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Pitbulls: Getting one? Maybe, have one?

Updated on July 30, 2009

Pits are like any other dog, except...

 How they look, and their taught demeanor!

I really just whole heartedly believe that! I have never ever came across a mean Pit, and I have never owned one. A relative did, but he was a big ham. Just always sittin' around waiting on a munchie or lounging on the sofa!

So many people see only the bad side of Pit's and Rotts. They never seen the good things they've been in the news for. But when you go see what kind of dog it was, it was a Pit or a Rottie!

My family and friends that have had Pits, have had really loving dogs, but just do NOT try to hurt someone they love. They have about 360lbs of pressure that could bite a rodent in half. But that's not out of mean-ness. I think that is taught. You don't have to teach a Pit to be your loyal friend and protector, it already is!

In my opinion of picking dogs, is when you want this dog TO BE YOUR DOG and not the family pet or just some doggie you picked up, I suggest YOU LET THE DOG PICK YOU!

That dog already has an instinct about you that strikes his fancy on who he'd like to be his/her potential owner! If you're worried about getting dirt or slobber on you, you shouldn't even get a dog period! LOL :) Not being mean, just saying, that's them! Get a hampster or a lizard! Not a dog! With a dog, if it's going to be your loyal companion, then you're going to accept, dog hair, even though these dogs shed little if groomed properly, and it's going to drool! And you'll use that to your advantage later! :)

Grrrrrr... :)

What I agree with or don't agree with

 This guy here, let's call him Rex the Skull Master! He's a beautiful dog, so don't think I'm saying otherwise. What I do agree with that people do (I feel the same way about my Rotties tail being docked) is have their ears clipped! It's like that old lady who got a face lift too late in life.

This guy's look is very intimidating, with the exclusion of a spiked collar! Still don't forget he has 360lbs of pressure with those cute little chops he has showing there! The thing is, this dog is probably as passive as a kitten. Look at his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. Dogs that aren't about to attack, don't usually do this. Maybe unless he's trained to. Good luck on that LOL.

Also, pulling his ears back like that takes away what he would be giving us, that puppy dog (hey you gotta treat or wanna play) type of look.

So, no, I don't agree with the docking of any tails (even though mine was already done when I met the people I got her from) or the clipping of their ears. They need to just be themselves, and they'll be intimidating when necessary regarless of if you've done these things to them or not.


What a cutie baby Pit!

 Seriously, now, think of this puppy... why take away those ears? In a month or two, they'll flop and he'll be so adorable! In fact, he looks about the age you should begin to train him a few little details, like "his toys, are his, and yours are yours" (read my potty training hub if you're having a hard time in that dept!) But these puppies deserve to be as they were.

When I see my dog trying to wag, what she has left of a tail, it actually makes me a little sad. I'm happy of course when I know her tail is wagging, but i'm saddened because I can't see it, and it makes me wonder if she feels it.

Look at this guys blue eyes! They'll change as he grows most likely, but this is a classic shot!

Anyway if you are looking to get a pit, please remember never to hit your dog, you'll either make the dog never trust you, or you can turn your dog into a whimp. The best way to train your dog for protection (and especially if you already have a menacing looking breed) is to give your dog a lot of love an attention, and every now and again, give that dog a special treat. You'll have the best protector ever! I hope this helps you in deciding if you would like a dog, a Pit, or Rott (see my Rottie hub if interested) 

I don't think what people even realize, is just as some other humans or animals have personality traits that have a mean streak, I just don't think dogs should be pegged as a mean breed as they're mean or not. It's just a part of your animals personality. If it does have a mean streak, you can passify it by NOT acknowedging him or rewarding him for bad behaviour. When they are praised for being good, they will learn, on their own that good behaviour gets rewarded, and bad does't! These are not dumb dogs! :

Just whatever you do, you will know you have the best protector, if


He will LIVE to please you!

Good luck, I hope you enjoyed my hub about Pitbills.

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