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Aggressive Driving - Avoid It

Updated on November 29, 2014

Aggressive Driving Kills

Aggressive driving can be met with defensive driving with great results. First let’s define aggressive driving. Aggressive driving includes but is not all inclusive to this list:

  1. Speeding

  2. Tailgating

  3. Making illegal driving choices

  4. Making frequent and unsafe lane changes

  5. Failure to signal

  6. Failure to yield the right of way

  7. Disregarding traffic controls

  8. Driving impaired

  9. Gestures

  10. Verbal altercations

  11. Not driving attentively

  12. Obstructing traffic

  13. Aggressive horn use

  14. Aggressive headlight use (flashing the high beams)

Did you know that driving your car is the single most dangerous thing you will ever do in your life? It’s all about the choices you make when you get behind that wheel.

I know that we have all driven under stressful conditions, but aggressive driving is not the answer. It can bring about accidents, and death in extreme situations.

Before getting into your car do a visual inspection of the car. Are the tires inflated, is there any leakage indicated by a puddle of fluid under your car? Are the mirrors adjusted correctly, and are you lights working properly? These are all extremely important things to look for.

When you get into your car, you should adjust your seat, put on your seatbelt, and make you area as comfortable as possible; this includes the heat/air conditioning and radio. Never text while driving, and refrain from talking on the phone. Studies show that talking on the phone is more distracting that talking to the person in the car next to you.

What is defensive driving?

Defensive driving is recognizing the hazard, understanding what to do about it and to act in the correct manner at the right time.

  1. Make safe and legal driving decisions

  2. Create yourself a stress free driving environment and a comfortable space around you

  3. Drive safely to you destination, without tickets, speeding, crashing or being aggressive to other drivers. (Aggressive driving as defined above)

  4. Use common sense, cooperate with other drivers, and be courteous.

  5. Always pay attention to what is happening around you in and outside your vehicle.

  6. Recognize the hazards, hazardous behaviors of others and the conditions of the road.

  7. Give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination, if you can’t you’re just late. End of story.

When you use the defensive driving techniques I have provided above you are doing everything reasonable to prevent a collision or getting a ticket. It is a fact that most accidents are preventable and that violations are the cause of most collisions.

Definition of a preventable collision:

A preventable collision is defined as one in which the driver of the vehicle has done everything reasonable they can to prevent a collision.

You can let an aggressive driver pass you; you can give yourself more braking distance by not tailgating others. You never know when the person in front of you is going to brake.

Drive Defensively

Click thumbnail to view full-size

Physical Conditions that Affect Driving

What are some physical conditions that can affect driving?

  1. Age

  2. Mobility

  3. Hearing

  4. Vision

  5. Illness

  6. Use of medications

  7. Fatigue

  8. Drowsiness

Young drivers are more likely to drive faster, use their cell phones and text while driving. Also young drivers do not have the experience that older drivers do. They also have a tendency to let others in their car distract them. Avoiding these issues will help you to prevent an accident.

Older drivers are more experienced to handle traffic situations, and their reaction time may be slower. Take the time, slow down, leave earlier, and don’t drive at night or in heavy traffic.

Everyone should adjust their speed according to their physical conditions.

Emotional or Mental Conditions that affect driving are as follows:

  1. Nervous

  2. Stress

  3. Frustration

  4. Angry

Don’t give in to these issues it will only make you an aggressive driver and could result in death or injury. It is important to maintain control of your emotions while driving.

Driving Impaired, never drive when under the influence of drugs (prescription or over the counter) until you know how they will affect you and your driving. Some drugs can make you very tired and others will give you vertigo, so don’t take a pill for the first time and drive.

Never drive while intoxicated. Did you know that even the “legal” level of alcohol can impair you judgment and driving abilities?

Types of dangerous driving

  1. Driving while “high”

  2. Driving drunk

  3. Driving distracted

  4. Driving fatigued

  5. Driving while taking pills that affect how you feel

These pills can include

  • Depressants

  • Cannabis

  • Inhalants

  • Stimulants

  • Narcotics

  • Hallucinogens

  • Alcohol

Take Control

You have the power to take control of aggressive driving. You are the only one that can make the choice to drive safe.

  • allow yourself enough time to get to your destination
  • find alternate routes
  • don't drive angry or upset
  • make your personal space in the vehicle comfortable
  • if stressed pull over and try to relax before you get back on the road
  • never drive aggressively, it only serves to create more aggressive behavior.
  • personalize the people in the vehicles around you, they are someone's relatives


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