live my life and be fabulous all the time. I know you're reading this like "ditto". I got you girl.

I started using coconut oil as lotion years ago because I just didn't want all the chemicals from lotions (even if they were "natural"). I wanted something that was just as healthy for my skin as the food that I was eating, and after dating an Indian man whose mother would lather him up with it as a child, this seemed to be the right solution. I have to say that I absolutely love using it because it makes my skin just so smooth. (Sidenote: If you haven't tried shaving with coconut oil instead of soap/shaving cream/whatever, you have got to try it. It's out of this world, I'm telling you.) Anyways, the downfall to putting it on after showering is that it takes a good bit of time for it to fully absorb into the skin. I have a robe dedicated to the purpose of oiling up so that I can go do the things I need around the house, but not ruin all my clothes. My other part of this solution lies in the sugar scrub. I learned that if I use the oil in the shower, it basically melts into my skin and once I'm out of the shower I'm basically free to get dressed right away. No waiting period, no need for my dedicated robe (sorry pal, it's been real).

So with that being said, I just thought that it's my duty to share my secret recipe with the world. You ready? It's coconut oil and sugar. (Explosions, earthquakes, gasps) I know, it's earth shattering. I mean, who would've thought. Sugar, in a sugar scrub? Get right out of town. Seriously, the recipe is just one part coconut oil to two parts sugar. You don't even really have to measure it, it's so easy you can eyeball it and just make it your own. No comedic "nailed it" photos for this one because you literally will nail it. This isn't your next Pinterest fail, I promise. For the sake of this article, I will provide you with measurements and I'm also going to provide you with my top 3 favorite recipes because I pretty much always use essential oils in mine. It is totally not necessary (hence 2 ingredients), but let's just be real, I want to smell amazing and feel hella girly. Who doesn't? Get those creative juices flowing and make your own blends girls, this could not be easier. Give these a try and let me know what you think!


  • 2 cups organic sugar
  • 1 cup organic coconut oil
  • 120-200 drops essential oils, optional


  1. Mix all the ingredients together in a container you feel comfortable leaving in the shower.
  2. Coat yourself in it and scrub all your troubles away.

My Aura Cacia Essential Oil Collection

Top 3 Favorite Essential Oil Blends

Breathe Easy

  • 80 drops Eucalyptus
  • 30 drops Peppermint
  • 40 drops Rosemary
  • 30 drops Tea Tree
  • 30 drops Bergamot

Floral Bliss

  • 80 drops Lavender
  • 50 drops Ylang Ylang
  • 50 drops Clary Sage
  • 30 drops Patchouli

Peace and Quiet

  • 60 drops Frankincense
  • 50 drops Myrrh
  • 40 drops Lavender
  • 40 drops Bergamot

Please Use Caution When Selecting Essential Oils

Not all oils are made the same and in fact many contain fillers that can be damaging to your skin and your overall health. Pretty much every store these days has some variety of essential oils, but even some of the more popular ones are honestly just crap. One in particular is the "NOW" brand of oils. It's tricky how they market it because they put it out there like it's an essential oil. However, if you take a close look at the product you'll notice that nowhere on the bottle does it say "essential oil". These oils are basically infused oils and do not have the same therapeutic properties that true essential oils have. You can also tell by the fact that it leaves a very sticky residue if you burn or diffuse them. Although I personally prefer to have everything organic, it's not always feasible financially. Aura Cacia is a brand that I have been using for years and I trust that they have quality oils because they actually pioneered the current method of testing that is considered to be the standard. Their parent company is Frontier Co-op which, if you don't know, also owns the brands Simply Organic and obviously Frontier Organics. They are very driven to care for the earth and care for humankind. So while not all of the oils that they produce/sell are certified organic, their commitment to proper stewardship asserts that there isn't anything contaminating their oils.

If You're Not Feeling Super Extra...

You can always buy pre-formulated blends instead of having to buy all individual essential oils. I have a rather large collection of essential oils because I can't get enough, but I know not everyone is into that. I don't usually buy blends, but "Love Potion" made by Aura Cacia is so heavenly I just couldn't resist. It is so floral and lovely and is so well-rounded. This one is perfect for those girly girls out there and it's also pretty potent so you don't need to use a lot of it. I love Aura Cacia essential oils and they're pretty convenient for me personally because they have quite a few of them at my local grocery store. You can click the link here to order it off of Amazon or to get a whiff of it first you could check your local natural foods store. Price wise it's pretty much the same on Amazon as it is at my local store, so just know that if you order it online you're not getting ripped off. This is pretty much the average price for this item.

If You're Feeling Extra Extra...

If you brew kombucha at home, you can also blend up some SCOBY's along with the coconut oil. This will give your skin an extra nourishing boost. Of course if you choose to do this you'll need to adjust the amount of sugar you put into the mix so keep that in mind. I have done this a few times before when I just needed to get rid of a few SCOBY's but didn't have the heart to throw them out. At first it felt a little funky because it kind of gives you that vinegary smell and it's not the most pleasant at first, but your skin will be uber smooth afterwards and it won't leave you smelling like booch, I promise.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Melanie


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