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Wh Questions - Who, What, When, Where and Why?

Updated on February 7, 2018
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I love to share lesson plans with other teachers and homeschooling parents.

WH Questions

Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Who? What? When? Where? Why? | Source

Who? What? When? Where? and Why? Questions

We are currently working on answering these "w" questions in our homeschool. I've found some wonderful resources online from various speech therapy blogs. I particularly like the printable card worksheets that allow you to ask several wh questions quickly at the beginning of the school day. We rarely print them. I like to pull them up on the computer and read them, then move on to the next subject. I've gathered them up here, so you can pull them up quickly too.

Question Cards - Teaching Kids to Respond to WH Questions

Answering who? what? when? where? why? questions helps improve a child's ability to respond to questions and recall details. You can also read more about the importance of Wh questions and get tips for incorporating them into reading activities from Super Duper Publications.

Below are links to question cards which are great resources to quickly incorporate who, what, when, where and why into your homeschool day. Just bring them up and ask your class quickly. No need to print. For struggling learners, it will help to repeat cards several times until they've mastered the questions before moving on. Of course, if the child isn't able to answer, tell them the answer.

WH Questions with Farm Characters


Printables to Help Teach WH Questions

  • Farm Wh Questions
    The "Speech Time Fun" blog has printable WH questions for the farm. It has a cute barn and animal cards to practice where and what questions.
  • Cinco De Mayo Questions
    From Speech Time Fun
  • "Bear Wants More" Questions
    These are questions for use with the popular children's book, "Bear Wants More." The questions come from The Crazy Speech World Blog:
  • Summer Themed - What Where Questions
    30 summer themed WH questions, including 15 where and 15 what cards. The cards feature things you would see at the beach and questions from author of the "ExpresslySpeaking" blog.
  • Fall Interrogative Question Cards/Bingo Board
    At HeatherSpeechTherapy blog, you will find lots of fall themed bingo boards. A group of these boards are interrogative questions, including WH questions.
  • Questions About Me! Questions and Bingo Board
    Students get to answer when? what? who? why? where? questions about themselves while playing these fun WH bingo games. The bingo boards are free and printable from the SpeechAndLaunguageLaunchPad blog.
  • WH Practice Bundle
    Here you will find a bundle of scenes, question cards, games, posters, books and worksheets for practicing WH questions. The bundle is available for download at Teachers Pay Teachers for a fee.

Super Duper Publications | WH Questions in The Community Fun Deck Flash Cards | Who, What, Where, When, Why Basic and Personal Questions | Educational Learning Resource for Children
Super Duper Publications | WH Questions in The Community Fun Deck Flash Cards | Who, What, Where, When, Why Basic and Personal Questions | Educational Learning Resource for Children
Super Duper Publications is the place to go for children who struggle with speech concepts. They have created these fun deck cards to help your learner with Wh Questions. These visual question cards are also available as an iPad app.

Resource Available for Teaching Wh Questions - from

Here are a few additional items that you might find handy for practicing offline. There are a variety of resources for practicing WH questions. Usually they are in the form of cards, and more recently, they've developed iPad apps with visual pictures and questions, similar to the cards. The iPad apps, however, are much less expensive and won't take up space in your home.

Speech Therapy App with WH Questions

Autism and PDD Concepts Lite
Autism and PDD Concepts Lite
A free app to help your child master WH questions. This isn't the kind of app that kids use independently. It's designed as a resource tool for speech therapists and parents to use as they teach children. It can be a great resource to help lead the therapy session as you work with a child.

Take the Poll - What Questions Did Your Child Master First?

WH Questions
WH Questions | Source

What WH question is the easiest for your child?

See results

Who, What, When, Where, and Why - from YouTube

YouTube happens to be an amazing resource for homeschooling parents. They have just about anything you wish to teach to kids available quickly and easily. Here I've listed a few of my favorite WH question videos.

WH Questions Video

The Cookie Monster Asks Questions to Get Cookies

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© 2014 hsschulte


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