Top Ten Get Paid to write online sites no scams | Writing Online Get Paid
Overview of Paid to Write sites: writing for money
- Constant Content
- HubPages
- Infobarrel
- eHow
- Sponsored Reviews
- TextBroker
- Demand Studios
- ContentCurrent (formerly ForumBoosters)
- ProBlogger Job Boards
A brief intro for each writing for money site
There are hundreds of opportunities for online content writers, this selection is intended as a quick reference for more seasoned writers.
This list is limited to sites I have personal experience with and most importantly have sent me payments for my work
For a more detailed description of my suggested process see
Writing for money online: Maximizing revenue from your content and research
No fluff explanation of writing for money sites
Writing Sites with style guidelines:
eHow: How To format articles, probably the best paying per pageviews of any of the selections. Payment via Paypal
Demand Studios: Each article pays between 5.00 and 20.00 per article, strict format rules and editorial review before acceptance, application process is rather involved and can take some time to be accepted. Payment via PayPal at the end of each week.
Content Current; offers payment for articles following client guidelines and for forum posting. a good site to learn SEO writing and article writing.
Constant Content: one can place articles for sale in their marketplace or respond to requested content alerts. Strict style guidelines, payment can exceed $100 per article, but no guarantees exist that your content will ever be purchased
TextBroker; Similar to Constant Content, authors can charge on a per word basis based on their Author Quality score
Associated Content: the lowest of the low of online writing sites, low performance payments (1.50 per 1000 PV), low upfront payments, but can still be used for a tidy profit if one dumps their worst writing and drafts upon them, also good for backlinks. Also good for popular topics with low adsense/advertsing opportunities, i.e. Myspace and seasonal topics.
Sponsored Reviews: Get paid to review products on your own blogs, payment amounts varies but can exceed $20.00 per 500 word post. Can possible have some negative effect on your blog rankings, use wisely. be a real writer, write columns in specific niches, get a rather strong performance pay and build reputation as a writer. One of the better options to pursue should you be interested in a real career as a writer. 2012 Update - Examiner has not panned out as being a worthwhile resource for online writers.
ProBlogger: A great resource for finding and applying for great paid writing positions. You must have a good portfolio and actual writing talent to consider landing most of these gigs.
Hubpages: Write on any topic, make money via 3rd party publisher accounts, get increased visibility due to your partnership with this well ranked site
Sure! there are lots of sites that I skipped, but I rank Hubpages over Squidoo, Bukisa, Xomba and the like, I don't suggest overusing paid review and paid per post services, If your going to market your articles, textbroker and constant content is king. Its best to have diverse income sources but don't waste your efforts on inferior Triond, Helium when stronger partners exist.
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The Xobba Secret
Limited May Open Door Admissions - This invite only network has opened its doors to welcome Hubpages and eHow writers who are moving up in the world.
Best HubPages Alternative
- For a short time, the Xobba Network is accepting new writers that are exiting the HubPages and eHow models. The majority of the opportunities are reserved for closed door discussions, but if you consider yourself to be a writer or marketer who puts forth their best effort and would like to move towards self sufficiency in your online writing career ... you should look into Xobba
The application process is informal -begin discussion about Xobba Opportunities, be prepared to show existing portfolio examples and converse briefly about marketing models you follow. Serious Inquiries will be rewarded, it is worth your time and the offer is only open for a very limited time. Traditionally, the network is invite only.
Xobba features
- 90% In Post Impression Share
- Geo-Locating Amazon Impression Share
- Backend tools including link shorteners and image editing
- Hyper Responsive Administration
- A community of writers from DS and HubPages
- Assistance in Learning the Wordpress Format
- Rewards that include Free Hosting and SEO tasks
- An intelligent community
- A closed door policy
- Monthly Contests
- ..more