What do you like about Italy!

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  1. Hmrjmr1 profile image69
    Hmrjmr1posted 15 years ago

    What do you like about Italy!

  2. FranYo profile image61
    FranYoposted 15 years ago

    The Art, and nothing much else....Venice stinks and is overrun with tourists who have Italy on their "bucket list", the food is overpriced and not so good, the wines are either sweet (I prefer dry) or just okay, the people are abusive and unfriendly and dishonest, the drivers are horrendous, and the weather is just so-so.
    Other than the wealth of Roman artifacts (btw, did you know that there are more Roman ruins in Turkey than in all of Italy?) and the mostly religious art in museums and churches, not much else to do or see in Italy. 
    Of course, I am generalizing about the people, for instance, but really.....Italy is runnin' on its reputation for far too long at this point.  Much more interesting places to see, tour and visit.

  3. 2uesday profile image67
    2uesdayposted 15 years ago

    Italy is a beautiful country, the food is great and the wines even the local ones are good. If you just visit Italy on the tourist trek you will never see it at its best. To fall in love with Italy you have to live 'like an Italian' visit the street markets as well as the museums, walk in the parks, eat your breakfast with the Italians in a local bar. How much you pay for a meal depends on where you eat, the main tourists areas will always be exspensive.

    Italy is a complex country you can not get to know it in one visit each region specialises in different foods but there is always a choice; even a Mc Donalds if the children get home sick. The real fast food in Italy is a pizza. A carafe of wine and a pizza for two can be bought for less than £20 which would be about the same or less than it would in the UK. In all my visits to Italy I have only had two meals that were of a poor quality.

    I am still working my way through the places in Italy that I have visited and writing about them. Mostly I love to go to Italy as it is beautiful place.  The landscape looks like a painting when it is burnt and dry in the Summer, at other times it is green and vibrant, it has mountains, seaside,cities, villages you are spoilt for choice.

    Often what is taken for arrogance in the Italians is actually a pride in the place they were born and no I am not Italian.

  4. stricktlydating profile image75
    stricktlydatingposted 15 years ago

    I liked how in Rome, you could walk the city to see all the tourist sights, and you didn't need to use any other form of transport. I had always emagined the city as being enormous, but actually it seemed quite small when I was there. I enjoyed seeing the old stone ruins. While the city felt small the size and scale of old stone building ruins was amazing.

  5. Shinkicker profile image52
    Shinkickerposted 15 years ago

    I worked in Italy for 6 months
    At the risk of generalising, I like the friendliness of the Italians, their positive and affectionate attitude to children, their fun-filled, crazy antics and of course the food and wine.

  6. jenniferoutwater profile image57
    jenniferoutwaterposted 15 years ago

    I'm an American living in Italy..so there is a lot to love and a lot to dislike.  It's like living anywhere else.

    One of the things I love the most is their sense of community and connection to one another.  Italians are deathly loyal to their culture, traditions, and regions.  Every Italian is raised to think that they are the most beautiful and important person on the planet (i.e. Italy) lol
    The self confidence and commitment is wonderful, but it also provides for a lot of laughter.

    One of the things I dislike, is their intense love for doing things against any systematic order...  If you tell them not to put their arms outside the windows of a moving train.... you can bet they will all be hanging out the windows.. it's really funny but when it comes to getting things done here it can prove to be a headache to say the least.

  7. profile image0
    sophsposted 15 years ago

    Everything! :-) :-)  especially the food!

  8. POULOMI DUTTA profile image60
    POULOMI DUTTAposted 14 years ago

    the answer to this question lies here:

  9. kathrynbax profile image55
    kathrynbaxposted 14 years ago


    Everything! I love the pace of life. Italians who live in the south of the country as well as those living in the countryside live a very unhurried lifestyle. Italians work to live, they don't live to work, and I think that they have the right idea.

    Of course it makes frustrated living if you want something done by a certain timeframe, and it doesn't happen - like getting a house built or rennovated - but it will happen eventually, just not in your timeframe!

    I love the people. They are friendly and generous. I love the food, especially the rustic food of Tuscany. The ingredients are simple, and unpretentious, the flavour to die for. I love the language. It is a romantic language that is easy on the ear. Finally, I love the history, and the architecture, the layers of culture, the medieval villages and hilltop towns that haven't changed in hundreds of years.

  10. Jangaplanet profile image61
    Jangaplanetposted 14 years ago

    To visit Rome and discover it's  beauty, you must lose yourself .Getting lost will guide you to most beautiful places.

  11. mysteriousmaven profile image61
    mysteriousmavenposted 13 years ago

    Pizzas and pastas are at the top of my list. smile

    But hey, the environment and scenery are amazing! yikes

  12. Leonardo Simone profile image56
    Leonardo Simoneposted 13 years ago

    Hi guys, do you konw this site?


  13. croatiaholidays profile image59
    croatiaholidaysposted 7 years ago

    Italian food is amazing and landskapes and people smile I love Tuscany, Sicilia and Lake Como smile

    1. RobinReenters profile image61
      RobinReentersposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      So many picturesque things the sights are amazing so cultural the people and of course I was there Rome Florence and Venice riding on the gondola Oh! Mama Mia seeing the slanted Pisa but stay home with your Visa LoL


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