Nonsense Rambling - Poem about Foolishness
Is my rambling all foolishness?
Writing into the night is something writers often do. In my spiral notebook of “The A.M. Poems,” this is what I do. Maybe that’s just “foolishness” to a lot of people, but to those who must write, we must write.
Yet as the night wanes and the coffee is gone, even though the words might be coming, they are slowing and hesitant—or maybe just not making as much sense to a tired brain. Foolish babbling in the mind forces the poet to finally put aside his pen, his laptop, or his “quill,” as one of my fellow writers would say…and just stop.
Writing out feelings . . . .
Foolish Babbling
Foolish babbling,
Incessant windiness
Too much mind work
Or pen work
Or maybe the hour of the night
Or the craziness in the air
Or in my head.
Wasteful words,
Incomprehensible idioms
Too vague
Or farfetched
Or stupid or corny
Or simply just
Not thought out enough.
Stop it all.
Dim that light.
Put it all aside.
Drop that cursed pen,
Tormented brain,
And let it rest,
As I rest.
© 2011 Victoria Lynn