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Real Ways to Make Money from Home in 2020

Updated on December 29, 2019
sydneyspence profile image

Author of "How to Become an Apartment Locator" and licensed in real estate since 2006, Sydney hopes to help new agents.

Make Money Online With These

I've spent the last few years researching online income opportunities, not only for myself, but I'm always being asked how I work from home. I guess you could say I'm the person that gets asked questions no one else can or will answer. For some reason it's very hard to get a person that works from home to divulge their secrets. I assume it's for fear of competition in the market.

Well, I'm going to share some of the things I've come across online in my quest for financial freedom. You can choose to look into them or not, I don't make a dime either way so here they are:

Freelancer is a great site to post and search freelancing jobs. There is no cost associated with searching their database and there are an abundance of positions available.

HubPages is a great way to earn an online income if you are interested in blogging. By using ads in your blog and creating quality content you'll be on your way to generating an income.

Legit Writing Jobs is an online resource for writing jobs and is also free to join. Now, whether you find a job on here or not they still have some great resources to get you going in the right direction.

Clickbank is a simple, though long process, of promoting other people's products and making money from it. You should not expect to begin making money right away, it takes time to build traffic but affiliate marketing has long proven to be a reliable form of money making online.

Vindale Research is a research company that pays users to complete surveys. Yes, they are legitimate surveys. I actually complete a few everyday. This WILL NOT make you a full time income but even an extra $200-$300 a month can help right? The highest commission comes from referring people to your link so this actually pays off if you tell people about it and not keep it to yourself. There is an increase in companies paying for opinions and feedback.

Focus Forward Transcription offers users to work directly for their company providing transcription services. This is an actual position and should not be confused for a sign up page that you are then referred out to other links.

Oboulo is a long term residual income opportunity as you load old college papers and eventually someone will buy them as reference material for their own schoolwork. Students cannot copy your paper but are able to reference it and you get paid! Simply sign up, load your papers and that's it!

Fiverr is quickly becoming an easy way to get your name out there while making about $4 each time. You sell your service for $5 then Fiverr gets their cut. Just figure out things you are willing to do for $4 and start promoting it on this site.

Become a Representative of Established Companies

Become a Posh Rep

Fantastic for someone looking to supplement their income or just looking to purchase "Posh" products. Get more information here.

Become an iWriter

Learn how to get paid for content you write! It's free to sign up and super easy to use! Click here to get started.

Be a Hotel Referral Agent

Get in on the travel industry FOR FREE with Clientivity and

There are no fees to join, you receive a fully functioning website, and plenty of marketing tools (including social media flyers, mailing lists, and more). Click here and join under "Become a Partner" in the top right hand corner. It's really simple.

Sell Mary Kay Cosmetics

There is an investment here but Mary Kay has been around so long that it is an established name in the industry. Click here to start now.

Become a Rain Water Rep

This is an awesome opportunity for those that care about water, health, and helping others. Great program. For more information on becoming an H9 Rep click here.

Sell Younique Beauty Products

With a small investment of $99 (for $225 worth of product) you can become a Younique rep and quickly start earning commissions while working your business from home! Learn more here and get started with this fabulous company today.

Start a Magazine

There is an investment here but not made available to you until you submit your contact information. Click here to start now.

Pink Zebra Fragrance Rep

You can choose to join Pink Zebrafor $99 or $199, depending on the starter package you want to start with. Learn more here and get started today.

Become a Tupperware Rep

Get started with Tupperware for $99 plus marketing materials you'll want and samples. Click here.

Sell Bags by Thirty-One

There is an investment here of $99 for the enrollment kit that includes bags to sell, you just host a party and earn 25% commission. Click here to join now.

Chloe and Isabel Jewelry Rep

There is an investment with Chloe and Isabel Jewelry of $175 and an application to get approved as one of their merchandisers.

Start Your Own Business

Finally, consider just starting your own business! Some of the best ideas are conceived from a bad situation.

Believe it or not, it is still possible to start your own business in a bad economy and for very little money to invest. If you are tired of replying to the help wanted ads that turn out to be affiliate marketing scams or they require you to pay money to get started then perhaps you are mentally ready to start working for yourself.

In some of my other hubs (listed below) I provide you ideas to get started working from home but before you search the list for a brainstorm there are a few things to cover.

Important Step to Start Your Own Business

Organize a daily schedule for yourself because in no way am I advising you to stop your job search. You still need to make money to pay the bills. Some of the ideas provided will require some investment, all less than $100 but you'll still need start up materials for any of them. I suggest setting aside specific hours first thing in the morning to submit resumes, etc. The second half of your day should include time to research, customer contact. etc for your business.

During the research portion, conduct surveys to potential customers to get a feel for the market and where your niche will fit into that market. You'll want to determine if there is a real need for your product or service. Surveying also allows you to make changes here and there to your service, as needed, before introducing yourself to the public.

Write goals for yourself. Where do you want to be in six months? A year? Five years from now? Now, post this somewhere you will see it everyday. There will be times that you doubt yourself. There will be times you forget what you are working towards. By having this reminder in front of yourself everyday it will make it easier to stay motivated. Don't lose hope.

Whether you choose anything from my lists or come up with your own idea, spend a couple of days outlining how you can make it "you". What I mean by that is, personalize it to fit you and your goals. Don't rely on anything that is a cookie cutter model business plan because chances are you're trying to be something you are not. Customers will see that from the moment they speak with you. Make your business about you and get out of the mindset that you have to conform to what someone else wants in order to benefit them. You now work for yourself.

Between the above listed income opportunities or the business ideas listed out in my other hubs I hope you are able to find something to start making some money. And keep checking back for more ideas!

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2013 Sydney Spence


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