Search Goes Social | Facebook: The New Internet

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  1. jacharless profile image74
    jacharlessposted 12 years ago

    After receiving nearly ten emails this week, regarding Facebook Inc. (Nasdaq: FB) projected 100 Billion IPO, and previous information, a bell rang out in my head.

    There is no denying, FB has changed the face {no pun intended} of interaction between people all over the world, with its site, OpenGraph and recent merger with Miscrosoft's Bing Search Engine. Many figured this was a move to slow down the Big G giant using an internal search on FB platform.

    But, there are a few more what most didn't see were three things:

    a. FaceBing/BingBook has tested a very new and unique modal for search engine results. No longer driven by the database query or link, this New Internet is driven by friends -specifically tags and remarks by friends, within your social network, about what you have searched for. In short, creating a new Search Engine approach. An approach that may well hurt the jolly G giant. But, that isn't the half of it.

    b. If you have been watching closely, you will notice over the last six months, FB has done major changes to its platform. It has made it more iPad/iPhone friendly. It is also no secret that Ad Revenues by users generates 2/3 of FB's income. What stood out about this was the opportunity for Microsoft Publishing sector to integrate affiliate parameters, with FB, granted users permission to receive revenue shares. That alone is a massive hit to Big G, who, by all directions has owned the PPC market for 5 years. But, still this isn't the half of it.

    c. This may very well be, what some have never imagined. A market specifically for FB apps. Yup, your read that. Take Android, which has recently changed into Google Play Store, carrying music, books, apps and more, strictly for Google technology devices. Sadly, they cannot overshadow the 'i' world, which is still the leader in digital apps for phone, pods and pads. BUT, a move by Microsoft, to re-enter the mobile playing field, opens the door to their social-lover, and what could very well be a Facebook Phone and Tablet, driven by Microsoft technology, packed front-to-back with all the games, etc used by 100,000,000 people every day.

    This three-way is certainly nothing short of amazing.
    Do you think FB~Microsoft are reinventing the internet as we know it?
    What technology do you think will come out of the 100 Billion dollar IPO?
    What do you think Google will do to counter these measures?


    Search Goes social

  2. knolyourself profile image61
    knolyourselfposted 12 years ago

    "No longer driven by the database query or link, this New Internet is driven by friends -specifically tags and remarks by friends, within your social network, about what you have searched for." Talk about a micromidget world. The last thing I would care about is what my friends would have to say, if I had any. What am I suppose to do clone myself to them?

  3. jacharless profile image74
    jacharlessposted 12 years ago

    Well, it is an interesting approach to search engine technique. In essence, they are creating micro-engines, driven by your search results. Your social network can be tagged or tag you, make suggestions on better searches they found, else save your search results for later query.

    Something about it certainly has the element of stacked SERP -which likely drive traffic to specific links/sites -like HubPages.

    It puts the user in a position of reducing spam and increasing relevance. For example if I return a query that is garbage/spammy/broken/over stuffed with ads, I can alert everyone in my network. And if someone else finds an excellent query, they can alert me.


  4. jacharless profile image74
    jacharlessposted 12 years ago


    I knew it! FB planned to build an "Android" Market -strictly for FB apps- using Microsoft technology. Next up, fTablets and fPhones. Mark my words.

    FB App Market

  5. iefox5 profile image59
    iefox5posted 12 years ago

    Current facebook search function is not so humanity and it would be great if facebook launches its own search system.

  6. jacharless profile image74
    jacharlessposted 12 years ago

    It would, if MS/Bing keeps supporting FB, for the social search prototype.
    Sadly, they might actually be considering replacing the CEO.
    Over 5k lawsuits already in place, no revenue beyond Ads, and the stock just fell below its original secondary market value. This is not gonna be pretty.



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