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Scuba Diving Cat? Why Not! He Was So Talented

Updated on July 14, 2015
You all look so yummy!
You all look so yummy! | Source

Go Ahead - Make My Day
. . . and he did, every day . . .

As every cat lover knows, when you love a cat, not just tolerate it, you really loose your heart to him or her. You can also loose your mind as every one of your friends and family members will remind you. As an otherwise sane, intelligent, rational, conservative and mature human being you can turn into a babbling idiot, frenetic camera fool, and maniac ‘mother’ when it comes to your own special fur ball.

KC – The Renaissance Cat

As far as I am concerned, my cat KC is the perfect example of the loving, intelligent and talented cat that every cat lover thinks they have. KC is a ‘Renaissance Man’ among cats and has a wide range of accomplishments and intellectual interests that are important in a feline’s life.

Go Ahead, Make My Day

Who Blinks First?
Who Blinks First? | Source

KC the Accomplished Fisher

KC could spot the perfect fish (goldfish) from a room away! The stealth he used to approach the pond (fish tank) was amazingly crafty. Leaping to the pond’s edge (top of the fish tank) he was like a graceful two-stepper in sync with his partner. His lure was his magnificent whiskers which he would lower slightly into the pond (fish tank) to attract his prey to the surface. They thought it was dinner time! Interestingly enough, KC liked the deep sea diver (toy) most. Perhaps because of the bubbles it produced. He would sit for hours occasionally inserting his net (paw) and if he caught anything he would release it. You see KC practiced catch-and-release as a technique of conservation.

Oh brother, here he comes again

I know he's there. I'm just pretending to be asleep.  Oh brother, here he comes again.
I know he's there. I'm just pretending to be asleep. Oh brother, here he comes again. | Source

Magnificent Mouser

Being a generous soul, KC would love to give to others, especially me. His motivation it seems has always been to please the person to whom he is giving. I understand that gift etiquette recommends that you smile and thank the giver, paying close attention to making sure you express true thankfulness. When you see a very thoughtful giver leap across the grass and catch a beautiful little mouse to present to you unhurt, you just know that joy must be in the giving.

KC would bring his gifts right into the house and leap up on my desk with a rather haunting meow coming from lips and teeth held gently around his gift. If I didn’t scream at the suddenness of his appearance or the weird meow or the squirming gift but, instead, told him what a good boy he was, he would elegantly deposit his gift in front of me and depart, inevitably intent on pleasing me more. Because KC was such a humble kitty he would often provide me with gifts when I was asleep and, therefore, not able to thank him properly. I often awoke to little feet scampering across the floor of my bedroom. Once he had given the gift he didn’t want it back. He was quite open about that. I had to go almost to the next block to return the little critter to nature so it wouldn’t be presented as a gift again.

Sometimes it's hard to know who is watching whom

Snoozing on the job!
Snoozing on the job! | Source

Birder Extraordinaire

I love birds, I think they are very beautiful. I even enjoy painting birds (in the Chinese brush painting tradition). But I really don’t like birds in cages. I would rather see them healthy and flying free—just not in my house. I am not sure, but I don’t think KC quite agrees with me. Birds were the hardest gifts to receive. Once he had been told what a wonderful and very talented cat he was (I told him this so he would let the bird go) he would place the bird carefully in front of me and leave. If I wasn’t both quick and very gentle, the bird would fly away. Unfortunately, this was frequently in the house. Sometimes it is not easy to love a pet when it does those things that come quite naturally to it!

The quieter side to KC’s birding was when he would sit in a window and “chirp” to the birds flying by. He would make this funny “clicking” sound in his throat. If the birds couldn’t hear KC through the window, they could certainly see him. And, big or small most birds kept a very close eye on him.

You want ME to weed the garden?

Don't even think about it!
Don't even think about it! | Source
OK, that's it.  I'm done!
OK, that's it. I'm done! | Source

Best Gardener

KC was not like a dog who would dig up my garden before I finished planting it. He was more an observer and critic. When I pulled weeds (he refused to) or potted plants he would sit staring at me. He would paw my arm and meow from time to time. You would think he wanted some attention. And he couldn’t stand a radio or iPhone playing music let alone if I spoke on the phone. He thought I was speaking to him! He would meow and push up against me until I ended my call and turned everything off.

On the other hand, if things got too boring for him he would just go to sleep.

All in all, he got bored easily. Once he had approved what was being planted and how the job was being done, off he would go. The only time he really stuck around was when we planted cat nip for him.

Fine garden assistant he turned out to be!

Enjoying the pool

Scuba diving cat?
Scuba diving cat? | Source

Best Scuba Diver

KC and I had so much fun when I filled up the big plastic swimming pool on our deck. If I was in the pool leaning against one of the sides he would come and sit by my head. I don’t know why he never used his claws but he never ripped the silly pool. It was not unusual to see him drinking from the pool but he would not let other animals drink from his watering hole. He would stand at the top of the steps going down to the back yard and make sure no one (we had raccoons for awhile – wild ones, of course) could come and use his pool. KC didn’t really do any scuba diving. He just strutted around looking cool by the pool.

Happy Birthday KC

KC's 9th Birthday
KC's 9th Birthday | Source

KC Loved Parties (especially his own)

Ah, the parties. KC just loved parties. But not when there were too many people around. Even when he matured he just loved the paper from presents he received. Truly, cats do not know when it’s their birthday nor what a birthday party really is about. But, I go back to the beginning…..if you adore your pet YOU know when to celebrate its birthday!

Happy Birthday KC.

This Hub is in celebration of KC’s birthday! He is 12 years old August 8th, 2011.


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