BBCode is a collection of formatting tags that are used to change the look of text in this forum. BBCode is based on the same principle as, and is very similar to, HTML. Below is a list of all the available BBCodes and instructions on how to use them.
The following tags change the appearance of text:
[b]Bold text[/b] produces Bold text
[u]Underlined text[/u] produces Underlined text
[i]Italic Text[/i] produces Italic text
[color=#ff0000]Red Text[/color] produces Red text
[color=blue]Blue Text[/color] produces Blue text
You can create links to other documents or to email addresses using the following tags:
[url=]HubPages[/url] produces HubPages
[url][/url] produces
[email][/email] produces
[]HubPages Help[/email] produces HubPages Help
If you want to display an image you can use this image tag.
[img][/img] produces:
If you want to quote another post.
[quote=James]This is the text I want to quote.[/quote]
:) produces
=) produces
:| produces
=| produces
:( produces
=( produces
:D produces
=D produces
:o produces
:O produces
;) produces
:/ produces
:P produces
:lol: produces
:mad: produces
:rolleyes: produces
:cool: produces