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Kitten Throwing Up Food

Updated on April 29, 2014
A sick kitten is a sad and depressed kitten. If a kitten is throwing up food, it can easily lose happiness as its tummy becomes more upset.
A sick kitten is a sad and depressed kitten. If a kitten is throwing up food, it can easily lose happiness as its tummy becomes more upset. | Source

Is Your Kitten Throwing Up Food?

There are many reasons as to why your kitten may begin to vomit its food. As a pet owner, you are probably extremely worried about your ill kitty. This may prompt you to overreact in some instances, when it could simply be a little stomach bug or stomach upset. However, vomiting should not be ignored. Every owner should responsibly check out their animal, and watch them carefully when ill. Vomiting can be a very minor issue, so it is not always bad news. However, it can be a sign of something more severe. All of us (humans and animals alike) tend to get and iffy stomach from time to time, and there is nothing wrong with that. Identifying and eliminating any possible cause of the illness is important, and you should be prepared to note any additional symptoms of illness.


Small Tummy Upsets Result In Vomiting

Just as with us, sometimes food doesn't agree with our kitten's tummy. This can be due to several reasons. The kitten or cat may have a sensitive stomach, with certain ingredients making him or her nauseous. The kitten could also be allergic to a particular ingredient. No matter what it may be, you should watch your kitten to identify any patterns of illness.

If you have suddenly switched your cat or kitten's brand of cat or kitten food, this can result in an upset tummy. Generally, you should ensure that you switch your cat's food over the course of a few days, instead of suddenly. A sudden change in diet is not easy on the animal at all.

If your cat was previously eating something else before eating his ration of food, this can also cause vomiting. You should inspect the mess to ensure that they did not eat other objects or foods. If you find signs of anything other than the kitten's food, then that is probably the reason for being ill.

Every now and then, our kitties like to gorge on food. If your kitten has gone some time without eating, you should not allow him or her free access to a large amount of food. If the kitten's tummy becomes too full, he or she will most likely regurgitate it to relieve the stress on the stomach.

Severe vomiting may require medicine to help the cat to become better. A sick cat will do much better after a visit to a vet.
Severe vomiting may require medicine to help the cat to become better. A sick cat will do much better after a visit to a vet. | Source

How Many Cats Do You Own?

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Problems That Should Be Addressed IMMEDIATELY

While we all know vomiting is a part of life (however gross that it may be), there are many symptoms that should not be ignored. Stomach problems are very common symptoms of more menacing health issues and underlying illness.

When your cat becomes sick, note the physical appearance of your cat. Are its eyes watery? Is there gunk around the eyes, nose, or mouth? Are the eyes sunken or dull? Dilated pupils? These facial symptoms can point to other illnesses, such as infections or colds. If the cat is thin, lethargic, and barely eating (while also throwing up what it does eat), it needs medical attention as soon as possible.

You should check for foreign objects, food, and blood within the mess that you kitten leaves. If you find foreign objects (Cats will often eat wrappers to human food, small toy objects, plants, and more) you should remove these objects from within the cat's reach. The same goes for foreign food that your cat was not given to eat. If you find blood, this can be a very severe problem, and is almost always associated with an underlying health problem. Blood in the stomach can also result from eating foreign and sharp objects.

If your cat displays more symptoms than simply vomiting, you should keep a close eye on him or her and be prepared to take the animal to the vet for medical treatment. It is never a bad idea to take an animal to the vet; but not everyone has the money to do so. Be wary of all of the possible symptoms that the cat could acquire in the near future, so that you can take the right actions when called for.

This cat is getting a check up from his/her veterinarian. A lot of cats will see this as a scary place to be, but we can only hope that they know we are doing it for their health!
This cat is getting a check up from his/her veterinarian. A lot of cats will see this as a scary place to be, but we can only hope that they know we are doing it for their health! | Source

Getting The Vet Involved When A Kitten Is Throwing Up Food

Veterinarians are a pet owner's best friends. They help us to keep our cats and kittens well when we do not have the tools or knowledge to fix what is going on. Veterinarians are equipped with an incredible amount of tools, including diagnostics testing and surgical equipment- things pet owners just don't have. As much as we would like to, we just cannot help animals like a vet can. If your kitten begins to show severe symptoms, it is definitely time for the vet! Time can be either your friend or your enemy- it all depends on how long it takes to get the kitten back on a healthy path.

Do You Have A Regular Veterinarian That You Take Your Animals To?

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