Beautiful places around the world worthy of visit
Who wouldn’t want to travel? If you win in a lottery or somebody treats you for a vacation, choose places you want to go? C'mon list down the places you would like to visit. For my own sake, I listed the places in the world I like to go. I have been to some places like Australia, North America, Southeast Asia and Europe, but I still want to see some of these places. Who knows I have a benefactor out there who will give me money to travel. If I can write interesting hubs, then I can also earn from hub pages and save to go to my wish list of places to go.
I like to go to Egypt for their pyramids (great architecture), Greece (to quench my thirst for civilization and history), London to see modern and old strutures, architectures, music, culture and the arts too.
I want to go Egypt to quenched my thirst for archeological, and ancient civilization and pyramids of course. They say Luxor (worlds largest open air museum) is a must place to visit. The Egyptian Museum of Antiquities they say is the world’s greatest collection of Pharaonic treasure, and also the golden treasures of the king Tutankhamun. I would like to go and visit that. There are also lots of beautiful mosques and churches also that reflect the country’s cultural heritage.
I want to go to safari in Africa if I have the resources next time, but I am a little bit scared of wild animals. If I ever go to anywhere in Africa, I would like to have a good sight of the kind of life they have there to appreciate them more. We all know that countries in Africa are still lagging behind in terms of development comparing to other countries but maybe it will open some good heart in us in trying to help them also. In particular, I would like to go to Tanzania.
I want to explore and see the remnants of the past civilization. I want to see monument of Greek goddesses in its place and Athens (one of the worlds oldest cities). Not that I want to see a Greek man (they are said to be good looking and known warrior), but I want to see the fountains etc. and the Sparta (don’t know if it still exist now). I want to see the Parthenon located
in Athens and is said to be the symbol of Greek civilization. Who wouldn’t want to see the remnants of the great Greek civilization? Its Gods, goddesses and the civilization that is older than the Romans. I want to see the sculpture of Alexander the Great too.
I also want to see London to look at different style of architectures and the monarchy. When I went to Europe I would like to go and visit london but I cant afford the British pound. I cant go there to watch the 2012 Olympics because I know I cant still save enough money by then. I might just go to Brazil to watch 2016 olympics. Still, I wish to pass by the Buckingham Palace and to see if the guards are not really moving (lol). I will stroll the London bridge and scour the area to window shop (every woman love to shop). London has been known as the hub for fashion, financial centers and institutions, media, arts, politics, music, entertainment and shopping of course. I want to see the skyline of the city, Tower of Westminter, Tower of London and Tower bridge. Have you heard of their underground network? Whew, must be awesome to go there and travel by their train. I wasn’t able to go there when I went to Paris. The bullet train by then is already in operation. Who knows, I can go and visit Oxford and Cambridge University (oldest academic institution), wow. But I must go and visit the London School of Economics and Political Science.
I could also to Wales or some part of it to look at old castle, sceneries and rolling hills.