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Emergency Credit Cards.

Updated on February 27, 2015
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Being hungry without access to food is a helpless feeling. The empathetic always seek to feed hunger. This recipe feeds a lot of people.

Credit Cards - Emergency Use Only

"Get a credit card, but only use it in case of an emergency."

The road that has been traveled by Americans, are at the crossroad of finance and ethics.

America is a bit over 200 years old now, and as an observer for 50 years, it is my conclusion that the choice was to let ethics, wisdom and intelligence go free.

The love of money is the greatest love Americans have.

An example begins with the early days of television; yes it was black and white. Does anyone remember the old Dick Van Dyke show? On the Dick Van Dyke show, Rob, a newer member of the writer's staff, had the job of writing for a weekly variety show. Just like today, in order for the agency to get funding for the variety show, they had to come up with keen ideas for advertising?

The shows are old black and white shows. Times have sure changed. They smoked and drank liberally in the workplace and on television. Mother was at home with the little kids, and Dad's only responsibility was to bring home the bacon. Child rearing fell mainly on Mother, unless discipline was required.

The dynamics of the show, were where Dick was pressed to get bigger and better clients. Dick and Marge and Buddy, worked day and night trying to find the perfect catch phrases.

They did stress and strain trying to find the right flood of words or images, to go straight to where the consumer lives. Unknowingly, they and their ilk, would come to nest within the mind of people viewers.

It wasn't that people did not want stuff, it was just that companies had to come up with new and interesting ways to get people WANTING more things. Bigger, better, faster...

Rob and the rest of the writers were always under pressure of losing their jobs, unless they could come up with new adventurous ways to hook advertisers. The pressure was on. The pressure was put ultimately upon the consumer of goods.

Charge It or Buy It

Click thumbnail to view full-size
Plastic or paper?Invest for retirementsaving pennies, jewels and other valuables
Plastic or paper?
Plastic or paper? | Source
Invest for retirement
Invest for retirement | Source
saving pennies, jewels and other valuables
saving pennies, jewels and other valuables | Source

The Dick Van Dyke Show, YouTube

Jingles Sound Like Innocence, and Santa

Jingles were the first real push in advertising. Coming up with a catchy little ditty about say...Jello, would get into people's mind, and they would always think about, and sing these songs, embedding the tune and advertisement in as many people's minds as possible.

In the video below, are commercial jingles from the 1950s and 1960s. Many of the products highlighted in this video, the average media viewer, will recognize. Rice Krispies, Mr. Clean, Slinky, and Texaco among others. The Slinky jingle is embedded in my brain forever.

Jingles, get into our head, and you cannot get them out

Early Use of Subliminal Marketing

Wikipedia Article

Wikipedia has a lot of contributions regarding subliminal messages...

Public concern was sufficient to cause the FCC to hold hearings in 1974. The hearings resulted in an FCC policy statement stating that subliminal advertising was "contrary to the public interest" and "intended to be deceptive".[23] Subliminal advertising was also banned in Canada following the broadcasting of Hūsker Dū? ads there.[20]

A study conducted by the United Nations concluded that "the cultural implications of subliminal indoctrination is a major threat to human rights throughout the world".[31]

Charge It

In the late 1970s, early 1980s cartoons were in on the act. Lilly can recall snippets from the Flintstones® and Jetsons® created by Hanna Barbara, where the women of the house, were given relief from their dreary lives of solitude and indenture, by giving them the Charge Card to be able to go shopping.

  • Not have the money ?, No problem, Charge it.
  • Always wanted to take your spouse to HI? Not enough money? , Charge it.
  • Broke down on the side of a road in 1970? No ATM's, no problem, you have Master Charge.

When counselling individuals on building their credit scores, even Financial experts continue with a Mantra that was started decades ago. The only reason a responsible and honest person would need to apply for or own a credit card, is for EMERGENCIES.

The person who is the best fit for a Credit Card , is one who has the money,or disposable income. They are able to take advantage of bookkeeping and records maintained via statements and other paperwork.

The optimum approach for using a Credit card, is by paying the balance within a few days, or certainly before 21 days are expired . The wise money person does not pay interest to use their own money.

Most people who have gone through the stress and anxiety of applying for a loan at a bank, has quickly come to realize, that the only people who get loans , are those who have the money .

The only people who can also afford to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, complete debt consolidation are those who have the available extra several thousand dollars to gain relief.

Subliminal Messages, New 2011

Credit Cards Do Not Create Extra Money

In conclusion: Credit is not extra money. Credit cards are not for financial emergencies.

For a Christian based culture who loves to deride individuals their personal sexual preferences, and lifestyles, it is shocking to discover that Christians, as well as most other North American groups are able to ignore the warning in the Holy tomes, "not to owe any man".

Being in debt was a Shame to a holy person. It was Solomon's Wisdom that decried the used of Credit, or Usury.

In the United States, in the 1970s it was considered shameful to buy on credit. Western Auto was the first business in our small rural town that opened up charge accounts for customers. As Christmas loomed, Western Auto would send out beautiful and alluring advertisements, allowing that a Credit Customer could fill up the space under the Christmas Tree.

Those first entities offering credit, eased the way for those with a lot of money, to continue to prosper, while those with no or limited money fell deeper and deeper into debt.

Is it an emergency when you are about to have Triplets, and you must go buy brand new suites for all three of them? Is it an emergency when it is your Anniversary, and you still haven't taken your wife on a worldwide cruise?

The messages sent by financiers, has been; life is an emergency. Wanting is an emergency. If you want that $2,000.00 keyboard , it is an emergency. Just think, that $2,000.00 can be broken into 36 easy payments of $50.00 as a minimum payment . Just think please. Paying the minimum balance, will never be able to pay the debt off.

A great deal of dissatisfaction felt by most consumers and shopping addicts is that although they go through the register, and have a bag of receipts, they do not own it.

If wanting is an emergency, then that means it is okay to steal.

What is the difference in a Contractor paying for supplies on credit, building a project, and then going bankrupt, to a Thug on the street, seeing something that belongs to you, and because he deems it an emergency, he can take what is yours? Somebody gets screwed.

The difference is lawyers, banks and politicians. They do it all gentlemanly. Suppliers and many small businesses take big hits and go under because those who can afford to Charge jobs, tools, and labor; then go Bankrupt.

The one who gets ripped off most is the consumer. Buying on credit is for those who already have the money to pay for what they want or need. Consumers who spend their lives in credit card debt never own very much . Consumers who hail the call, "Charge It" are caught up in suggestion. Suggestion that their lives will be better and more satisfying if they "shop until they drop", "Life is an emergency and there is ____________ Card".

By rethinking Credit and Credit card use, consumers can begin to pay themselves. Pay yourself by purchasing only what you need, and saving for what you want.

Do not let someone else charge you usury to use your own money! It is a trap, and in order to have Money growing on trees in your life, Don't Charge it.

Pay for it up front. You will have much greater satisfaction in your life and belongings.

1973 Master Charge Commercial

© 2011 Lori J Latimer


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