If you could design a perfect world, what would it be like?

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  1. Millionaire Tips profile image87
    Millionaire Tipsposted 12 years ago

    If you could design a perfect world, what would it be like?

    There are no limits, create your own perfect world.  Who would be in it, what would it be like? What would you leave out from the current world? 

    Feel free to write a hub about it.

  2. profile image0
    klanguedocposted 12 years ago

    Good question....

    A place where there is no war or disease. No hatred, no hunger.

  3. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    That is a hard question because what is perfect for me, is not necessarily perfect for someone else.  Having said that, no war, no hunger, no homeless.  I would want distinct regions with ideal weather for those people like me that hate the cold.

  4. irenemaria profile image60
    irenemariaposted 12 years ago

    A perfect world. Wish-thinking or reality? read more

  5. Insane Mundane profile image57
    Insane Mundaneposted 12 years ago

    If we were immortal, didn't require oxygen and could buzz around the cosmos as we please and at any rate of speed, I'm sure a person could find several perfect worlds out there.  Then again, after searching through the universe, I might just get bored and decide to come back to this little insane planet called "Earth."

  6. shara63 profile image61
    shara63posted 12 years ago

    It wud be like as God created it initially, perfect in all aspects...but we so called human beings in the name of civilisation  have delapidated & messed it up to the present condition!

  7. Diana Mendes profile image67
    Diana Mendesposted 12 years ago

    My idea of a perfect world would be a world of love, peace & harmony. A world free of wars, diseases , hunger & poverty. A world where we do not have to struggle to make both ends meet & race through life but have lots & lots of time to enjoy the beauties of nature that God created for our enjoyment. Basically a carefree world where all our needs are met without worry & fear of the future. Like Heaven on earth.

  8. teaches12345 profile image76
    teaches12345posted 12 years ago

    That would be pretty close to heaven! If we just had peace and got along that would be enough for me. OK, maybe, no one would really have to work but just kind of contribute daily to the general activities. Always time to go shopping, vacationing and out to eat with friends.

  9. profile image0
    samnang222posted 12 years ago

    What perfect mean to everyone? we have no wisdom to make everything perfect on the earth, but what I've wish if I can design it I would prefer it to be the world in its beginning, Look how perfect it was, all of the creatures was so perfect so that's it I really prefer! good question.

  10. BlossomSB profile image79
    BlossomSBposted 12 years ago

    If I designed it, it wouldn't be perfect and if I could design the perfect world it would soon be imperfect because I'd be in it and no human being is perfect. God designed a perfect world, but it didn't stay that way for long because we human beings disobeyed and messed it up. However, sometimes it is pretty good and we have much to be thankful for.

  11. freemarketingnow profile image58
    freemarketingnowposted 12 years ago

    Read the end of Revelations in the Bible. That'd be my ideal world - world peace, perfect justice, and perfect love. It's a world without sin and sorrow.

  12. MatthewLeo1701 profile image61
    MatthewLeo1701posted 12 years ago

    A perfect world would be one where we all loved our jobs, instead of us all working jobs where our bosses were bent on breaking you  at every turn. Getting paid well, for what you truly love, that would be heaven.

  13. rLcasaLme profile image68
    rLcasaLmeposted 12 years ago

    God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day. - Genesis 1:31
    Nothing can better this.

  14. Miss Lacey profile image60
    Miss Laceyposted 12 years ago

    My idea of a perfect world is just simply a more "peaceful" world. In my perfect world, there would be no more violence. We could all live together in harmony, and have compassion for one another. It makes me so sad to see people be so heartless and cruel.

  15. chivs86 profile image79
    chivs86posted 12 years ago

    One without humans to ruin it possibly.  The kind of place you see in the leaflets the Jehovah's witnesses give you, of the garden of Eden.  But, scrapping that I would say a place where you couldn't get sick, where you didn't need to eat, drink, where you could travel around the whole planet without getting tired.  A place with no need to live in one place, where you're free to go anywhere you want, it's always a moderate temperature and everything's nice.  No litter, everything grows on trees and a situation so perfect no would ever want to break laws or do anything bad.

    I'd rather not think about it really though to be honest being realistic I'd rather just make the most of what I've got.

  16. khalidosama profile image60
    khalidosamaposted 12 years ago

    Well, the perfect world in my dreams is a peaceful planet,no place for raciest,cheating,using and exploitative people,these kinds of people that always destroy the planet and the whole world,we all can share things.Everyone can help anyone without using them or even not to get something back in return.

    my perfect world only contains kind,lovely,helpful,trusted people so we all can live in peace

  17. phillippeengel profile image80
    phillippeengelposted 12 years ago

    I will design a world that is selfless, humanitarian, and peaceful.

    Competition and stress are unavoidable though, but they can be mitigated.

    Basic necessities like bread and water will be provided to all people around the world; and hopefully chronic hunger can be extirpated.

    Furthermore, my world will not emit greenhouse gases and CFCs that will deplete the ozone layer.

    I will not let economic gains compromise our earth, our home.

  18. Jennifer Madison profile image73
    Jennifer Madisonposted 12 years ago

    No animal testing
    No pollution
    No destruction of the ecosystems
    No wars
    No selfishness
    No cars in cities
    Solar-powered cars
    The use of sustainable resources
    Respect for one another
    No luxuries

  19. ackman1465 profile image59
    ackman1465posted 12 years ago

    How ironic that you pose this question....

    HOWEVER, I am not going to tip my hand as to my agenda for when I become King of the World (and, thereby, get to actually design that world!).....  so you'll just have to take my word for it that things will be LOTS BETTER under my leadership........

  20. Emanate Presence profile image68
    Emanate Presenceposted 12 years ago

    With a starting place of the world as it is now....

    Since environment has such influence on individual development, I would instill in society through consistent, offered education at an early age, values such as self-awareness, self-responsibility, empathy and compassion, courage and confidence, creativity and following intuition.

    I would encourage individuals to find their truth within, to appreciate diversity and respect the right of others to their beliefs and choices.

    Then, as much as it would be my personal wish to see one world, there might need to be a split in the world. Those who don't want to change their habits and prefer to continue along the lines of greed, ambition, control and so on can have their experience. And those who consider it pure joy to live their highest attibutes and qualities and express themselves with limitless creativity, would have the opportunity to experience life in their chosen way, unimpeded by restrictive cultures, traditions and systems.

    The two worlds would not need to be much aware of or involved with each other, but still the borders could be crossed for evolutionary purposes as a happening.

    That is, one world would be of such higher vibration that the other would not recognize it, except at moments of breakthrough as we have now between this and the subtle. The difference is that now the subtle is inhabited by astral entities and in the proposed version, humans would have a choice to move freely in a more ethereal state in harmony with the pulse of the universe. The perfect world follows a course for those who choose, of conscious evolution.


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