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The Legend of the Backyard Chicken

Updated on October 26, 2015

I asked the age old question right here on the Hub Pages about three months ago about the chicken crossing the road. More specific it was a follow up question to "Why did the chicken cross the road?", which was Can a chicken cross the road without it's motive being questioned? I had nine very interesting responses along with one very lengthy comment, and you will find the link to my mind stimulating question below.

10 Possible reasons why the chicken may have decided to cross the road -

1. The chicken may have been visiting a neighboring chicken who lived on the other side of the road.

2. There's also the possibility that the chicken was being chased by a dog or some other type of predator across the roadway.

3. The most popular reason in the world of course is simply because the chicken wanted to get to the other side of the road.

4. The chicken may have been shopping and searching for more food and water.

5. The chicken may be crossing the road in search of a mate.

6. On the other side of the coin the chicken may be going to the other side of the road to escape a mate.

7. The chicken may be crossing the road on it's way to a lunch or diner date.

8. The chicken may be crossing the road on it's way to a doctor's appointment. I guess that would be an appointment at the vets, however I'm certain that it wouldn't be a dentist appointment since a chicken has a beak instead of teeth.

9. The chicken may have been crossing over to the right hand side of the road to see if there was any mail in the mail box.

10. The chicken may simply be crossing the road to get some exercise as well as a change from the same old scenery. Whatever the reason may be that the chicken is crossing the road, I'm sure it isn't to because the chicken wants to be questioned.

Another age old question concerning chickens is what came first the chicken or the egg? People throughout time have been attempting to come up with an answer and a solution to this question for a long time, and I don't think I'll touch this question with a ten foot pole in this hub today.

All of the chicken photos in this hub are chickens which were raised from eggs in incubators by children in an elementary school class. When the school year came to an end the kids went home for the Summer, and the chickens all had to leave school as well and they ended up here. There were 9 hens and 4 roosters who all looked like Foghorn Leghorn. Of course we realize that problems will arise as these 4 roosters get older and that they will have to be separated. We won't worry about that right now, and when that bridge comes up in life we will cross it then.

The care for chickens is important and you will be rewarded daily with great tasting fresh eggs for a long time to come. It's very important to make sure your chickens have plenty of fresh water and food at all times. I would at least once a day give your chickens fresh water. Chickens are a wonderful way to get rid of your table scraps, and they are a great way of not wasting food. We have always had a policy of not feeding our chickens chicken or our pigs pork, however though it's okay to feed the pigs chicken, and the chickens pork.

Finally protecting your little chickens in pens is very important, because there are so many dangerous predators out there in the world that will hurt, kill, and eat these valuable little birds. You name it, a fox, dogs, snakes, opossums, weasels, racoons, and the list goes on just like the Energizer bunny rabbit. You see we aren't the only creatures on this planet that think chickens taste good. So that's where chicken wire got it's name, and you want to make sure that your chickens have plenty of wire not only on the sides of the chicken pens to protect them, but covering the tops also to keep owls, hawks and other winged predators from attacking your chicken. It's also important for you to provide some form of shelter for the chickens to go into or get under when the weather is bad as well as something like an elevated stick for them to roost on. While this hub may not be explain the famous legend of the McDonald's chicken head, I hope it gave you TheHoleStory on the legendary backyard chicken.

Chickens are so cute and fuzzy when they are still little.
Chickens are so cute and fuzzy when they are still little.
These 4 photos are of the same 10 chickens as they got older.
These 4 photos are of the same 10 chickens as they got older.

Have you ever raised chickens?

See results
5 out of 5 stars from 1 rating of Chickens
You'll find all different kinds of accessories for preparing chicken based meals up and down the grocery isles, like this miniature custom single egg frying pan.
You'll find all different kinds of accessories for preparing chicken based meals up and down the grocery isles, like this miniature custom single egg frying pan.

Can you believe that the pig just gave him bacon?


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