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Worst Movie Of 2009

Updated on September 20, 2011

Worst Movie of 2009 - 2012

When I saw the trailer for 2012, it appeared so visually stunning to me that I wanted to see it really badly. It never occurred to me that they would totally mess up my experience.

I finally saw 2012 and within the first 30 minutes, I regretted my decision to see it.

There were so many things wrong with this movie. For example, they're outrunning a freaking earthquake in a limousine? An earthquake that is affecting what's behind them and what's in front of them? Huh?

And how do you drive into a falling building and then a few seconds later bust right out the front of the building right side up? Were there no rooms or at least some chaos in the building? Does it take that long for a falling building that wide to hit the ground?

2012 was a disaster movie I wanted to see but it turned out to be a disaster with all the implausible stuff that was happening. 2009's worst movie is just like 2008's - a 'disaster movie' called 2012.

Worst Movie of 2008 - Disaster Movie (2008)

Seriously, I wish they would just stop making these 'movies'. It doesn't take a director with a brain to spoof all the movies that made an impact in someway on pop culture. Cheap jokes with no real story line - is that what Hollywood has come to?

Hopefully, Disaster Movie is the last one. I wish Mel Brooks was still around to show these dim wits how to spoof movies and be smart about it.

Worst Movie of 2007 - RedLine (2007)

This is the 3rd movie that I've seen called RedLine. RedLine gets the worst movie award of 2007 from moi.

I originally wanted to see this movie because my friends are into cars and they were all anticipating the movie. I didn't get to see it in the theatres but I did manage to catch it on bootleg dvd.

One of my peers had bought the dvd and I just borrowed it to see what it was like.

I don't even think I remember much about RedLine. All I know is that I fell asleep about 3 or 4 times trying to get through it. There's nothing memorable about it except the fact that Eddie Griffin starred in it and there were of the cars exploded too I can remember.

The whole movie sucked like a vacuum. There was no cohesive plot at all...the terrible attempt they made at a story could have been written by a drugged out race car fanatic.

The acting I found was also horrible, it almost looked like 'the making of' or an audition for the movie or something.

I have no idea how this movie was released. Did it make any money at all? Was this a big studio release or an independent movie?

RedLine to me is the worst movie of 2007 and it could well be the worst movie of the 21st century so far. This movie gets a 1...out of 100.

More Bad Movies I've Seen.

I haven't seen a lot of movies this year and I can't possibly imagine anything more crappy than RedLine.

Some other disappointing movies I've seen this decade....

The Grudge (2004)

Maybe the director has a grudge against movie goers and wanted to bore them to death. The trailer totally got me and I thought this would have been really scary.

Instead it put me to sleep. I never got to the end of this movie. Although I tried to watch it about 3 times, I never got past 45 minutes.

Queen Of The Damned (2002)

I watched this movie in the theatres and I went because of Aaliyah...God rest her soul... but this was the dumbest vampire movie I'd ever sat through. right now I don't know why but it seems as if the ending sucked and took the whole movie with it.

I never watched the movie again and had mentally labelled it as one of the worst movies I've seen.


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