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5 Best Reasons to Embrace Mobile Tech Tools

Updated on December 16, 2019
Debbie Cook profile image

I am a self-taught “Consumer Electronic Specialist” guilty of being a gadget “early adopter” and am happy to share what I have learned!

#1 Reason to Embrace Mobile Tech - Research Your Interests Without Judements

I am one of “those” people that others wonder about. They wonder why does she carry such a big bag, why does she’s need to have so much information at her fingertips and why is she so free with her opinions? Honestly, sometimes I wonder about those things as well.

All I know is that I am happy when my life is organized, when I feel prepared for the unknown and when I can help others who are not quite the enthusiast that I am about all things gadgety.

#2 Reason to Embrace Mobile Tech - Make What You Already Do Easier

Sometimes I hear a so called expert say or I read an article saying that tech has become too prevalent in our adult lives. I respectfully disagree with that assumption. Sure, some people can become overly obsessed with just about anything and allow their lives to be out of balance - but they are the exceptions.

This year I have depended on my tech gadgets more than ever and I am convinced that we all may need a bit of obsession in our lives. Life moves at a fast pace and it requires organization to keep up with it.

I remember back to an earlier time when I wrote everything into my calendar/organizer 3 ring binder. I remember the time I spent writing, sorting and searching for information.

That was the beginning of my large bag era. My binder alone weighed a few pounds and caused me to endure questions and remarks from those that did not understand why I felt so compelled - or in their opinion - obsessed. I was always amazed how those same people depended on my information to make up for their forgetfulness.

#3 Reason to Embrace Mobile Tech - Provides Incentive to Try New Opportunities

Finally electronic gadgets began to appear. I was so proud and excited when I bought my Palm Pilot. It did not connect to anything - no bluetooth nor Internet. To this day I hope to find it stored away somewhere. I could make a lot of use of an unconnected device - for all things private.

I believe that I was ahead of my time with my desire for portable electronics. My entry into the Real Estate business was due to the fact that I wanted a laptop computer and as an agent I needed one. I then needed a way to access the internet from my car so I purchased an affordable connection card from T-Mobile. I had to have a vehicle with a large trunk to accommodate my “For Sale” signs and the Toyota Avalon I chose just happed to have a built-in cell phone AKA a bag phone. Thankfully, soon after I acquired my first flip phone. In case you are wondering - yes, my part-time income was more than enough to cover my expenses.

Fast forward from my experiences with a pre-Windows XP 7+ pound laptop a flip phone, small space storage devices and no or extremely slow on-the-go internet connection.

As life changes - so do our needs. With new time requirements I needed a new way to earn a part-time income. Of course tech was once again high on my list.

Writing was something I loved to do, so I began looking there first. By this time I had an updated laptop, a smart phone and other assorted devices - all were much more mobile than prior times. The internet was still not easily accessed on my mobile devices but overall access was much improved.

I searched out, or should I say I “Googled” my way into a few online writing positions. I even contracted with a publisher to writs multiple e-books. I offered to write about what I knew best and was able to earn a pretty good part-time income.

TIP! Figure out what you know and like best before looking for writing opportunities. Your past work will follow you.

Along the way I also got involved with public speaking. Again, this was made possible by using my tech gadgets. When I had extra time I constantly did online searches for credible opportunities. I found several very good paying jobs. Some required travel but I was only away for a day or two with all expenses paid. I eventually earned my membership into the Nation Speakers Association which helped me highlight my speaking and writing qualifications.

TIP: Always be original.
Keep copies of your articles or stories so they are not lost in case a website rotates them from view or if they remove the site all together. Your ”by-line“ may come in handy at a later date.

#4 Reason to Embrace Mobile Tech - Any Time of Day Be Reminded of Dates, Times and Tasks

Teach gadgets continue to improve and as they are able to do more, the opportunities increase to make our time more productive and our lives more organized

i have tasks organized years in advance. If things change I can easily update or delete it with a few clicks.

I have a wonderful contact list at my fingertips. I have multiple lists that I update regularly. If need be or if I simply prefer to, I can speak to my iPhone and tell “Siri” to call someone on my contact list, to add an item to my shopping list or even write and send a text or email for me.

TIP: I recently learned that items on your recent call list and voicemails may automatically be deleted after a certain length of time or by the number of them that are saved. For example, I use AT&T - I read that after 100 saved calls that the earlier ones will be automatically deleted. I tried to find a call recently and was only able to see the past 30 or so. If your call list is important to you - find out your cell phone carrier’s policy before it is too late.

#5 Reason to Embrace Mobile Tech - Entertainment Home and Away

As I mentioned in the intro to this article - there have been an abundance of trauma and crisis in my family this year. You never expect most of these things so you have to be prepared for the unknown. Once things happen there is little time to plan or shop for what you may need.

My dad passed away, 3 family members were in traffic accidents that totaled their cars (thankfully they are all ok now), another family member is suffering an unbelievably debilitating disease and my mother-in-law’s home was severely damaged by a freak accident.

I am now and have been involved up close and personal in each occurrence except for 2 of the vehicle accidents. Organization is and has been paramount in the details and resolution of each event.

Travel to and from (to be with my dad) driving 10 to 12 hours each way was a scheduling and logistics nightmare. If you are thinking that flying and renting a car would have been easier - you would be correct except for the timing. My dad passed on April 5th - so any available flights during the NCAA March Madness sold for up to and over $2000 per seat.

My iPhone and Apple Maps got me there and back. My iPad gave me the chance to let my dad communicate with his wife who was recovering from a stroke over messenger for the last time. I spent a lot of time at his bedside while he slept - my electronic gadgets helped keep me sane.

Each event had it’s moments, and even though they were not dramatic each and every day - it was a challenge to coordinate my work responsibilities with the schedules of individual workers and meetings with insurance adjusters. Each event lasted longer than a month and the latest one (the house - freak accident) began on September 25th and lasted until November 26th. I am still coordinating final details.

I needed my iPhone to coordinate a tremendous amount of communication with an unbelievable number of people, to take photos of damage and the repairs made, and to keep up with all of the scheduling.

I carried my Microsoft Surface Go laptop (with cellular data) with me in order to catch up on paperwork and to insure that our payroll as well as our government payments and reports were on time.

My iPad (with cellular data) did double duty - some work but mostly it provided endless hours of entertainment while waiting for workers to arrive and being available to them while they worked.

TIP: Often there are no outlets to plug into for power so take your own power with you. I prefer my Halo Bolt as well as my smaller power supplies. The Halo Bolt will jump start your vehicle, it will charge you gadgets, it has an ordinary outlet to power a laptop and it has an LED light on one end.

In Summary - Just a Few Strategic Electronic Gadgets Provide Most of the Soutions

A Go-Bag is very handy. Keep your charged power supplies in it, keep all cables required for your gadgets in it as well. Make sure you have a flashlight and include a list for each family member and check it periodically.

Your go bag will be different than mine and mine will be different than your neighbor’s go bag. Embrace the items you enjoy and that you have the ability to be mobile.

You will find that you need to carry fewer items than you think. Be prepared and your unexpected situation will be less disruptive to your life.


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