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Career Advancement Tips:Common Mistakes to Avoid for Progress in Career Paths

Updated on July 13, 2015
Career advancement tips
Career advancement tips

Mistakes that can upset progress in your career paths

Everyone makes mistakes but when these get in the way of his career advancement, it needs no special mention that he should try his best to avoid those career mistakes. Your habits, attitudes and behavior patterns and the way you move around professionally at your workplace have great impact on your surroundings and on your progress in career paths. However intelligent and smart you may be you need to bear in mind certain career principles that significantly influence in realizing your career goals. There are few common career mistakes we often make that could be disastrous for our progression in career paths and can land us into a professional predicament.

Based on studies by experts here is a list of major common career mistakes that need to be avoided so that these negative qualities do not impede your career advancement both in the short and long term.

Mistakes to avoid for progress in career paths
Mistakes to avoid for progress in career paths

Mistakes to avoid for achieving career advancement

1. I need not be punctual

‘I don’t need to be punctual as I have the potential to deliver results’- such attitude may land you in troubles. You should never compromise punctuality at workplace. All your good and hard work will turn useless if you are not punctual and regular at work. Even if your work facilitates free movement, stipulate for yourself the time for coming and leaving the workplace so that your colleagues can be sure of your availability during those hours. In case you need to be away from your work for any reason you should keep your boss and the team members informed about it.

2. I want immediate success.

Instant success may be your motto, but it's not going to work at office. However intelligent you might be you need to remember that there is no shortcut to career advancement. You priority should be to work harder to improve your sills and grow. Once your worth is established in the eyes of your employer monitory and other success will come automatically.

3. I am not going to do extra work.

In order to make progression in your career paths you should not be rigid to your job variety. You may miss out on lucky breaks to be noticed unless you stretch the areas of your work beyond the routine ones particularly those areas that can reveal your unexploited talents. Therefore, don’t complain at being given additional work, which may offend your superiors. Accept projects that let your professional career shine.

4. I am the only one behind the success.

In your workplace don’t be afraid to be a team player. If there is success, give credit where it is due, even if you don't get along with somebody. This is a great quality of winners who achieved success in career paths. Do not entertain a wrong belief that you are the only one extraordinary around and success is just because of you. This is incorrect. It is those who are incompetent and losers usually take full credit for positive results in spite of the help received from others, while potential winners give credit where credit is due. Your real talent cannot remain unseen for long, neither can other people's lack of ability.

5. I hate networking.

A professional cannot work in isolation. You may have outstanding ability, but there will be times when you hit an obstruction and you need to interact and seek input from your network of colleagues. Therefore, to succeed in your efforts for career advancement it is vital to keep in touch with your peers and join a professional networking site. Knowing who could be available to fill a need during a roadblock is worth its weight in gold. As a professional, it also helps you to keep your skill set current within your field of work, which will give you bargaining power as well.

6. I know everything.

This is one of the most professionally disastrous thoughts. Professing to know it all can readily stagnate your career. Winners remain perpetually interested in learning new ideas and methods and in keeping up with technology’s lightning-fast progress to keep up with the latest best practices in their fields of work. It is essential to learn continuously, especially from your mistakes and upgrade your skills regularly in pursuit of successful careers. This makes you feel humble and offer instant satisfaction. People around you will love you for your sincere, humble and honest outlook and learn form your professional and rational conduct which will definitely help to bring success in achieving your goals in career paths.

7. I deserve the promotion as I am exceptional and irreplaceable

There is no room for ‘Gods’ in the workplace. As soon as you start believing that you are the only one who can do the jobs ‘right’ it will start endangering your career advancement. You have to back your conviction with actions. There is a difference between self confidence and actual delivering. Before you claim your chance to be promoted make sure that you are ready to shoulder more professional responsibilities that come with the promotion, as otherwise the step may backfire and spoil chances of impending promotions and impede your career success. This may cause set back to achieving your career development objectives by several years .


To sum up, if you really want to have desired progression in your career paths you should be aware of the common career mistakes that may endanger your progress towards realizing your short and long term career advancement goals you have set for yourself. This would enable you to identify your deficiencies, if any. If you have shortcomings in any of the above areas, instead of being anxious about them, you must rather see them as opportunities for progress up the career success ladder. In fact, what we term as career mistakes that you may not have been aware of before can in fact represent a turning point that gives you opportunities to overcome them making it easier for you to achieve your career goals and objectives.


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