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Funny Horror Teambuilding Game

Updated on October 20, 2016

The ArteFarce Project



I am the secretary of the late & infamous Dutch horror writer Harry Hurror.

Harry Hurror, ladies and gentlemen, has defined in his last will that some pieces of his famous secret Artefarce Hurror Collection should be put to auction. Now, I have some photographs here, and each photograph represents a piece of the Collection.

With each piece comes a very special story and each piece will be put to auction. But since you are a part of a team, only your team - that is, the people on your table - can buy with their ArteFarce Coupons a piece of the Collection. You all start with 100 ArteFarce Coupons.

If your team buys a piece, you also buy a story, a mission, a task. It is the entire team that is responsible for carrying out this mission. With each mission, your team can win or lose some ArteFarce Coupons. The team that has won the most Coupons at the end of the auction wins this Hurror Dinner Party!

The Witches Song, from Macbeth (William Shakespeare)

Let us start the auction now... I have here the recipe of a Witch Soup à la Façon de Grand Mère... So, let's go with 20 ArteFarce Coupons and go up by 5! Twenty ArteFarce Coupons... Who gives more than a shit for this old recipe? Who says 30 Coupons for this historic recipe, written down by the late William Shakespeare in his cursed play Macbeth? Thirty Coupons! Who says 35?

First Witch

Round about the Cauldron go;

In the poison'd Entrails throw.

Toad, that under cold stone

Days and Nights has thirty-one

Swelter'd Venom sleeping got,

Boil thou first i' the charmed pot.


Double, double toile and trouble ;

Fire burn and Cauldron bubble.

Second Witch

Fillet of a Fenny Snake,

In the Cauldron boil and bake;

Eye of Newt, and Toe of Frogge,

Wool of Bat, and Tongue of Dogge,

Adder's Fork, and Blind-worm's Sting,

Lizard's leg, and Howlet's wing,

For a Charm of powerful trouble

Like a Hell-broth boil and bubble.


Double, double toyle and trouble,

Fire burn and Cauldron bubble.

Third Witch

Scale of Dragon, Tooth of Wolf,

Witches' Mummy, Maw and Gulf

Of the ravin'd salt Sea shark,

Root of Hemlock digg'd i' the dark,

Liver of Blaspheming Jew,

Gall of Goat, and Slips of Yew

Silver'd in the Moon's Eclipse,

Nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips,

Finger of Birth-strangled Babe

Ditch-deliver'd by a Drab,

Make the Gruel thick and slab:

Add thereto a Tiger's Chaudron,

For the Ingredients of our Cauldron.


Double, double toyle and trouble'

Fire burn and Cauldron bubble.

Second Witch

Cool it with a Baboon's blood,

Then the Charm is firm and good.

Ghost in a Bottle

Ladies and gentlemen. I have bad news for the team that bought this recipe... They have to make a song out of the recipe and they have to sing this selfmade song, and perform it with a a witch dance... If they succeed, they will not only save their own lives, but also they will win 50 ArteFarce Coupons...

So, failure is not an option!... The jury will consist of all the other teams... If someone of some other team laughs during the performance, it's okay. If nobody laughs... this whole team looses 50 ArteFarce Coupons, but also ends up in a boiling kettle of witch soup! The team has until ( ... ) to make and rehearse the witch song and dance.

Fine! Everything all right? Still having a good time?

What have we here? No message in a bottle, ladies and gents... but a Ghost in a Bottle! He can do all sort of miracles for you, he can make you rich and handsome... Yes sir, you too! Handsome, indeed!... He will have a lot of work, but it's possible!...

Twenty Hurrors, ladies and gentlemen! Do I hear someone say 25 Hurrors for this Miracle Worker? Thirty ArteFarce Coupons! Who says 35? ( ... )

Now, as I've said already, a ghost in a bottle can perform all sort of miracles for ordinary people like you and me. On one condition... that you have this ghost come out of his bottle! Now, this team has the mission to make and perform a magic spell to get the ghost out of the bottle. If they succeed, they win 50 Hurrors. If not, they loose 50 Hurrors. Again, the other teams decide if they win or if they lose... If someone of some other team laughs during the performance, it's okay. On the other hand, if nobody laughs... The team has until (...) to create a magic spell and then, they will perform it for us all.

What do we have here, ladies and gentlemen? I don't know what we have here...

Take a close look at the picture...

There comes a story with this picture... It's a picture of the mummy of the most beautiful girl in Egypt and...

Here is the story!

A long time ago the old Egyptians prayed to their god Hapi and asked for the yearly flood of the Nile to fertilize the land. As a present to the god Hapi, they threw the most beautiful girl of Egypt into the Nile. But this time, Hapi was so touched by the beauty of this girl that he decided to let her float on the water. So she lived and became the high priestress of the temple of Amon-Ra.

In January 1912 an egyptologist bought her mummy on the black market in Luxor. In his hotel, a carpenter made a coffin to be sure that no one would see her. The carpenter walked into the desert, and was never seen again. The egyptologist now shipped the mummy to London. The arm of the crane that put the coffin on the ship broke down and fell on two sailors, and they were crushed to death.

The mummy was then exposed in the Egyptian room of the British Museum. A guard heard the mummy cry and became insane. A photographer who took a photo of her, committed suicide. An American collector payed a high amount of money for the most beautiful girl of Egypt. Transport of the mummy to New York, would be carried out on the safest way.

The mummy was transported overseas with an unsinkable ship. But in this cold night of April in the year 1912, the ship sunk in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, together with approximately 1500 passengers of the Titanic!

The Mummy of the Most Beautiful Girl in Egypt...

Gimme a caption!

Every picture tells a story... So, what is the story of this picture?


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