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Setting goals or making resolutions - make them work

Updated on June 4, 2016

New year Resolutions or setting goals for everyday

Many people make New Year's resolutions or set goals for themselves. Some people make a resolution on a whim or an impulse. Most New year resolutions are broken as soon as the newness of the year wears off. Making the new-year’s resolution is one of the most negatively spoken of event. It is not necessary to wait for the new year to set your goals. Today is a good day, resolve to do something to change your life and it shall be yours.

Do you think that the resolutions or the goals you have set are well considered and planned? If it is not, it is bound to fail; but do not fear yet, it is never too late to set it right. Here are a few suggestions to help you make it work. If you can pay sufficient attention to how your make a resolution or set a goal for yourself, work out the details, plan and work on them with determination, you will be sure to succeed.

What is a resolution?

Unless a particular man made New Year resolutions, he would make no resolutions. Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective.-G. K.Chesterton

Resolution means a firm decision to do something indicating firmness of mind or purpose. To make a firm decision, the resolution has to be well thought out, taking so many aspects into consideration & ensuring that it works. In simple terms it is a decision to reach a desired goal.

Should you set goals or make new years resolutions?

Well, we need to start somewhere and the New Year is a good enough reason for a fresh start. It gives a feeling of a new beginning and hope for the future. It is okay for those who are cynical about resolutions to be so, but research shows that resolvers were more successful than non resolvers.

The very fact that you make a resolution shows that you admit that there is a problem in that area. Accepting the problem is the first step to reviewing and resolving the issue. It just needs sufficient care from one’s side to make a resolution work for him / her.

To make a resolution we need to review our life and list down the most important things in our lives that need attention.

How to make resolutions or set goals for daily life?

Prioritize, put first things first. Yes prioritizing is the only way to make the right resolution. You chose the most important things that need immediate attention and start work on them, right away.

The most common and popular resolutions are working harder, reducing weight, spending more time with the family, quit smoking or drinking or any other habit, get out of debt, learn something every day, help others etc.

One thing that is common about all these resolutions is that they are not specific, they lack clarity and cannot be measured

Making your resolutions work - reaching the desired goals

Once you have weighed and prioritized your needs, you need to make a working plan.

Be realistic in setting goals. Split the bigger goal, for example lose weight up to five pounds a month, would be a short term goal that is realistic and workable. A short term goal will help you measure your progress from time to time and keep you motivated as you see yourself progress. The long term goal helps you keep the bigger picture in mind as you work through your resolutions all year through.

Write down your goals once you have crystallized them - both short term and long term, display it in a place where you can see it every day so that you are reminded about it - until a habit is formed.

Writing down your goals will help you remain serious and committed and determined to it long after the newness of the New Year is over!

Announce it to those who will support and encourage you and you are sure to be more successful.

Buddies in determination

Planning to achieve your goals

Make sure that you plan your routine around your new resolution. For example, if you have decided to go for a walk in the morning for half an hour, make sure that you get up in time and adjust the time on your day’s activities so that you don’t end up being late for work and getting into trouble, thus ending up quitting the whole deal. When you plan new activities and intertwine them with old routines, they always work as you are used to the routine. For example, if you combine your errands outside with your walk, both can be done without taking too much time and you reach your goals in one shot.

Make sure that you are committed to making your plan work for you. Getting buddies or partners with similar needs to work with you on the goals make the commitment strong; you will need to do it for yourself as well as for the other.

Motivate each other, goad, prod, push, cheer and encourage each other to achieve your best.

If you are on your own, make sure you make a celebration of every milestone you reach; motivate yourself by getting a new set of clothes when your weight is down by five pounds, or buy yourself a pair of new walking shoes when you have walked three kilometers everyday for a month.

Reach your goals at all costs

If you had to break your routine for a few days for some valid reason, make sure you don’t fall back. Get back into the groove as soon as possible.

Don’t overdo things and try to compensate for lost time, take things in your stride and increase activity slowly, over reaching may cause you to burn out faster.

There may be changes in life and so you may have to change your goals, it is okay. Try to be flexible but try and make it workable to the extent possible. Reset goals and work on them if for some reason your priorities have changed due to life changes. Never give up.

Why do resolutions fail?

Resolutions fail because they are unrealistic, ill planned, or due to poor commitment. If you watch out for these, you are most surely on your way to reaching your goals and being successful in your endeavour.

Lack of motivation may stem from the fact that the resolution was not well thought out or it was not your own need but something that you were compelled to adopt due to pressure from family or friends. Motivation from self or internal motivation is the best kind of motivation. You need to find ways and means of motivating yourself. Be innovative and celebrate your victories however small they might be.


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