What is the meaning of the sideways cross necklace that everyone seems to be wea

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  1. Sinbadsailorman profile image60
    Sinbadsailormanposted 9 years ago

    Oh ye of little faith be not fool by the devil's tactics this is not fashion!

    It is a sign of the coming doom to the Christian's Religious structure this is the precursor to the Great falling away of believers unto the deceivers side.

    Known as the Great Apostasy. Any standing Object that is laid upon Its side has fallen any sword pointed down is a sign of surrender any tree uprooted is lain upon its side ready to be cut up and burn or left to rot.

    It is not fashion to desecrate a religious symbol. The Devil is very subtle and he is the Father of all lies and the first murder. Consider the pup of a dog when it is at play with another the losing Pup flips to it side and reveals its under belly as a sign of defeat a sign of surrender.

    When a solider drops his sword it lays flat against the ground the cross upon its side resembles a drawn lowered sword a sign of pending engagement. If the point is raised it is a sign of engagement or battle pending. 

    They may say its a sign of Christ fallen and the raising but Christ has never fallen He descended and then Ascended Back from which HE came Heaven.

    This is the most disturbing things I have seen as of late but what can we expect when so many are Killing Babes in the wombs of their own Mothers. Subtly claiming  an embryo is not a child to be. A gift from GOD for the love of a couple following One of GOD's commands to be fruitful and to multiply.

    And what has happened to the Holy matrimony of  Christians and non believers alike. It is Holy only because It produces Fruit. Same sex Marriages can not produce fruit. Any Marriage may be fruit baring but a Holy Marriage produces fruit and does so abundantly.

    GOD's Cross was a standing symbol between two other crosses which meant not only what GOD the Father Gave unto us but that even there upon the standing cross a sinner could be saved as one was.

    When a cross is worn as a choker the cross stands upright between the Arteries  of a woman's neck a defiant out line is seen a V the  V is for the victory for it is finished at the Cross for those who wear them as a chain (longer) the Cross sits upon their heart a sign that Christ is with in them.

    Worn side ways on a chain it resembles a dagger plunging into the heart the sign of Death. A standing cross worn on a chain resembles the cross under a circle or bubble GOD is our Bubble that we all reside In HIM this shows GOD as Jesus coming Down. A side ways cross signifying a bridge in the Bubble away out

  2. clivewilliams profile image70
    clivewilliamsposted 9 years ago

    Just another illuminati puppet. They will do anything to allow their agenda to be seen and followed by the ignorant sheeps

    1. profile image53
      ladydesertposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Onto something, Clive. Unfortunately it's true, how what is right is being bent, and 'reinvented' as a trend. There is nothing trendy or fashionable about the Cross - A symbol of Jesus dying for our sins. The cross is upright, and always will be.

  3. Agnes Penn profile image61
    Agnes Pennposted 9 years ago

    The cross in this position brings to my mind Jesus journey to Calvary with the cross on His back.  If the trendy people want to join picking up their crosses there will be less pain and evil in the world.

  4. profile image0
    MrDanielAbramposted 9 years ago

    I think it is more of a fashion statement than something religious.

  5. Tiffany Lam profile image63
    Tiffany Lamposted 9 years ago

    I have seen this design a year ago before it gets popular. The design itself is mainly for those who are Christian and placing it across highlights the collar bone of usually a lady.

  6. Biomedical profile image69
    Biomedicalposted 9 years ago

    An inverted cross is used by Satanists with the intention of slighting Christ. They also believe it has a kind of reverse magic power, to fight against all things God loves.
    So, to see someone with a horizontal cross, I can't think of any good reasons. It is a knocked over cross, isn't it? The people wearing these certainly are not very responsible with their seeking of God.

  7. profile image0
    Joshtheplumberposted 9 years ago

    It means whatever you think it means to you. Regardless of its position this is a Calvary cross. That cross represents sacrifice. A cross with a circle in it represents service.

    1. profile image0
      Joshtheplumberposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The methodist cross represents discipleship.

  8. profile image53
    ladydesertposted 8 years ago

    I have not read a lot, if anything, of the symbolic meaning of the 'sideways cross', but truthfully as a Christian I find it offensive -- Allow me to clarify, the symbol and not the wearer. I wear the upright traditional cross, a needlepoint style silver cross everyday. I started seeing 'sideways' crosses a few years ago and surmised it was a trend. When I look at it even more closely, it appears as the cross Jesus was carrying before he was crucified. So in a way, possibly someone who is drawn to the sideways cross (jewelry) may be 'entering' Christianity, contemplating, studying, searching, accepting the Lord as their savior ...

    1. profile image48
      scarysherriposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I am really confused by your COMMENT!! "As A Christian you find it OFFENSIVE"?? "But in a way you POSSIBLY think someone wearing might be CONTEMPLATING 'entering' CHRISTIANITY"?? I don't think if you feel that way it would at ALL be "OFFENSIVE"??

  9. profile image52
    Enoch blayposted 8 years ago

    freemason sign
    freemason sign
    freemason sign

  10. LeahShelene profile image60
    LeahSheleneposted 8 years ago

    I extremely love this trend. However i think it is due to the fact that the necklace is made that way that the cross is put sideways. I have seen this on many rings as well.

  11. Kriz Smith profile image59
    Kriz Smithposted 7 years ago

    They symbol it's self probably has meaning but it's just a trend thing, with no correlation to the meaning of the symbol.

  12. GoodnewsBassey profile image61
    GoodnewsBasseyposted 7 years ago

    Wearing side necklace mean nothing to me, it all about fashion.


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