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All About Gemstones Part III

Updated on June 20, 2010

Part III of All About Gemstones will be include information about gemstones starting with the letter C.  For gemstones that start with the letter A, please refer to All About Gemstones Part I.  For gemstones starting with the letter B, please see All About Gemstones Part II.


This lovely stone will turn color from brown to red when left in the sun. It's a durable stone, but watch for scratches or dropping it. Clean it with a soft cloth.

The carnelian is used for protection and against being overcome by fear and sorrow. It is thought to help with physical strength and sexual energy, it is also used to ward off evil thoughts, jealousies, and psychic attacks. You can also use it to balance creativity and mental processes. It inspires bravery and courage.


This stone is very soft and not appropriate for use in jewelry as it is so fragile.  It is used to enhance flexibility, self-forgiveness,peace of heart, patience, and in allowing for differences with others. It keeps one in light, love and healing. Because of its soothing qualities, chrysocolla is considered by some crystal practitioners to be a feminine lunar stone, with the energies of those goddesses, such as Kwan Yin, who are viewed as comforters.

This stone works especially well with the heart and throat Chakras. It creates a gentle, soothing and friendly vibration, flushing and healing heart blocks. Chrysocolla has been known to aid in preventing ulcers,digestive problems and arthritic conditions. It strengthens the lungs and thyroidgland and also enhances one’s metabolism. It is excellent for female disorders.


This is another gemstone that will fade in the sunlight.  It's a durable stone and can be cleaned with mild detergent, then left to dry.

Chysophrase is an excellent stone for balancing the yin-yang energies. It activates and opens the heart Chakra and is one of the best stones to help encourage deep meditation. It supports inner strength and balance helping to bring a non-judgmental attitude and acceptance of others. It can reduce inferiority and superiority complexes. It is thought to help heal a brokenheart.


Citrine shows up in jewelry, but can be scratched easily.  Take care when wearing or handling this stone.  It is said that this stone does not hold negativity and does not require clearing. It will change colors if left in the sun.

This is an amber colored quartz stone, which is used for mental clarity and personal power. It is thought to keep the mind clear and focused. It is known as a money stone and can be place d in your purse, cash box with financial papers or in the abundance corner (Feng Shui) of the house.

Clear Quartz

This stone is the most vital element of any crystal collection. It is easy to care for, just rinse in cold water and dry with a soft cloth or allow to air dry.

It contains within it the full spectrum of colors, so it can be used for an all purpose stone.  Use for psychic and emotional healing, to ward off negativity, and to balance the crown Chakra. It is also used as a general meditation aid.

Clear quartz is thought of to be food for the brain, it acts to smooth neural pathways and optimizes the brain's use of energy.


Coral is a very popular, yet especially fragile gemstone.  Protect it from scratches and sharp blows. Also avoid large temperature changes. Do not clean coral in an ultrasonic cleaner.

Greek legend says red coral sprang from the droplets of blood from the Medusa.  Legend has it that Poseidon lives in a castle made of coral and other precious stones.

Coral is thought to protect the health of children and aid in blood/circulatory problems. Use coral to protect and strengthen your emotional foundation.


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