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Nutrition Tips On Dealing With Migraine Headaches

Updated on July 5, 2011

If you or someone in your family or relation suffers from migraine headaches, you may know the devastating effects this disease can cause not only on the sufferer, but on the family itself. Perhaps, a lot of people try to treat migraine headaches with conventional means to get rid of them completely, but unfortunately only one-third of patients get fully satisfied with conventional treatment and even if these one third of patients get treated, some of them suffer from short-term and long-term side effects of migraine medications which may be really worrisome and painful for the sufferer and the family itself. Due to these side effects and risks of conventional methods of treating migraines, many people opt for natural solutions without migraine drugs, such as nutritional therapy, yoga, meditation, and other natural means of treating migraines. It is also well known by most migraine headache patients that treatment and prevention of migraines is not as easy as it can be said because they need to identify the root cause of the problem and eliminate it to get rid of migraines completely. One of my colleagues was a former victim of migraines and she got them treated by focusing on nutritional therapy with proper nutritional guidance, consultation, and nutrition course for 3 years.

Severe migraine headache pic
Severe migraine headache pic

Common migraine triggers include emotional stress, too little sleep, depression, overactivity or excessive exercise, fasting, skipping meals, etc. Obviously, there are too many other possible causes of migraines that are described in various websites and articles on migraines all over the web, but I would like to cut short and put some light on the dietary factors that are involved with migraines and will provide some tips on how to deal with them naturally with nutrition. Undoubtedly, food intolerance is the main cause of migraines, as many research studies have revealed that detection and elimination of certain foods can improve or even wipe out symptoms of migraines in many patients. In a recent study, it revealed that approximately 93 percent of patients experienced improvement from their migraines by eliminating allergenic foods from their diet, but then also allergenic foods are not the only suspects that cause migraines.

Migraine food intolerance chart
Migraine food intolerance chart
Dietary adjustment can prevent migraines.
Dietary adjustment can prevent migraines.
Fennel seeds
Fennel seeds
Watercress - Nutritional super vegetable
Watercress - Nutritional super vegetable
5 almonds soaked overnight and eaten in morning help headaches
5 almonds soaked overnight and eaten in morning help headaches

So here are some nutrition tips on dealing with migraine headaches naturally.

  1. However, allergenic foods or food intolerance is not the root cause of all migraines, there are different types of dietary adjustments which can make a whole world of difference in reduction of migraine headaches and improvement of overall health.
  2. Improving your diet means more than eating. For example, it is necessary to maintain a constant level of blood sugar. To get rid of migraines naturally, a person must eat light meals at regular intervals, which include proteins, but these meals should be low in simple carbohydrates for example refined oils and sweets.
  3. It is an interesting fact that fennel has been used by ancient Aztecs for treatment of migraine headaches.
  4. Watercress is a highly nutritious vegetable that has excellent sources of vitamin c, vitamin B6, carotenes, and manganese. According to nutritional analysis by great herbalists, watercress is the natural superfood for migraine relief.
  5. Several migraine patients have found relief from migraines after eating almonds for 2 to 3 weeks on a regular basis. Their headaches became less frequent and less severe due to this. Soaking five almonds overnight in water and eating them in the morning treats the problem.
  6. Avoiding certain acidic food products like milk, meat, cereals, breads, and cereals helps in prevention of migraines.
  7. Avoiding fried and fatty foods also help in getting rid of migraines.
  8. Reducing salt intake is another nutrition tip on dealing with migraine.

Avoid eating fried fatty foods such as meat and chicken to help migraine pain.
Avoid eating fried fatty foods such as meat and chicken to help migraine pain.

How you would like to treat your migraines?

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Some people experience increased migraines with fresh pineapples.
Some people experience increased migraines with fresh pineapples.

Side effects of uncontrolled nutritional therapy

Every food can have a side effect if taken in large quantities. Some foods have little side effects and some have more. Also, it depends on individual differences, for example some people are allergic to fresh pineapples as they worsen their migraine headaches. Some people also get problems with almonds or fennel so at last I would say that eating large amounts of fennel, watercress, almonds, and pineapples can also worsen migraines in some patients but not all.

HubMob Weekly Topic: Nutrition Hub #1 by soni2006
HubMob Weekly Topic: Nutrition Hub #1 by soni2006

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