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Baby Shower Gift Baskets Ideas

Updated on September 6, 2009

If giving just one gift isn't enough and you prefer to put together a gift with many different smaller items, gift baskets are always a hit. Baby Shower gift baskets are also great for those on a budget because you can plan your gift around your spending limit.

Make yours different by ditching the classic basket and choosing something to hold the gifts that will get use long after the party's over. Here are some ideas. The best way to put a gift basket together is to start with your base, the item you will be putting everything in, and setting it in your shopping basket. The as you choose things, place in the basket the way you would arrange it when presenting to the new mom. This will give you an idea if you want to add more or ditch a few items.

The examples provide offer a reasonable list of items you could include. To stick to your budget, some may be excluded. Choose what fits your spending limit. Keep an eye out for items on sale.

Baby's Bath Time Gift Basket

An infant tub or a small storage bin for the bathroom can be filled with

  • washclothes
  • hooded towels
  • baby wash
  • nail clippers
  • nose aspirator
  • baby Q-Tips
  • cotton balls
  • infant tylenol
  • infant thermometer
  • diaper cream.

Getting The Best Deals

There is nothing wrong with accenting the larger Baby Shower Gift Baskets with smaller items bought at the dollar store. Just 5 items can fill up the empty spots in your basket will only cost you an additional $5 plus tax. Great dollar store fillers don't have to be just baby items. items for mom are always welcomed. Stick to your theme and see what you can come up with.

You can include candles, picture frames, baby brushes, bibs, washclothes, etc.

Keep in mind that most new moms only want brands that they can trust such as Gerber, Johnson's, Huggies, etc. Avoid buying any diapers, wipes, food, or baby hair or body products unless it is a brand name and it is not past an expiration date.

You may also be able to find the base here that will hold all of your gifts. The dollar store can be a great place to find baskets and plastic containers

Baby's Laundry Load Gift Basket

Fill up a small laundry basket with everything baby needs washing

  • onesies,
  • bibs
  • hooded towels
  • washclothes
  • burp rags
  • receiving blankets
  • socks
  • a few outfits
  • All Free and Clear or Dreft Detergent,
  • Spray and Wash
  • Tide-to-Go pen.

Putting The Gift Basket Together

How you put together your gift basket is entirely up to you and dependant on what kind of "basket" you are using and the gifts you bought to fill it with.

Remember that you want it to look as visually presentable as possible. Decide if you will have a back or a front or if the gift basket will be a bouquet of gifts circling the center and arranged like a cake.

Arrange front to back gift baskets with the largest gifts at the back and move forward to the front with smaller gifts. Arrange so that every gift is at least partially visible

Bouquet arranged gift baskets should have the largest gifts centered in the middle with the smaller gifts circling around. Like with front to back basket arrangements you want all gifts to be partially visible.

Baby's Kitchen Gift Basket

A bottle drying rack or a dish rack can be made fun with

  • bottles
  • plates
  • bowls
  • spoons
  • forks
  • bottle brush cleaner
  • dishwasher basket
  • medicine dropper and dispensers
  • bibs
  • lysol kitchen wipes.

Wrapping The Gift Basket

Regardless of what kind of base you use for your gift basket chances are its going to be a challenge to try and wrap. Using wrapping paper really just isn't a visually appealing option.

You can purchase cellophane in a variety of colors. Cellophane is a tinted transparent plastic wrapping that works great for gifts that are hard to wrap and that you want the inside to be visible. use a large sheet and place the base filled with the gifts already arranged in the center. Bring up the sides of the cellophane to the top. Wrap ribbon around the ends of the cellophane at top. You can also try wrapping from top to bottom but this is usually more difficult.

If you choose not to use wrapping, go with the simple bow and/or ribbon. Wide fabric ribbon wrapped around your gift basket in colors that match the baby shower theme(look at baby shower invitation for ideas) can make for a beautifully presented gift.


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