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Is It Man's Given Right To Hunt For A Trophy?

Updated on February 29, 2012

Tag and Release Fishing

Listening to a friend of mine's recall of his last fishing trip to the Wild Coast. I was amazed to "hear" that he caught a personal record best for a particular type of fish. So I asked where is the fish? "Getting stuffed and mounted , I suppose, as I am personally against hunting of any type as a sport!" I was using my caustic tone of voice.

Laughingly he said "Back into the sea of course, back to where he belongs". Then explained what the Catch and Release was all about.

Duh, the is the first time I really heard and actually listened to what he and all the fishing programs onTV was actually saying..

You all know how we at times, selectively hear and listen to people when they talk about their hobbies, sports and other activities. I know that it is rude, now in hindsite, I have experienced people doing it to me, they switch off. It is actually a bad human trait, sometimes to our own detriment, as every person does and will not have the same perspective as ourselves.

Even when it comes to our mutual hobbies, you have different views and aspects of what the specifics, equipment and other tools of the trade are.

Praying for a Solution

Will Someone only Listen? When I was young, growing up in the fatlands of Hillbrow South Africa. These Praying Mantises or as locally wher known as Hottentots God
Will Someone only Listen? When I was young, growing up in the fatlands of Hillbrow South Africa. These Praying Mantises or as locally wher known as Hottentots God | Source

An example of what I have just said!

A few weeks ago I had written a Hub about How The Animal Kingdom Would Rise up and Swallow Mankind. This Hub was an example of how selective we are of "hearing" others.

Gee a whole 28 views in the past 30 days.

This is an example of how we listen, or read, maybe my tags are not effective enough, or maybe we prefer not to hear about the plight of animals.

Also I am protesting about your sport the proof of your Manhood, that right of passage that is past from father to son. Here I am not being sexist as I an using man as MANKIND.

We turn a deaf ear.

Untill "Too Late" She MotherEarth, Wept!

Ten days old! Will it survive the hazards of the wild, only to be shot down in its prime? Its head and horns mounted on a polished board with glass eyes ever staring!
Ten days old! Will it survive the hazards of the wild, only to be shot down in its prime? Its head and horns mounted on a polished board with glass eyes ever staring! | Source

Modern Technology

We all love gadgets, we work hard, we play hard, we have our prowess and manhood over and above that we have the traditions of our ancestors to uphold.

As with fish, is there not a way of achieving our desires, to the total detriment of another living animal, or are we prepared to sacrifice another species to extinction?

What If?

Science, Tecnology could develope a small micro chip, which will be able to send the GPS coordinates to a Conservation Satilite network.

These chips would carry the unique Hunters information, and would be only visible to Him, and the conservationists to gather movement patterns and all other the oher information that would be of scientific interest.

The "bullets" would have to be specifically designed for the type of game that you are going out to hunt, you would also be required to shoot under certain parameters, like distance so that chip does not pass through the animal, as well as specific areas, rump or shoulder.

Yes there exists the mechanism to tag the animals, it involves a whole lot of planning, skill and careful estimation of the animals weight, the position that the anesthetic has to hit. This would not suit most hunters, and I doubt if vets have the extra patience to take on the extra bod to do the delicate shooting.

Then of course there is the added problem of bringing he animal around as quickly as possible to reduce the stress.

Perhaps I am oversimplifying!

Where is the Proof, that Trophy.

On your plasma screen, view able day or night as the "chip" transmits its signal, the Ecosat receives the up the signal of which of you TROPHIES you wish to view, then provides you with a satalite feed, from which you can view in 3D of each of your "kills".

Roving around in nature.

Playing out there part in the greater scheme of things.

Rather a living heritage on yourPlasma screen in 3D, than some Glass eyed Doe staring fixedly.

Would That Not Be Utopia

One can only dream. Man went up to the moon! Could Man not do this, if there were enough people who care?

I suppose what it will come down to in the end!

Is there enough money to be made out of this .........................................

Do not allow the sun to set without doing spmething to preserve this  - OUR PLANET
Do not allow the sun to set without doing spmething to preserve this - OUR PLANET | Source

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