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Affiliate Article Marketing

Updated on December 28, 2011

Affiliate article marketing

Just what is it that makes article writing a key ingredient for affiliate marketing to flourish? First of all we can see the vast cyberspace as another space on its own. With maybe a billion users who log in everyday you have a full view of the potential marketplace. The first step would be creating your website to get your product out in the open and with a particular website you will need information on how your product works. This is the first stage where article writing will come in as it explicitly describes your product, the 400 or 500 word article will kick start your product to the right path.

So now that the website is up and running, you wouldn’t want it to be stuck only at first base, what you want to do is catapult it to as many potential customers as possible. This is where a slew of search engine optimization techniques comes in to play. We’ve got link building, forum and comment posting and of course article writing. For link building some forms can also be derived for article writing where you create an article and in it are embedded keywords that lead you to the main website.

Or it can be simply worked at as article writing with keywords and submitted to various article directories. The main focus would be actually getting your website on top of the Google rankings. Constant article writing and submitting would encourage people to be curious enough to visit your website and as a result some of them will actually patronize your product. The importance of article writing speaks for itself and once a specific number of articles are actually travelling in and around cyberspace chances are the results would have a positive effect.

The main focus would be traffic for your main website where your affiliate page is located. Since there had been a ton of flak for black hat techniques in search engine optimization article writing can actually get the job done.  Where black hat connotes something illegal in cyber world, article writing is the opposite and is considered white hat. After the article has been created a link can be purposely hidden inside the article or at the end the reader clicks and after his curiosity has been filled up then good things will start to roll or in other words money in the cash register flows.

Keywords would also come into play, so it’s not just a purely made article in the works but embedding the right key words to start the process. It is also an essential part in article writing that gives you a space on the search engines. Another consideration to take is making articles that are completely different from each other so plagiarism and duplication is a big no, no for affiliate marketing. Original content will get the needed attention and the search engines will even appreciate it more. That’s everything about article writing and how important it is to get your affiliate marketing concept on a roll.

Article writing tips you cant overlook

By now you have seen the importance of article writing with regards to affiliate marketing but in order to have everything in order and start your campaign doing affiliate article marketing on the right track you must start with these basic tips.

·         Correct structure and drives everything to the point

Not everybody is into writing and not everybody can deliver an article the way it should be, for those fortunate enough to have that talent it just doesn’t end there. First of all the article will be used to drive traffic and subsequently make some sales in the process. Potential customers must know the product through the article, so grammatically induced structure like it was from Mars or Jupiter will definitely not prosper. Words must be spelled correctly and the article must drive that person to the product not around it. If theres one thing that takes away a prospective sales in the making,  is a group of words that just doesn’t mean anything.

·         The proper choice of keywords

The goal is to back up search engine optimization methods so it will get your website on top of the rankings. In order to do this keywords are incorporated into the article so when a search engine finds out it gives you the boost you need. Again it doesn’t end there, you just don’t pick a word from a ballot box and then shuffle it inside the article. The choice of the right keyword will be the consideration and once you’ve picked a winner, density will play a major role in placing it on the article.

·         Drives out interest and an influence to kill the curiosity

So you’ve made your article and by golly it was laden with words that even a graduate of PhD cant understand. The reader just pressed the mouse button and off he goes to the next article, the worst part is he didn’t even finished the article. Article writing is like watching a TV series, one part would drive out interest the next part would be finding out the continuation. By finding out whats next you are actually looking into the product and finally deciding if you want it or not. At the very least the person went to your website to quench the curiosity because of that growing interest all because of that article you’ve wrote.

·         Finding the right amount of words to do it

I would definitely go for an average amount of words but with the right message conveyed. Usually it would be around 300 to 400 words but some would come up with 500 or more. At 500 its still okay but more than this would render boredom to the reader and might discontinue and not be able to get the point. Plus you have people that has little or no time to pay attention so might as well have an article structure that can be bearable at the very least but drives the message straight and true.

·         Make use of article directories

What is the use of an article when there are no people around to read it.

Why article spinning is useless

I am not a fan of article spinning, most of the time it just adds to the overly populated area of articles that has little or no use at all. First of all article spinning makes use of an original article and then spun it around to make a similar article with words replace by other words or synonyms. Recycled material but the same meaning which in reality is more filth than being productive. It doesn’t take affiliate marketing to the next level it just goes around from the original starting point.

Original articles are what you want to read they are fresh and new and most of the time they deliver the most interest for a potential customer. A spun article will likely have the same things you read over and over again in other words it is tantamount to creating an unbelievable amount of spam. With all these article spinning software’s available you would think that the whole world has gone lazy. Most of the time spun articles are really left out because what you really have are duplicated articles in its truest form.

Let’s say you create an original article versus a spun article, you would be getting a lot of mileage from an original article because all you want to drive at is delivered in a direct approach with a more understandable tone. With a spun article words are changed to other words which are synonyms but remember that synonyms don’t always deliver the direct meaning. The whole structure will definitely look strange with a couple of words exchanged for the original. It’s like buying a fake item and the result would be getting what you really paid for; a couple of dollars but in the long run you end up with a not so excellent pair.

By far you’ve made your reputation in its lowest form when you deliver spun articles and to think you’re really out there calling all the shots and saying you are a professional article writer. Second chances are hard to come by once people know what your techniques are in writing a material. Besides being known as duplicate weaver your career goes down the drain because of your work. For true blue original writers I know that making an original work of art is much easier than trying to find words that would fit something which has been done in the first place.

Either you want to have a negative reputation or you want all your work to be compared like trash but article spinning is just like that. Give me content that is unique and original and I’ll let all my attentive efforts focused on that article instead of trying to read four or five spun articles that have nothing in it but odd words that doesn’t make any sense. The same holds true for affiliate article marketing, potential customers would definitely patronize a product or whatever you are selling if it is done in with originality and a unique flavor that brings up the curiosity and imagination level to its highest form.


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