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Reasons Hubpages Remains the Best Site

Updated on June 23, 2009

Reason Hubpages is the best freelance site

Ever since I can recall, I have dreamed to be a writer, and prior to the advent of internet blogging, this dream become more and more realistic as this gave me the great opportunity to be read by the international community without much hassle.

My Internet writing career began in 2005 but I was not regular until 2006 when I discovered a free to post site run by the Association of Young journalist and Writers based in the United States of America; their address could be located at Barely two months that I started posting articles on this site, I won their monthly award and I got so many comments, requests and goodwill messages from readers across the globe, some magazines offered me a freelance job but I turned down the offers because I wanted to make huge money from my writings. Some producers in the United States also requested for a full script of a short story I published at AYJW titled; ‘a day in America’ and another producer requested for the one titled; ‘dieing with your dreams’. What am I trying to say, this site was pretty cool but it can’t be compared to hubpages.

I own few blogs at, helium, howtodothings, and triond, but their features aren’t comparable to the features I found on hubpages. This is not just a promotional article, but I am trying to be realistic at the same time judging from personal experience, I don’t about yours.

Where do I start and where do I stop to mention, is it the unique text capsule, photo, video or link capsules? Each capsule is built and designed with utmost care and perfectness, bearing in mind the imperfectness of new users and beginners, which most freelance sites always ignore during their site design. I call hubpages webmasters genus because they deserve more than that respect.

Let me begin by mentioning one after the other, the numerous unique features found on hubpages; spell check, auto saving in the text capsule that enables an author to upload videos related to his or her writings, photo capsule, link capsule- which is essential for linking ones’ hub to other related and interesting sites or blogs. RSS feed, bookmark, news capsule, opinion poll capsule, flag it- which enables one to flag a hub that appears offensive or poor in quality, unique tagging, ability to request a hub froma hubber, ability to join hubbers fan club, post fan mail to your favorite hubber or even contact them directly.

Another unique and significant feature of the hubpages is the various money-making means through which one can earn good money through his or her writings (hubs). Hubpages has the best money making platform among most freelance sites I have witnessed, they include; Google Adsense, Amazon, Ebay and Kontera, all these features are simple and friendly to use. All you need to do is hit the right button that has already been made available on the site, and then click ‘edit’ to customize it to your desire. Unlike in other sites like blogspot, one is restricted to four different positions when positioning a picture or image in your write up, but on hubpages, you are the decision maker.

This whole praises would be incomplete if I hesitate to mention the friendly hubpages forum, which has helped so many hubbers to attain fame and expertry. It serves as a lounge where members of hubpages, otherwise known as hubbers, come together to share, exchange and integrate ideas on variety of topics that are well-categorized for easy and friendly assessment. I can’t forget my first time on hubpages, I found it difficult to select my hub title because I was using some special characters, which where not allowed as hub titles, immediately, I posted a help topic on the forum, within a twinkle of an eye, my request was answered by some friendly hubbers, I was dumbstruck with joy.

Again, as I published my first hub, something inetersting happened, I got a comment from a reputable hubber with words of encouragement and regards, tribute to Aevans; honestly you inspired me. I won’t hesitate to mention Countrywomen, another interesting and honorable hubber, not forgetting my father on hubpages, Goldentoad.

All these, assured me that my work was read at least, the dream of every writer or author. Through hubpages forum, one can learn a lot; discipline, manner and respect for both your readers and your fellow hubbers despite their races or background. Through this sam e forum, one can learn some important things about life in general aside writing or journalism; health, finance, news, current affairs, science, culture and even history. Forum can also keep one company when lonely and bored.

Lest I forgot are the hubnuggets, hubmob, Q&A, the ability to track your readers’ statistics and overall traffic. This feature is very vital because it helps hubbers to know when to put more effort or less.

Sometimes when I meditate on the various features of hubpages, I keep smiling all day, and I am glad to say a big thank you to hubpages webmasters, especially Ryan Hupfler; your efforts are highly appreciated and may it yield more and more fruits for you and your entire team. God bless hubpages, God bless all hubbers and God bless all those who read our works and patronize our efforts through their daily clicks on ads displayed on our hubs and purchases at Amazon and Ebay, I love you all!

i love hubpages

Hubpages is too much!
Hubpages is too much!

Hubpages is a giant site!


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