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Word Art Graphics and Clip Art Quotations

Updated on September 20, 2024
Lee Hansen profile image

Graphic designer, digital artist and paper crafter. See 1000s of unique designs on her web sites (see Profile page) or Zazzle (imagefactory)

What Ever word art
What Ever word art
Irish blessing quote art
Irish blessing quote art

Clip Art Quotes and Graphic Text Banners

Word art graphics and clip art banners are popular for scrapbooking, journaling, collage and card making. Word art quote graphics are also handy for making flyers and posters. Word art typography graphics are visually appealing - an artistic quote enhances the words. Journaling with clip art quotes and word art is purely expressive. Grab and use these free word art sentiments and clip art phrases for your papercrafts, scrapbooks or collage art, or use them as digital stamps.

I love meaningful quotations and decorative fonts. Word art combines them to create art from inspirational text and beautiful alphabets This lens features my favorite collections of word art and clip art quotes.

Quotation graphics offer insight and inspiration for a wide variety of crafts and they're wonderful journaling prompts. Inspirational quotes arranged artistically become beautiful clip art to use for all sorts of paper crafts or to frame as artwork. I like to use word art and clip art quotations for collage and scrapbook layouts.

You Rock Word Art Clipart - Leet Conversation Heart Graphic
You Rock Word Art Clipart - Leet Conversation Heart Graphic

What Is Word Art ?

Word Art Defined ... and Expanded

Word art is a term originally given to stylized text used in Microsoft products. On a more general note, word art refers to a technique for making unique graphics from text using fonts and various graphic filters, warps, shadows, textures or outlines. Word art is also used as the description of any text that has been arranged by a designer to create an appealing pattern or layout that enhances its meaning. Word art banners or headers are popular digital design elements in scrapbooking, cardmaking and desktop publishing programs.

Word art is artistically manipulated text or fonts with special effects added. Designers, graphic artists, sign makers and artists love to create visual elements that convey a message as powerful as the words themselves. Sometimes a special font can do the trick, other times a phrase needs some artistic manipulation to illustrate a mood or make a statement. Word art takes fonts to new levels ... artful arrangement of the text in a quote creates a beautiful word picture. Word art can be powerful or subtle - when you have the right font combined with special effects and colors your words become a work of art - Word Art.

Seasonal Word Art - Photographs Fill in the Type Outlines

Click thumbnail to view full-size
Picnic Word Art with WatermelonSpring word art with flower pattern filled letteringAutumn word art with colorful fall leaves pattern fill
Picnic Word Art with Watermelon
Picnic Word Art with Watermelon | Source
Spring word art with flower pattern filled lettering
Spring word art with flower pattern filled lettering | Source
Autumn word art with colorful fall leaves pattern fill
Autumn word art with colorful fall leaves pattern fill | Source

DIY Word Art Graphics with Photoshop Elements - Creative graphic arts image editing studio software you'll love

I love to design word art graphics. I use several different software tools to create my logos and quote graphics including Photoshop, but Photoshop can be hard to learn and tough on the pocketbook. Photoshop Elements is far easier to learn than Photoshop, and you can use it to make your own very cool word art and clip art. Photoshop Elements costs far less than other graphic editing programs with similar features.

Photoshop Elements is available as a download or media product.

Word Art Defined

WordArt is a text-styling feature... available in the Microsoft Office suite of products. It allows users to create stylized text with various "special effects" such as textures, outlines, and many other manipulations that are not available through the standard font formatting. For example, one can create shadows, rotate, "bend" and "stretch" the shape of the text. " - Wikipedia

Photoshop Tips for All Experience Levels

From newbie to advanced, there's always more to learn about Photoshop. Choose your instruction level to features and special effects from this list of expert guides.

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book: The Official Training Workbook from Adobe Systems
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book: The Official Training Workbook from Adobe Systems
Learn the essentials of Photoshop with this classroom in a book version for Creative Studio 5 and save.

Free Word Art Banners

Click thumbnail to view full-size
Recycle Word Art Bumper StickerHalloween word art banner4 Seasons Lettering Banners with Photo Fill PatternsSlainte Irish Word Art
Recycle Word Art Bumper Sticker
Recycle Word Art Bumper Sticker | Source
Halloween word art banner
Halloween word art banner | Source
4 Seasons Lettering Banners with Photo Fill Patterns
4 Seasons Lettering Banners with Photo Fill Patterns
Slainte Irish Word Art
Slainte Irish Word Art | Source

Creative Words Clip Art Banners

Word Art Selections From My Drawing Board

I play with fonts and design every time I use my computer. Many of my favorite graphics are built around a pun or play on words combined with type. Here are several samples of free scrapbook graphics I created that use words, shapes and color to create word art and thought pictures.

Scrapbooking Freebies - Word Art, Backgrounds, Borders, Letters, Layouts

These free scrapbooking resources feature word art plus coordinated papers, patterns, fonts, clip art borders and embellishments for making word art, quotation graphics and gorgeous cards or journal pages.

Design Your Own Word Art

2000 True Type Fonts & 5000 Clip Art Images
2000 True Type Fonts & 5000 Clip Art Images
Creative word art banners are easy to make when you have a great selection of fonts that work with your choice of words. True Type Fonts and Graphics work on almost any computer platform.

How Do You Use Word Art ?

What's Your Favorite Use for Word Art Graphics?

See results

Free Word Art Graphics Collections - Downloadable word art, clip art quotes and quips

Use these free word art graphics for desktop publishing, paper crafts: flyers, blogs, collages, scrapbook pages, card making, altered books, decorations/ornaments, party favors and other crafts.

Mom and Dad Word Art Banners

Click thumbnail to view full-size
  DAD Camo Letters Mom Flower Fill LettersMOM camouflage lettering word art
  DAD Camo Letters
DAD Camo Letters
Mom Flower Fill Letters
Mom Flower Fill Letters
MOM camouflage lettering word art
MOM camouflage lettering word art | Source

All is Fair in Love and Golf - Some might disagree with this word art sentiment

Golf word art graphic
Golf word art graphic

Free Fonts - DIY Word Art and Digital Stamps - Create Your Own Quotation Graphics

Design your own inspirational quote digital stamps, clip art and word art with fonts you choose and customize yourself.

Free Online Word Art Creators - Make Banners, Signs, Word Art and Clip Art Quote Designs

These free online resources offer all types of tools for making your own clever or insightful word art and quotes into posters, signs, banners or blog headers.

Photoshop Elements 10: The Missing Manual
Photoshop Elements 10: The Missing Manual
Secrets and tips behind all the features in the latest and most powerful version of Photoshop.

Freebie Clip Art Articles You Might Find Helpful

Free Clip Art, Fonts and Borders
This lens features the best free clip art, graphics, clipart borders, photos and fonts collections I've found on line. The links I've collected will take you...

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Cats Rule Dogs Drool word art graphics I designed for my Zazzle store, Image Factory.

Quotes and Quotations - Quotes to Make Your Own Word Art

These quote sites will give you plenty of ideas for creating word art and quotation clip art of your own design.

Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop's Most Powerful Feature
Layers: The Complete Guide to Photoshop's Most Powerful Feature
Mastering layers in Photoshop will help you learn many special effects and tricks to make professional illustrations from multiple images.

If you leave a particularly clever or inspiring message, I just might make it into original word art and post it on this page. If I choose to create a quote graphic from your comment or suggestion, you'll be credited and I'll link your quote to your profile or web site. If you quote someone, please let us know the author.

© 2011 Lee Hansen


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