Do you think that women over the age of 60 can be attractive and sexy?

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  1. soozeqsh profile image72
    soozeqshposted 13 years ago

    Do you think that women over the age of 60 can be attractive and sexy?

    "Weekly Topic Inspiration:  Aging and Beauty".  Magazines and the media in general dismiss older women when it comes to beauty, thus overlooking a major segment of the female population.  Taking an oppositional view to our youth oriented society such as "  "Grey hair makes me feel sexy" or "How to make wrinkles work for you" might be fun topics.  Or if you think over 60 is truly over the hill try "The old grey mare she ain't what she used to be" or "From sassy and sexy to sad and saggy - life over 60".  Hopefully this topic will inspire some thoughtful and outrageous hubs!

  2. mariasial profile image67
    mariasialposted 13 years ago

    I am not sure about looking sexy at the age of 60 but i am sure that one can look beautiful smart and graceful at the age of 60 . You only need to take care of your skin and figure and wear according to your body and fashion requirement.

    i believe if you are 20 and you are looking great nothing special  but if you are hot at the age of 60 you must be smart mentally as well

    1. watergeek profile image98
      watergeekposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It's more like BEING sexy at age 60. I don't have a beautiful face and have never dyed my hair. I've done hatha yoga since my early twenties. At 62 men are telling me how sexy my walk is . . . and I don't try. Like you, I prefer smart and graceful.

  3. CeresTine profile image60
    CeresTineposted 13 years ago

    Yes. Being attractive and sexy at 60 is carrying yourself with stylish confidence and dressing in  elegant and chic fashion. It is not wearing tight clothes for someone half your age just because you underwent the knife.

  4. AnkushKohli profile image59
    AnkushKohliposted 13 years ago

    Yes , sure need to maintain herself by taking care of her skin & physic.

  5. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    women that age that keep in shape and don't wear lots of makeup can be sexy no doubt. the problem is that many try to hard and they end up looking cheap or desparate.

  6. Lin on Love profile image61
    Lin on Loveposted 13 years ago

    Wrong question. Yes, of course a woman can be attractive and sexy over sixty. Look at Tina Turner, Sophia Loren, the list is long. That's not the point. Attractive is one thing, sexy is something else again. Maybe I better write a hub and help all you young chicks out before you end up dried up and lonely old gals who think your love life is over just because you don't die early enough to keep from getting old. But 60 is not old. Neither is 70. Stay tuned.

  7. Mrs. Menagerie profile image90
    Mrs. Menagerieposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely!  I think the trick is to look and dress your age.  Being attractive does not mean trying to look 25.  Being comfortable with your age and, of course, taking care of yourself, is sexy.
    I recently went to a wedding that was an excellent example of many over 60 women looking their "best."  There were many different looks:

    The beautiful writer: dressed in flowing layers, minimally styled blond bob and subtle makeup...gorgeous.

    The aristocratic Jewish woman: black hair with one streak of gray worn in a chignon, a bit of red lipstick and a dark, tailored dress...absolutely regal.

    The bimbo:  one woman, who has always been very attractive in the past, showed up in a short, tight red dress and 4 inch heels.  She had obviously just had plastic surgery and thought this made her look like a teenager and so she was dressing like one.  Her hair (usually dark) was bleached blond and her date was clearly 15 years younger than her. (Good for her on this one, and HE clearly thought she looked beautiful.)  Her heels kept sinking into the ground and she had to hang on her date to stand up.  All this commotion was very attention getting at a wedding.  I was embarrassed for her.

    These are just some examples, and just my opinion:)

  8. Jason Oleinik profile image64
    Jason Oleinikposted 13 years ago
  9. Patty Inglish, MS profile image88
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

    What role does age have among women when it comes to relationships, attending school, and finding and keeping a job? read more

  10. puddingicecream profile image67
    puddingicecreamposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I think people can be attractive and sexy at all ages!

  11. K9keystrokes profile image85
    K9keystrokesposted 13 years ago

    Women over 50 are sexy and attractive in a deeper more meaningful way then when they were younger! read more

  12. Mrs. Menagerie profile image90
    Mrs. Menagerieposted 13 years ago

    Every proper woman knows the rule: "No long hairstyles after 4o."  Long hair is for women in the flower of their youth. It's beautiful, sexy, and feminine and we all know that women over 40 are none of those things. read more

  13. jagandelight profile image70
    jagandelightposted 13 years ago

    Heck yes they can. One woman that comes to mind is Susan Lucci, she's 64 years old and she's very attractive and sexy as can be. She looks like a woman in her early 40's I can't believe her age, hope I look as good when I am 60 years old.

  14. Aamna Aamad profile image59
    Aamna Aamadposted 13 years ago

    for sure they do. depending on how they carry themselves.

  15. Dianemae profile image81
    Dianemaeposted 13 years ago

    I certain do! The first vision that comes to mind is Sohpia Loren's commercial for Foster grant glasses.  She is so beautiful and with the sexy, seductive response to the question, "Do you see anything you like?' And Sophia smiles and says, "I certain do!'  Sexy and well over sixty.

  16. KatieP ThinEnough profile image72
    KatieP ThinEnoughposted 13 years ago

    We don't lose our beauty as we get older, we enhance it through the experiences of life. With age comes wisdom, contentment, compassion, empathy and self awareness. These character traits shine through our outward appearance making us fascinating, intriguing and alluring. read more

  17. Dreamlin profile image55
    Dreamlinposted 13 years ago

    Aging is a natural process that we are powerless to resist. True beauty, however, grows beyond skin deep. The loving memories of a husband help his grieving widow survive countless lonely days. read more

  18. forlanda profile image78
    forlandaposted 13 years ago

    The simple answer is... It is in the eye of the beholder. I'm assuming we are referring to physical beauty here.
    Guess what...people's views are biased by the ideas and prejudice learned from society and the pervasive culture in which they live... read more

  19. profile image0
    ExoticHippieQueenposted 13 years ago

    Yes and Yes!!!!! Suzanne Somers is a great example as well as the ones listed below.  You have a choice. Become dowdy, matronly, give up on makeup and cute clothes OR keep it goin', makeup, hair, clothes, exercise, vitamins, healthy food, postive attitude, a passion about life. I do believe it's a choice and some women just give up, don't care.

  20. soozeqsh profile image72
    soozeqshposted 13 years ago

    Aging is misunderstood in our youth oriented society.  With a change of attitude learn how aging can be an amazing positive experience. read more

  21. Davids writing profile image72
    Davids writingposted 13 years ago

    This hub represents a different angle on discussing the relation between aging and beauty. I start with the important question of whether women over the age of 60 can be attractive and sexy, even in today's day and age!   I think that the answer is... read more

  22. Sharyn's Slant profile image92
    Sharyn's Slantposted 13 years ago

    Adult Acne is more common than you may think.  Here are the facts and what you can do about it . . . read more

  23. H.C Porter profile image77
    H.C Porterposted 13 years ago

    Age is something that will happen whether you want it or don't. Age with grace and age well with some simple life living tips. read more

  24. pearpandas profile image60
    pearpandasposted 13 years ago

    Of course!  I always notice a beautiful woman by the way she carries herself!  If you think you are young and sexy, and carry yourself that way, other people will see you that way too!

  25. Alicia Crowder profile image61
    Alicia Crowderposted 13 years ago

    There are actually a lot of women that become more attractive the older they get. There is a certain style and sensual essence that can come with age and experience, not to mention the fact that oftentimes these days younger girls look older way too fast due to their lifestyle choices and older women often look better and younger as a result of having either the upbringing to know how to care for themselves through the years, or for any myriad of other reasons including the long, long list of what makes anyone attractive.

  26. Anil and Honey profile image61
    Anil and Honeyposted 12 years ago

    sure,but 90% of women are in upset about their age.

  27. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 9 years ago

    The time when women 60 & over aren't considered to be attractive is ancient history.  Up until the middle to late 20th century, particularly in the United States, older, even middle aged women, were thought to having lost their physical & sensual attractiveness.  They were considered to be nearing &/or over the hill.  This negative stereotype of the older woman was Norma Desmond in the movie SUNSET BOULEVARD. She was considered washed up by Hollywood; however, she refused to believe such & INTENDED to make a comeback.  Older, even middle age, women were portrayed in Hollywood & seen in society as a hag, even a jealous/embittered hag or a sexless nonentity. The message relayed by Hollywood & society was to ACT ONE'S AGE, YOUR TIME IS GONE.

    Since the late 1970s on with Toni Tucci, author, a pioneer of the emboldened, attractive, & sensual older woman, the old, atavistic stereotype of older women as sexless nonentities or embittered hags were a thing of the past.  Also with the feminist movement, older women realized that they still had things to do.  They furthermore realized that age did not preclude being attractive & vital.  Older women were becoming more proactive in all aspects of their lives.  They were no longer adhering to inane societal rules as to what older women are, how they should act, & what they should do.  In essence, older women had a BRAND NEW BAG.

    Older women adopted a new, fresh attitude as to what old is.  They refuse to resign themselves & to wait for death.  Oh no, they view old age as yet another evolution in their life's quest.  Many women 60 & over are reinventing themselves mentally, emotionally, physically, psychologically, & spiritually.  Being old means being involved & engaged in life.  God, I should have written a hub; well, I just might do this.  There is two types of older women- the OLD old who sees 60 & over negatively. They act & think OLD, living in the past, wishing for their youth. Then there is the NEW old who views 60 & over as just a number. They intend to explore, grow, experiment &......BE.

  28. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 9 years ago

    From the time I was a younger man , I believed women of this age were far more beautiful , wholesome  and mature , !  Sexy too ! Now that I;m sixty , they look even better !

  29. NiaG profile image83
    NiaGposted 9 years ago

    Of course they can. They better because I hope to be. :-) Like most have said it's about how they carry themselves. Either it will spill over from their years before of always feeling sexy and youthful or they will have gained a sense of feeling sexy in their later years.

  30. cnxx profile image61
    cnxxposted 6 years ago

    I'm not sure about looking sexy at the age of 60 but i am sure that one can look beautiful smart and graceful at the age of 60 . You only need to take care of your skin and figure and wear according to your body and fashion requirement!!!

  31. cosmeticanatural profile image57
    cosmeticanaturalposted 6 years ago

    Of course! It is very important for this that you take care of yourself using natural cosmetics products made with pure natural ingredients.
    Facial soaps are great allies to care for and enhance the delicate skin of the face. You have a type of soap according to skin type and need.
    The Dead Sea Mud Soap is great for oily skin due to its anti-seborrheic, anti-acne and psoriasis properties. … a-y-karite is an exceptional regenerator of the skin, both for young and mature skin and in the case of normal or dry skin.
    Choose the type of soap that best suits your needs and boasts beautiful, luminous skin.


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