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Purity of Purpose Defining the Unsettled Areas in Ourselves Relationships Careers and Lives

Updated on April 6, 2014

When We Judge Circumstances Beforehand, We Blur the Vision

The Big Picture
The Big Picture | Source

MODE of Cosmic Therapy Esoteric Psycho-Analytic Observation Application Demonstration

We none know what we are doing. Though we go about our days with full intent, saturated purpose and determined objectives, the real sublime reason why we are motivated to act remains hidden from view. We awake in the morning with a concentrated objective, having calculated the outcome and minimized the barriers; we proceed as if what we will achieve has something to do with us. So much so, we either take blame for the mishaps or bask in the glory of the success. Neither response is accurate or appropriate. “IF at any time, we think we know what we are doing, cease immediately.” In other words, we never know; we only project and in those projections, we are wrong.

There’s much more to the picture left unseen, than seen.

So much is hidden from view. It’s simply amazing how we go about our days denying how much crucial information we don’t have access to. We work with what with have in an obscured partial light; though, we attack the problems as if we have all the goods available. The truth is our present knowledge and insight {no matter how much we’ve paid for the expert guidance} is limited and biased.

Yet, we continue to make all of these unnecessary plans and believe that unless they unfold exactly and precisely as we have ordered (constructed), we have in some way failed to accomplish our preset goals. Needless to say, when it appears as if our specific goals have not been met, we have in no way failed. On the same token, when it appears as if what we set out to do was fully satisfied, the end is not in sight, either.

‘Nothing’ is at it appears to be. And, we have very little to say or do about whatever occurs.

But, ‘say’ we do! That falls under the category of tenacious gossip.

There is a subtle esoteric law of inference that is applied to each and every act we undertake: purity of purpose. It’s totally impersonal and some may say, irrational, but none the less effectual. Beyond our physical ability, mind’s intellect, and emotional barrage of thwarted desires (enacted to interfere), a governing hallowed force guides and directs all of our actions. We are not consulted on the matter, nor are we given the privilege to decide if the outcome is needed or not. These sacred acts are decreed from a much higher sphere of authority which bypass the normal functionability of man. Does this mean all of our actions are predestined? In a vehemently resisted word: yes. {Look at it more like we are prodded like cattle into a specific sphere of pre-chosen activity of earth experience.}

We were born with an explicit destiny, a sublimely definitive work to accomplish while on earth. We will achieve that definite purpose. Whether or not, we ever see the picture clear enough to appreciatively discern our personal effort’s output, remains irrelevant. “Purity of Purpose’ determines the result of every single action we administer. IF it falls out of line with that celestially projected intent, it’s simply not going to happen. Now, we may wonder (humans continually question everything; it’s part of our curious nature), if will we be able to discern when we have ‘Purity of Purpose’.

In a definitively resisted word: no. IF we could see ‘IT’, it wouldn’t be ‘IT’.

In addition to the ‘curiosity seeking creature’s mind’ we inherently imbue, we are just as impatient, IF not more so. And, IF we were left to our own gluttonous appetites of unrestrained pleasure, to indulge in so many variant earth experiences, we would certainly move prematurely into areas not necessarily suitable for our evolvement and soul’s preference. Oh. Did I not mention IT is our Precious Ruthless Soul which has the definitive say about what will be and what will not be?

Again, a matter of Semantics, the term ‘SOUL’ can be viewed, argued, and defined in many different philosophical, scientific, religious, ethical, cultural, environmental, psychological, biological and mental constructs.

However, for brevity of purpose: ‘much more remains unseen than seen’.

IF, in fact, we are on earth to make some sort of evolutionary progress (again, we can’t gauge it), we would only be able to do that by and through isolated (personal) incidences where we had no way or knowing, explaining, defending or excusing what took place or did not occur. In other words, it would be in those indescribable times, when and where, we were unable to logically deduce any practical means (commonsense) for what had occurred and were simultaneously driven to find either resolution or solace from within that the inexplicable becomes acceptable.

IF, in fact, we are all on some sort of spiritual journey, the tolerable foundation of our ‘inches in steps’ to our so-called pre-set established directions become vitally necessary discipline. The deal for real is plain and simple. MASTERY. We are working on ourselves, in as much, as we are learning to surrender to a much higher force of operation. {Who incidentally remains privy to much more elaborate information than we are capable of realizing.}

In no way, am I attempting to personify this ineffable energy, I simply am using the restricted barriers of language to convey a point. Through a laborious solitary journey, the seeker (human being) learns as many techniques, practices and skills (much like an adept musician) in order to finely tune, manipulate, orchestrate and demonstrate his enriched abilities. Not without countless hours of careful observation, dedication and consecration of committed study to bring about a much deeper understanding and comprehension of the higher self in operation while alive.

All action, thought and gesture is geared toward breaking through the superficial mask of personality which so easily confuses, disturbs, depresses and overwhelms us.

“Purity of Purpose”, the definitively prescribed apparatus instilled in every Master of Divine Essence (god in the making) who inhabits earth as a human being, resides as the severing mechanism to split open the core. It’s all a matter of becoming conscious of the sacredly inflamed power of sensually inspired, sublimely sexual, creatively artistic talent that lies within. But moreover, with the acknowledgment, embracing and acceptance of these miraculous talents, gifts and abilities, learning how NOT to push circumstances, relationships, situations and events into existence before it is time, simply because we believe we can. {As if we could, anyway.}

It is written in the ancient texts, “above all, get thee understanding.”

To understand that we are not to look outward for the manifestation of results as a sign of our progress but to remain firmly rooted turning away from the distracting voices of either praise or condemnation (filled with fear, regret, remorse and anticipation) to the ‘still silent small voice’ of knowing everything is exactly and precisely as it should be for reasons we can’t see propels us to move, breathe and have our being.

Purity of Purpose stimulates us to experience without any trace of a lust of result. Therein lies the secret of man’s esoteric enhancement without a coveted design.

When We are Too Close To the Situation, Our View is Blocked

And, then there were vines...
And, then there were vines... | Source

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