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Foods of Croatia

Updated on March 8, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

Delicious Foods

Creme Caramel
Creme Caramel | Source
Seafood | Source
Home-made cheeses
Home-made cheeses | Source
Cep, the Penny Bun
Cep, the Penny Bun | Source
chanterelle main ingredient,  muhsrooms
chanterelle main ingredient, muhsrooms | Source
Dried figs, and muscles prepared and grilled fish
Dried figs, and muscles prepared and grilled fish | Source
Rye bread
Rye bread | Source
Prawn and muscles prepared with garlic and rosemary spice.
Prawn and muscles prepared with garlic and rosemary spice. | Source
Butraga | Source
Freshly picked Strawberries
Freshly picked Strawberries | Source
Freshly picked grapes
Freshly picked grapes | Source
Grilled fish, onion for salad and sweet treats
Grilled fish, onion for salad and sweet treats | Source

Foods of Dubrovnik and other Regions of Croatia

I live in the southeastern part of Croatia where the foods are the most traditional. When tourists visit lovely Croatia, they want a taste of all the different foods.

Many people have not yet heard about Croatia but have heard of Dubrovnik. When people catch their first sight of the city, be it from a plane, a car, or a ship, the view etches itself into their memory.

It surely caught my eye.

The ruins of the war had left Dubrovnik's Old City in shambles. Over the years hard work improved the features of the beautiful town of Dubrovnik and changed successfully.

The foods are spectacular:

In the surroundings of Dubrovnik, there is a tradition of producing hard sheep milk cheese formed into small flat cakes.

During the maturing period, it is regularly doused with olive oil.

Many Dubrovnik restaurants keep on their shelves in large glass containers stored in olive oil. Rozata, otherwise known as Crème Caramel is a traditional dessert of Dubrovnik it is made from eggs and caramel.

The Neretva Estuary. The wild, striking features of the Neretva River is amazing. The landscape is extraordinary, and it draws people to stop by for a simple sandwich.

The ingenious folk of Dubrovnik have demonstrated their abilities in many fields, including gastronomy.

Butraga is a fish extract, a powerful concentrate of proteins and hormones prepared by drying the roe of the grey mullet.

It is highly valued not only because it is scarce, but because its consumption even in small quantities, boosts life's energies and vitality and therefore, to eat attributed with powerful aphrodisiac properties.

Right in the beginning of August mullets from the Neretva estuary start out on their course of the Peljesac peninsula, always on the same day and always along the same route.

The mullet is thinly sliced and eaten with bread and wine. Butraga slowly melts in the mouth, releasing waves of powerful flavour and providing a unique experience that is not easily forgotten.

Chanterelle a peasant knows best where to find this type of mushroom. He would know how to find the edible mushrooms grown in the forests, secretly. This is limited to ten varieties that form a part of traditional popular cuisine.

Cep is known as the Penny bun.

The Penny Bun is thought of when one mentions mushrooms to Croatians. The way the mushroom is shaped and the divine fragrance it has with the majestic cap and the charming plumpness feature.

The mushroom had always been the gem of Croatia. There are about thirty similar varieties of the same family and the only one recognizable are the Penny Bun. Some of the mushrooms from the same family have been protected.

Ancient tradition has it that should anyone come across alone Cep you should ask it quietly, ''where is your brother?'’ they invariably grow in pairs.

There are several methods used to prepare Penny Bun, in some parts of Croatia the mushroom is served with eggs, a spot of pork fat, and some sliced onion.

Cep is added and gently cooked.

The ingredients are blended and mixed to fry until a soft texture is formed.

The Penny Bun soup is another popular delicious recipe. In this recipe mushrooms of all varieties are used with some vinegar added. Mushrooms are grilled on hot coals; the Penny Bun is the best grilled or made in soup.

Simply dipped into melted butter and placed on a grill. When done they are sprinkled with salt and a few drops of a fine alcoholic beverage and served with rye bread and a slice or two of prosciutto ham gently fried over the fire.

The Penny Bun remains the best and most highly regarded of all mushrooms in Croatia.

Olives and olive oil. One of the most successful ancient agriculture is the regeneration of olive production. We have many olive groves over one hundred and fifty-some people of orchards of Olive plants like by the thousands.

I enjoy picking olives and producing our own olive oil. It is such a pleasure to have our own Extra Virgin Olive oil and from there I have learned of the benefits of olive oil.

It is a most healthy oil to cook with and a teaspoonful of olive oil daily helps fight against the belly fat Salt-pickled fish is soaked in olive oil with some vinegar and a few slices of onion.

Marinades made with raw fish in top-quality olive oil with anchovies and sprinkled with the juice of home-grown lemons.

These are, especially popular with the Split and Zadar regions much further away from the Dubrovnik region and the most southeastern part of the Konavle region. The baking of olives in the old traditional way is to release the bitter elements from the olives.

The olives are baked and are kept in olive gently spiced with Mediterranean herbs, primarily rosemary, and the best way of enjoying the olives.

Also, an old tradition whereby pieces of olive are put into bread dough the result being deliciously piquant bread. Green and black olives are used to produce a spread usually for bread.

I have tried to cook Croatian traditional foods and have not yet mastered most of the recipes. Goulash is a common meal here that is my most simple dish all foods are simple to make it is just the different cultural approach and I am not able to do with perfection.

Cooking requires time and patience above all passion to make a delicious meal.

A good Fish Paprikash is simple to make and I am good at it. Many types of fish are cooked in a small cauldron over an open fire, but I cook this meal on my stove indoors. The choices of fish for this meal have only the spine there are no small bones to pick at.

This is a highly regarded meal in the region called Slavonia, but is also found in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, and is mainly, prepared on Fridays.

Carp and Trout are among the most common fish eaten in Croatia. Dried and cured meat is also a traditional food in Croatia.

We ate dry-cured salted meat, and I enjoyed the taste but not the kind of food that I would have daily. It is fine with occasional snacks. I do enjoy eating Croatian foods, but it has a huge difference in taste in comparison to the Indian spicy foods.

The many herbs and spices used in Croatian foods are the mildest and least spicy. Black pepper is mostly used for the extra flavour. Foods vary from each region and are cooked in their own traditional ways.

In each region, the different foods are cooked in a unique way and have its own special meaning. The foods in central Croatia are delicious and tried in the most creative ways.

I enjoy trying different foods the tastes are with great different flavorful spiced with rosemary, bay leaf, mint, Thyme, basil black pepper, garlic and cinnamon. Rosemary is mostly used to spice lamb, pork, fish, chicken and other foods when cooking.

Seafood is included in many cuisines.

Chicken is not much of a favourite food. Vegetables and fruit are among the top foods in Croatia. The summertime is filled with many fruits and vegetables giving us a chance to experiment to plant our greens.

I have experienced a new beginning and trying to keep up with my great challenges in a foreign country. To prepare creative foods, face up to different people, and try to speak the Croatian language in my daily life.

I live by positive and happy thoughts and the support of my good friends and family.

Herbal garden

Rosemary in flower
Rosemary in flower | Source
Mint | Source
Basil | Source

Foods have Different Flavors

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Devika Primić


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