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Love-Based Leadership - 15 Characteristics of a Leadership Style for All Times and Situations

Updated on September 19, 2013

15 Characteristics of a Love-Based Transformational Leadership

Leadership is the art of influencing others to engage in an activity greater than themselves and leaves them transformed by the endeavor. This is also known as transformational leadership. Becoming a leader for all times and situations means developing the characteristics of transformational leadership. How does one develop these traits and become a leader for all situations? Indeed, what are the traits of leader with this type of influence? Those traits are found in a description of love written down in a letter by one of Jesus' most committed followers, the Apostle Paul.

The key characteristics of a servant-style transformational leader are:

  1. Patience
  2. Kindness
  3. Self-assured, not jealous or envious
  4. Confident, not boastful
  5. Humble, not proud
  6. Courteous, not rude
  7. Servant-hearted, not self-seeking
  8. Self-controlled, not easily angered
  9. Forward thinking, not caught up in the past (keeps no record of wrongs)
  10. Fair and Just, not delighting in evil but rejoicing in truth
  11. Loyal, always protects
  12. Unyielding faith in others, always trusts
  13. Expects the best outcome, always hopes
  14. Undaunted by the severity of the task, always perseveres
  15. Unyielding determination to succeed, never quits


The best leaders are patient. They wait and watching for the right time to act whether it is related to market conditions and launching a new product or personnel issues.


Servant-style transformational leaders care about others. They are kind and considerate and do not need to walk on or over others to be successful in life. 

Self-assured, not jealous or envious

Top leaders are not riled by the actions of competitors and do not allow the policies and strategies of their competitors to dictate their movements. The best corporate directors lead their people to brainstorm their own strategies and and operate according to their own core values and policies.

Confident, Not Boastful

Servant leaders who influence transformation do not need to boast or brag about their qualities and accomplishments. They quietly go about their business, confident that they have what it takes to get the job done.

Humble, Not Proud

 Another characteristic of transformational leadership is humility. Humility is not graveling in the dirt thinking you are nobody, allowing others to walk on you. Humility is having a correct view of yourself and acting accordingly. A humble spirit allows you to accept yourself and see the abilities of others. As leader, humility helps you see that each member of the staff is important and a vital member of the operation. When followers sense appreciation for their efforts, they will become even more committed to the cause.

Courteous, Not Rude

To be a leader for all situations, you have to address and respond to others in a manner which helps them see that you sincerely value them and their effort. Just because you are in a position of authority does not give you the right to walk on others. When you are courteous and kind, your employees will want to give you their best efforts. 

Servant-Hearted, Not Self-Seeking

 Transformational leaders recognize that they have a moral responsibility to provide an atmosphere through which all under their authority have the opportunity to thrive to their optimal levels. They do not lead for the benefit of satisfying their own interests alone, but organize the company in such a way that all contributors can prosper.

Forward Thinking, Not Caught Up in the Past

 Another characteristic of transformational leadership is not allowing the heartaches of the past to hinder operations in the present or the future. Learning how to extract powerful insights from failure and defeat and then to forgive and forget will clear the mind and free the heart to accomplish the tasks of today and the dreams of tomorrow.

Self-Controlled, Not Easily Angered

 Servant-style leaders who become leaders others want to follow show an uncanny knack to control their anger and channel their negative energies for positive outcomes.

Fair and Just, Not Delighting in Evil but Rejoicing in the Truth

Top leaders are fair and just. They recognize and acknowledge both the positive contributions of their personnel or followers as well as hindrances to top performance. They do not reward extraordinary accomplishments that are done in an unethical ways. 

Loyal, Always Protects

Servant-style leadership is loyal to faithful employees and stand by them in public and private. Others want to follow a manager who cares about them and sticks by for them in thick and thin.

Unyielding Faith in Others, Always Trusts

Becoming a leader others want to follow in all times and situations means having faith in those others that they have what it takes to succeed. When a leader has an unrelenting faith in the abilities of his people, they will up their games and give 110% towards the objectives of the organization.

Expects the Best Outcome, Always Hopes

Top directors and managers always expect the best outcome for every endeavor. When they take on a task, transformational leaders rest assured in their hearts that that task will be accomplished more than satisfactorily in due time.

Undaunted by the Severity of the Task, Always Perseveres

Transformational leaders become leaders others want to follow because they have a resolve and conviction to see projects to the end. They are undaunted by obstacles no matter how severe and have the stamina to fulfill long-term objectives.

Unyielding Determination to Succeed, Never Fails

 Becoming a leader others want to follow means fostering an unyielding determination to succeed. These type of directors and department heads are willing to go down with the ship but never give up.


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