I can't stand the rain here... Help us figure out where to move!

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  1. wordscribe43 profile image90
    wordscribe43posted 12 years ago


    Okay, I'm over the depressing weather in Porland, OR.  I've had my last winter here, I really have.  Which is so sad because there's so much we love here- the mountains, ocean, trees, desert, the open-minded attitude and our awesome friends. But, the weather sucks.  I miss snow, too.  And, the cost of living is high here. 

    I need more sun... period the end.  And, I'd like to find a decent sized house that isn't crazy expensive.

    We're considering moving to Colorado... somewhere outside of Denver.  Anyone live there and have any thoughts?

    Where do you live that you love?  Why do you love it there?

    1. wilderness profile image94
      wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Be careful there.  I used to live in central Virginia.  Not as much rain as Portland, but very wet by many standards.

      We moved to Boise, Idaho - very dry and lots of sagesbrush country.  After nearly 15 years, I still miss the lush vegetation of Virginia.  I don't miss the rain, or the bugs, or the population density or a lot of other things, but I really did like all the plant growth.

      Strangely enough, I also remember moving there from Eastern Oregon - it took a long time to realize I had a touch of claustrophobia.  You couldn't see more than a few hundred yards at best, and I was used to seeing for miles and miles to the mountains around.  Any change is a little upsetting and there is good and bad in every location.

      1. wordscribe43 profile image90
        wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, I know.  This isn't a rash decision by any means....  We've been pondering this for a long time.  Our other big complaint is how far we are from our families.  They are all in the midwest and it costs way to much for us to visit them.  In CO, we'd only be ONE flight away instead of making a connection.

        I know there's a lot I'd miss here.  But, when you're depressed for months on end, there's no enjoying it anyway.

        1. wilderness profile image94
          wildernessposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Family was the reason we chose Idaho.  I don't like the desert much, but mountains are close, humidity is low (Virginia was very high and horrible), and rain infrequent enough that I enjoy it when it comes.

          Family is important.

    2. profile image0
      Emile Rposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Colorado is gorgeous. Lots to do if you love the outdoors. The cost of living is high though, compared to the east coast. It's been a while since I was there, but if I remember correctly, good produce and good brands of ice cream were hard to come by.

  2. wordscribe43 profile image90
    wordscribe43posted 12 years ago

    Maybe we should move to Denmark... allegedly the happiest place to live.

    1. recommend1 profile image60
      recommend1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you have ever been to Denmark you would realise that that poll was created by the totally boring and bored people who are forced to live there.

  3. rebekahELLE profile image86
    rebekahELLEposted 12 years ago

    It is so pretty where you live, but I couldn't live where it rained all the time, with no sunshine. It must be hard, how does one get used to no sunshine? I've lived in the midwest, northeast (way too cold), New Orleans and now the sunshine state. I can't imagine now living where it gets cold for an entire season, or two. Snow.. New York did it for me with snow on the ground from October through May. No more snow.

    I love Florida because I love the weather, the Gulf, the beauty of nature here, and the expansiveness of the sky. Every day I'm in awe.  It definitely has it drawbacks (as any place does), and there are days when I wonder where some of these people come from, but the 'flowery' state is home for me.

    Colorado is beautiful, but I don't know about cost of living, etc. I have a friend who lives in Denver. He seems to like it except shoveling the snow! smile

    1. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I can't get used to the no sun, that's just the problem.  I've been here for exactly 16 years now and spend every winter battling Seasonal Affective Disorder.  It's just too many months out of my life feeling this way.  I'm done.

      I do want seasons, though.  I love the fall, but it's like a blink of an eye here.  I love alpine terrain, just can't get enough of it and I'm pretty sure I can't give that up.  We spend a lot of time hiking in the summers... 

      My hubby is looking for work outside OR now.  Colorado is the focus, but I'd like to consider other places as well. 

      Thanks for your feedback, wilderness and rebekah!

  4. wavegirl22 profile image42
    wavegirl22posted 12 years ago

    Born and bred in NY finally last winter I just about had enough. My car was literally on a mountain of ice for 3 weeks. From the indoor heat to warm up from the freezing cold winters to blasting air conditioning to keep cool from the stifling hot summers (NY IMHO is no longer a 4 season year , it is more like the 2 I just described!) I am now in heaven.

    Its been just about 3 months but I am loving the San Diego weather. Though it has been a bit colder at times than I had anticipated the sun shinning all the time has not let me down.

    My skin, my bones and just about everything feels better her! Best is it is the best weather for always having a good hair day (frizz free is how I would describe it)

    Just like rebekahELLE described Florida, I am finding the same beauty of nature here (the mountains are awesome), and the expansiveness of the sky (the most amazing sky at night and yet it is all so close to the beach. Yes every day I'm in awe here. Sure I miss the streets of NYC, but that will be the best part of visiting (think Spring wink

    Anyway just thought I would add my 2 cents in here!!

  5. rmcrayne profile image94
    rmcrayneposted 12 years ago

    I live in San Antonio.  It rarely rains.  The summers are long and hot, but really low humidity (unlike S.C. where I grew up).  It’s all bearable because 4-6 months a year the weather is extremely mild.  Cost of living is relatively low.  We have multiple venues for concerts and plays.  We have the Spurs.  We're only 4 hours or so from Galveston, which I love, love, love. 

    Austin's only an hour and a half away.  I think Austin would be a great place to live. I think I’d also love living in the Hill Country- New Braunfels, San Marcos, Fredericksburg, Johnson City, or Wimberley (all of which I have visited often).

    1. gracenotes profile image90
      gracenotesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Definitely, all of South Central Texas is good.  I love San Antonio.  At this time, Texas is experiencing a drought, and there is PLENTY of sunshine (in North Texas, where I live, the drought is not nearly as bad).

      Can't blame you for not liking the rainy climate.

      There are parts of Colorado where you rarely go 2 days without seeing the sun.  Perfect for a passive solar home, if you don't mind cold weather.  I don't like extremely dry weather, though, because it is bad for my skin, and I think the winter would drive me crazy up there.

      On balance, I think San Antonio has an ideal climate.

  6. Don Simkovich profile image61
    Don Simkovichposted 12 years ago

    Wow, this has the makings of a great Hub. I'm sure someone has written it. Colorado sounds like one of your best options for what you want. Closer to family, sunshine in the winter and summer ... along with the other weather. Otherwise, central California may be an idea. I enjoy the San Luis Obispo area.

    So Portland has a high cost of living? I'm surprised to hear that.

    1. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it's high enough.  Real estate is bad...  I know, a hub on the subject is a good idea.  Actually, San Luis Obispo often turns up in the top 10 best places to live.  But, it's spendy, right?

      1. Don Simkovich profile image61
        Don Simkovichposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Really? I didn't know SLO turns up often. I can see why. I don't really know the cost of living there. Certainly it's less than LA and Pasadena. Somehow I think it's do-able or Santa Maria near by.

        1. wordscribe43 profile image90
          wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Evidently Riverside, CA is the most affordable place in CA.  I know nothing about it there, though.

  7. barryrutherford profile image75
    barryrutherfordposted 12 years ago

    Come to Brisbane Australia-   today will be 35C today.  Not always so hot...

    1. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'd love to, actually.  I feel a certain kinship to Australians, frankly it started with Earnest.  I love the Australian sense of humor (or humour, I guess I should say!).

  8. breezy0311 profile image58
    breezy0311posted 12 years ago

    Here in West Yorkshire, England its sunny and about 9C which is unusual for the time of year, we generally have snow in December right through to January. 

    This year we have had really bad storms followed by a lot of rain so it nice to get a day away from the foul weather.

    Highs: When we get snow it causes havoc on our roads, so time off work when the roads are blocked!! Our healthcares not bad.  Family all live within commuting distance.

    Lows:  It a very expensive country to live in, gas/electric prices are now way too high!!Prices are rising and our wages/pay checks are no higher than they were 4 years ago!

  9. miss_jkim profile image75
    miss_jkimposted 12 years ago

    I grew up in Northglenn Colorado, a northern suburb of Denver. What you describe that you are looking for is all there. Mountains nearby for hiking in the summer, skiing in the winter, the city is not far away with LOADS of things to do and see, and Boulder is home to the University of Colorado and not far from Golden, where they brew Coors Beer.

    Weather is mild in the winter and sunny in the summer. Go for a visit and you will want to stay!

    1. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh my gosh, I might have to pick your brain about Denver suburbs!  Golden is one place we're looking at...  We have kids and a decent school district is high on the list.  I have heard good things about Northglenn, Golden and Littleton.  We're looking to get the most bang for our buck in terms of real estate, too.  We have three kids and the girls are at each others throats sharing a room!  What about Wheat Ridge?  Any suburbs to stay away from (meaning icky, too much crime, bad schools, etc...)?

      My husband spent many summers hiking around Denver/Boulder and loves it.  Me?  Well, I've driven through, that's all.  But I remember how breathtaking it was!

      1. miss_jkim profile image75
        miss_jkimposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I actually graduated from Northglenn High School, but that's been a while back. When I lived in NG there was a definate seperation between us and the city of Denver, not so much any more, which is kinda sad. (I've never been a city girl) I am now living in the DEEP south of Alabama, but my brother lives in Greeley and I have family in Broomfield as well, so I visit pretty regularly.

        These days it seems that the most popular aresa to live are in the northern part of the state, a little further away from the congestion. But the hwy system there is very easy to navigate and get around. Here is a website I found that gives a lot of information about some of the areas that I hear are good places to live.


        I don't know what kind of work you / your husband do, but there are lots of possibilities and loads of schools to attend.

        I miss Colorado, but I don't miss shoveling snow or driving in it in the winter. I enjoy my visits, but I don't know if I could live there again, I find my peace on the beach these days.  Good luck to you and your family

        1. wordscribe43 profile image90
          wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          My husband is a techie guy, so he can get a "location non-specific" job pretty easily.  That definitely opens up our world!  I'm at home with the kids... 

          Thanks for the link, there's some great information there.  I don't want to live in the heart of Denver, I'm not a big city girl either.  I'll keep you posted on our journey and may have more questions, if you don't mind.  Thanks for all your help!

  10. mega1 profile image80
    mega1posted 12 years ago

    there's always something about every place that limits it a bit - and rain is not actually the worst of them, but I understand the urge for dryness.  Still, here in Sonoma County the weather has been too dry lately and people are starting to worry - rumors circulating about possible drought year.  Since this is primarily fine grape growing country it matters.  I, myself, am loving the dry sunny days, and like to pretend I am living in Provence and all that.  Good luck to you!  I know its impossible to find perfection, though, unless you bring along your love of the people and other critters in the place - that always helps!

  11. wordscribe43 profile image90
    wordscribe43posted 12 years ago

    Thanks, mega1... You are so right, there's no perfect place.  We worry about floods here, you have drought, too bad we can't share a bit of each others weather, huh?  No doubt you can be happy or miserable no matter where you are.  The point being you bring yourself along, right?  lol  You know, that whole geographical fix theory and how it does not work.  In my case, I have serious problems with S.A.D. and turn into an entirely different person in the winter months.  It's just become unbearable, really.  I use a SAD lamp, but it's not a panacea in my case. 

    If the rainy season weren't so long here, I'd stick it out.  But, when it approaches half of my life, I take notice.  hmm

  12. bloggernotjogger profile image60
    bloggernotjoggerposted 12 years ago

    I live on the Costa Del Sol (Spain). More than 300 sunny days a year. Went out for my run today in shorts. Low Humidity. Food is great. I can get a can of beer for 0.25 cents at the supermarket (Steinburg - German import). Lots to do. A good bottle of wine is about 5 Euros. A  few Americans here too.

    You do need to speak at least a little spanish.

    1. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm afraid Spain is a little off the radar!  But, I sure would love to visit...  A good friend of mine went and fell in love with it.  I didn't think she'd come back, in fact.  smile

  13. MariaMiles profile image60
    MariaMilesposted 12 years ago

    My boyfriend and I just moved from Northern California. We're adjusting, but I definitely miss the weather. I've lived in Portland before but coupled with the tough employment market the weather sure does get to you! Colorado is a great place because like Oregon it has a lot to appreciate outdoors. You might also consider the Bay Area in California or somewhere right outside of it because the cost of living can be really high; that's why we moved to Oregon!

    1. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Love the Bay area, but no can do with the prices!  Welcome back to Oregon, by the way.  It is one of the best places in the world (imo), in fact it would be bliss without the dreary, cloudy, rainy days.

      1. MariaMiles profile image60
        MariaMilesposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks! Yeah, once I get a full time job I'm hoping I'll be able to visit the Bay Area more often and that'll be my antidote. Good luck with your search! Things will work out! You can always throw caution to the wind and try overseas!

  14. thisisoli profile image80
    thisisoliposted 12 years ago

    Austin, TX.  It is incredibly dry here for around 11 months of the year tongue

  15. thisisoli profile image80
    thisisoliposted 12 years ago

    Plus similar to Portland in terms of lifestyle!

  16. profile image0
    Charlinexposted 12 years ago

    Arizona is another choice.

    1. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      True, Flagstaff is a cool place.  Thanks!

  17. LoriSoard profile image66
    LoriSoardposted 12 years ago

    Doesn't it get pretty cold in Colorado? I agree about Arizona as a possibility, but some areas there get cool as well. We live in Indiana, and we get a lot of rain and snow. We have all four seasons here. However, cost of living is low in Midwest, so that is one positive.

    1. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it does get cold but I love that.  Love the snow!

      Arizona is a possibility we've looked into.

      Funny thing, my husband got a call from an Indiana recruiter yesterday... Ft. Wayne?  Never heard of it...

  18. Greekgeek profile image79
    Greekgeekposted 12 years ago

    One possibility is Utah. You'd have to deal with winter, but it's on the far western edge of its time zone, so the sunset over the Lake is fairly late. It's getting more expensive to live there, but it's still not as bad as pricey places like southern California (which I love, but it sure is expensive).  It's a desert, so nearly all the water falls as snow in the winter!  Don't live in Salt Lake City, though -- too smoggy. Try Ogden or one of the more outlying areas.

    I also remember that sunset was really, really late in Michigan for the same reason: if you find someplace on the western edge of a time zone, the sunrise is later, but so is sunset, which I find helps during winter.  (Not necessarily Michigan, but look for states to the south of Michigan along the edge of a time zone.)

    ETA: I'd put in a vote for Austin as well. Me Mum went to college there, and it's definitely more like the Pacific NW in culture than most of Texas. wink

    1. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I love Utah, it's beautiful... I've never been to Austin.  I lived in Oklahoma for a while and I'm not sure I can go back to such a conservative part of the country.  I do know Austin is its own little world in Texas.  But, my husband would NEVER go for it.  I must say, it's fun to look at real estate there.  Man, we could live in a palatial estate for what we pay here.

  19. ALUR profile image59
    ALURposted 12 years ago

    I used to hate the rain. I don't live where you do but I bet the seasons have a big affect on your mood?

    I"m in Northern VA where we pretty much have four real seasons. BUt with all the global warning who knows anymore.
    The only drawback to living here is the outrageous real estate prices.

    I do wonder however if you'd be "happy" elsewhere. Before moving search the soul that requires the sunshine
    and then make your decisions. Just a thought...

    Good luck!

    1. wordscribe43 profile image90
      wordscribe43posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      And a good, prudent thought as well.  I know what you mean, I'm not looking for a geographic fix...  Of course your problems follow you wherever you go. 

      This is different. I do know I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder that's exacerbated by living here.  When summer rolls around, I'm happy as a clam.  But, the winters are longgggg here...  So, I spend a lot of months battling the SAD, that's just too much of my life.  Life is too short.

  20. TahoeDoc profile image82
    TahoeDocposted 12 years ago

    Sounds like it would not meet enough of your criteria, but South Lake Tahoe, CA and surrounding areas have abundant sunshine and snow (lots and lots usually). Travel is a pain, though, as we are 1.5 hours from Reno, 3-4 hours from San Francisco and 2 hours from Sacramento. Surrounding areas might be good options though (but won't get you closer to family).

    Mostly, I wanted to let you know that I get it about the gloom and the rain. It doesn't affect some people much. But, I grew up in Pittsburgh which has the same lack-of-sunshine issue that you have. It was always cloudy and gray and precipitating, but too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter to enjoy any of it. I always felt 'blah' there but didn't realize that wasn't normal till I left. I didn't know how much I needed sun (mentally and physically) until I moved to San Diego. The idea that the sun could shine all the time was stunning to me. I felt like a different person- happier and more energized.

    Then we moved here to the mountains surrounding Lake Tahoe (South Lake Tahoe to be exact). Summer or winter- the sun shines! There is no smog or haze. It's never too hot and rarely too cold (only during storms). Skiing and other outdoor activities are easy to come by. Surprisingly, the high school here ranks in the top 6% in the country. The people are friendly, open and kind for the most part. The city (Sacramento, Reno and San Francisco) and desert are short drives.

    The biggest downers are that housing, while cheaper than many places is still a bit pricey. Also, here in Tahoe, we have to drive at least an hour and a half to an airport, then every flight requires a connection (unless your final destination is Salt Lake or Phoenix). And there is no shopping- have to drive an hour for that too.

    For what it's worth, my husband really wanted to live in the Rocky Mtns. I just can't bring myself to live that far from the West Coast now, for some reason smile

    Good luck- I think for everything you said, you might be on the right track with Denver 'burbs or similar.


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