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How to Say "Money" in Spanish

Updated on December 29, 2012

Whether you're traveling abroad or you simply want to expand your Spanish vocabulary,knowing how to say "money" can come in handy.

"Money" is easily translated into Spanish.

  • Money - dinero

¡Dame todo tu dinero! Give me all your money!

Quiero más dinero. I want more money.

Colloquial terms, or very informal words, that mean "money" in Spanish are la plata or la lana. If you're not fluent in Spanish, it's best to stick to dinero. However, it's good to be aware of these words as well, so you'll know what they mean if you hear someone else use them.

Following is a list of money-related terms in Spanish and examples of each term used in a sentence.

  • Cash - effectivo

No traigo effectivo. I didn't bring cash.

  • To pay - pagar

¿Quien va a pagar por esto? Who is going to pay for this?

Yo no lo voy a pagar. I'm not going to pay for it.

  • To buy - comprar

Quiero comprar estos flores. I want to buy these flowers.

  • To spend - gastar

¡Cuánto gastamos en pendejadas! We spend a lot on crap!

  • Coins - monedas

La machina accepta solo monedas. The machine only accepts coins.

  • How much - cuánto

¿Cuánto cuesta? How much is it?

¿Cuánto te debo? How much do I owe you?

  • Rich - rico(a)

Soy rica. I'm rich.

  • Poor - pobre

Somos pobres. We're poor.

No somos pobres, estamos amolados. We're not poor, we're just broke.

Mexican pesos
Mexican pesos | Source

Other Useful Spanish Words and Phrases about Money

At the Bank: Al Banco:

  • ATM - el cajero automático
  • Where is the ATM? - ¿Dónde está el cajero?
  • Where is the bank? - ¿Dónde está el banco?
  • Exchange office - La casa de cambio
  • What is the exchange rate? - ¿Cuánto es el tipo de cambio?
  • Change - el cambio
  • Debit card - la tarjeta de crédito
  • Credit card - la tarjeta de débito
  • I can't find my card - No encuentro mi tarjeta.
  • Loan - el préstamo
  • Check - el cheque
  • Traveler's check - el cheque de viajero
  • Withdrawl - el retiro
  • Commission - el comisión
  • Is there a commission? - ¿Hay un comisión?
  • Balance - el saldo
  • To sign - firmar
  • What time does the bank open? - ¿A qué hora abre el banco?
  • What time does the bank close? - ¿A qué hore cierra el banco?


At the Market: Al Mercado:

  • Cash only - sólo efectivo
  • How much for everything? - ¿Cuánto es todo?
  • How much for that one? - ¿Cuánto es por ese?
  • Do you have change? - ¿Traes cambio?
  • That's expensive. - Esta caro(a).
  • That's cheap. - Esta barato(a).
  • How much is a kilo of tomatillos? - ¿Cuánto cuesta un kilo de tomatillos?
  • Taxes - los impuestos

At the Restaurant: Al Restaurante

  • The check, please. La cuenta, por favor.
  • How much do I owe you? ¿Cuánto te debo?
  • The tip - La propina.
  • Is service included? - ¿La propina está incluida?
  • There is a mistake in the bill. Hay un error en la cuenta.

For Travel: Por la Viaje:

  • How much does a round-trip ticket to Seattle cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta un billete de ida y veulta para Seattle?
  • Where can I buy a token? ¿Dónde puedo comprar una ficha?
  • How much is the fare? ¿Cuánto cuesta la tarifa?

In order to communicate effectively in Spanish, it is important to learn how to pronounce words in Spanish as well.

Creo que tendre que robar un banco! "I think I'm going to have to rob a bank!"
Creo que tendre que robar un banco! "I think I'm going to have to rob a bank!" | Source

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