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Should I Get Netflix?

Updated on July 30, 2012
Boy watching television. Presumably Netflix.
Boy watching television. Presumably Netflix. | Source

Ah, Netflix. Where do I begin?

Arguably one of the pioneers of television on computers, Netflix is one of the most well-known instant streaming and movie rental services across the globe. Despite recent gaffes and price raises, Netflix has held steady with regard to movie quality, access and choice.

But is Netflix for everyone? Now that the company has split their instant streaming and mail DVD services into two separately prices services, how do you know which one to buy? Should you pay for both? Are you going to use Netflix enough to make it worth it?

This Hub seeks to analyze different television and movie-watching habits in order to allow you to decide if Netflix is a good consumption option for you or your family.

Netflix services

Unlimited Instant Streaming: 8 dollars a month

Unlimited DVD's:

  • 1 DVD at a time: 8 dollars a month
  • 2 DVD's at a time: 12 dollars a month

Unlimited Streaming + 3 DVD's: 24 dollars a month

  • (Best value for movie and television lovers)

Is Netflix Good for Families?

Put the simple way, instant streaming is terrible for families, but the mail-order DVD service isn't bad. This is why:

Instant streaming is more like television on the go- the only thing it's really good for is ease of access to several popular shows like The Office, Arrested Development and Psych (if those types of shows are your cup of tea).

The selection of child-friendly, high quality family movies is extremely low on instant streaming, and has very nearly hit rock bottom since Netflix's contract with Starz Play ended. The contract removed several favorites, including Toy Story 3 and Tangled.

Instead, Netflix has a plethora of knockoff Disney movies, featuring eerily similar but low quality recreations of more well-known family friendly flicks like Aladdin or The Little Mermaid.

So if you're looking for some high-quality, family appropriate movies to enjoy, ignore the Netflix commercials featuring a happily perfect four-person family, and skip instant streaming. Go for Redbox if you watch less than 8 movies a month with your family. If you watch more movies than that, the DVD mailing service might not be a bad idea.

I'm a Hipster, is Netflix good for me?

Yes. Netflix will most likely be the only mainstream gem in your life. At least, instant streaming will be.

Instant streaming has a sparse collection of mainstream, well-known movies, but features a flood of obscure, foreign movie titles, the likes of which haven't been seen by most of mankind.

Basically, you'll get your money's worth of odd, low-budget films. But then again, the free version of Hulu also has a fairly decent collection of these oddball movies and television shows, so you may want to consider just how much you love unknown media before you invest in Netflix instant streaming.

I love television OR I love movies; Should I get Netflix?

I love television- Well my fellow television series lover, Netflix instant streaming is for you. I watch more Netflix than I do regular television. No advertisements, episode summaries, seasons.... Instant streaming is as close to perfection as you can get (if your favorite shows are on it) besides buying the DVD's outright, which is far more expensive than Netflix is.

The only downside is that Netflix is often very slow getting new seasons up on their website, and occasionally, episodes can disappear because Netflix took too long to renew a contract. You can easily get your eight bucks a month out of Netflix if you love even just one of the shows they feature on instant streaming.

I love movies- Fear not movie lover-- you shan't be left out either! Instant streaming is probably not the best way for you to go (unless you are a hipster, as mentioned above). Netflix's DVD mailing service is the best fit for you, with plenty of choices from more recent movies, which is one of Netflix's major shortcomings; they don't have a lot of recent film to choose from.

I love both!- It's more expensive, but if you really love movies and television, purchasing a subscription to both of Netflix's services might be a good idea; that way you'll never be without some form of digital entertainment. It will cost you about 16 dollars a month.

Alternatives to Netflix

Service Name
Hulu Plus
Very up-to-date, quick to get episodes up fast
Even if you pay, you have ads, small movie selection
Up-to-date, ease of access, transportable
Most expensive
Amazon Instant Video
Cheap, decent choice
What's not to love about Amazon?
Cheap, fast, efficient
Not everywhere, have to watch in one night or cost goes up. No TV shows

Do you have Netflix?

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