Thank you for reporting this incident.
We take abuse of our email system very seriously.
What is Abuse?
The word "Abuse" as applied to our email system includes all offensive, inappropriate, harrassing, or otherwise unwanted emails.
However, please understand that when you publish online and you have chosen to allow others to contact you, you are inviting a certain amount of communication, particularly communication concerning the subjects you have written on.
What is Spam?
The word "Spam" as applied to Email means Unsolicited Bulk Email ("UBE"). An email is not spam unless it is both unsolicted and the same message has been, or appears to have been sent to many addresses.
Reasons why you may have received this email
- There is a HubPages account registered to your email address, and you have chosen to receive certain types of email
- Someone you know visited HubPages and used the 'email this page' feature
- Someone you know signed up with HubPages, and thought you might like to sign up as well