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How to Deal With the Most Difficult People

Updated on March 7, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

How to Deal With the Most Difficult People

I dealt with problematic people for a while and finally removed them from my life. Sometimes I feel I just do not fit in with the crowd.

It hurts me to see the way people treat each other, Don't get me wrong they do not dislike me.

I try to keep away from problematic, or difficult people. My problem is I fail to understand their mentality. I can laugh and talk with them and sometimes I am confused by the way they speak.

Often there is complicated communication that leads me to think why?

Whenever there is a function, I am not asked to give a hand as other neighbours do.

I am always left out in that way and find that so hard to understand.

I want to be part of what goes on in the village and I do not see that happening for me.

Why am I left out?

Is it that I will not perform the tasks in the same way, or will I do better than they would do?

Communication can be nonexistent when I do not listen. I do listen, but still, it is a problem for me just deal with difficult people has become such an issue.

How would you react in such circumstances?

This life is part of my life, a new culture, new people, new language, and new challenges.

My mind has different thoughts and this can ruin my day or make my day a great one. I choose to have happy and good days and do not sweat the small stuff. In this way, I avoid frustrating moments and don't have an unhappy day. I overlook what I know won't hurt me in any way.

Dealing with difficult people can be in the workplace or right in your neighbourhood as well as in other public places. You must stay calm when in situations with difficult people.

If you feel upset with an individual like I am at times, try to remain calm and react later.

If you react straight away, you could lose control of the moment and say something regretful. You could lose the friendship you have with that person. Instead, be cool about the situation, and handle conversations when you have calmed down.

Do you think difficult people are worth your precious time?

  • Some people behave badly and do not waste precious time with difficult people.
  • Confrontation can ruin everything for you, even your career.
  • The negative energy you receive is not worth your time.
  • The best is to keep your distance and be friendly in your own way.
  • Disliking someone can be powerful to you or the other person.
  • You must have the power to make your decisions.
  • If a friend does not call for you for days, they are busy or ignoring you.
  • Do not be offended when this happens to you.

Give them time, and they will call you back if they are busy, and if they are ignoring you that call will not come to you. It is not about what is right, or wrong. It is about the principle.

Sometimes misunderstandings can flood your mind with silly thoughts. You should try thinking of yourself in that person's shoes.

The difficult person will give you an idea of why their behaviour is strange in comparison to yours.

The pressure one has can be hard to cope with leading one to act differently. People grow and change all the time. If you understand that person, you will see more than you need to.

I feel the difficult people I meet are envious, and less positive types of people. Issues and less effective communications do lead to many other conversations.

The relationship I have with the difficult person and the issues I discuss with the difficult person have a great effect on my communication.

I avoid shouting or yelling, when in conversation that will not get me anywhere nice or pleasant. Talking is better than yelling. Being firm shows better character and shows I can solve problems easily.

I have come across an aggressive person due to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Often this man is a temperamental individual.

He would be sweet and nice in a conversation and sometime later he would snap at you. I had no idea about this person until I noticed his behaviour at our home.

He can be most difficult to communicate with, but with an understanding of his situation, it is easier to cope with his aggressive behaviour.

His way of solving a problem is to get into a debate. Such conversations solve the problem and often seek the wrong in the situation, rather than what is right.

The individual is focused on issues of debate, and his face goes red when in powerful conversations.

The instant red in the face explains all about his rude behaviour and temperamental issues he has. Dominates the field and can be right out of defence.

The kind of person who thinks his opponent is stupid. The negative person does have positive qualities. The negative qualities override the positive qualities.

I use humour to communicate with difficult people and that works fine for me. Sometimes people can be quite stuck up, and do not communicate. Getting words out of some people can be impossible.

By using humour with a difficult person, you will see their true character. Difficult people pick on you and focus on a fault they can use to make you feel down.

Once you show them you are in control the power you have can put you on top of the difficult situation.

Coping with difficult people thereafter becomes a successful one. Do not give these individuals a chance to pick on you. Never back down, and always find a way to communicate with difficult individuals.

People who do not like themselves have a problem with everyone else. Do not be the victim of the difficult person's target.

Do not cut off your nose to spite your face.

Insecure people always have issues with themselves and tend to make others feel problematic. One will experience a positive lifestyle with good communication in dealing with difficult people.

Relationships can be improved, and success can show gradually with power and great strengths. You want others to see your confidence, and to know you are better.

Never deny what you know, your capabilities are another important fact about yourself that you may never know until you tried and tested yourself for achievement.

I learned through my own experiences.

  • Difficult people feel threatened by the behaviour of others and envy their behaviours.
  • You cannot always communicate with a difficult person.
  • Use your strong skill to show you can be better, and that you are better.
  • When you show the difficult person, you are better than they are in all aspects. These people tend to look differently at themselves.
  • Feeling sorry for themselves is one of the most common ways of acting on their behaviours.
  • One must learn how to put up or shut up with confrontations and challenges.
  • The greater adventures experienced are another part of their lives that can be shown with mixed emotions.
  • This is shared with the calm individual.
  • It comes with cultural behaviour and a different conversation.
  • Not everyone understands each other.
  • That does not mean you have to lose your friendships or relationships with each other.
  • Many different people learn from each other and respect each other in different ways.
  • Acceptance is very important.
  • First, accept yourself.
  • My way is not to look for acceptance from others.
  • If you think acceptance from others will make your life better, then think again!
  • Acceptance makes a huge difference in one's life, not from others but from yourself.

Others can talk and say what they like and will have an issue with accepting you but then who cares?

Difficult people are bullies, they can be your next-door neighbour or your co-worker.

A husband, or wife, and even your child can be that bully.

It is hard for others to accept different people.

How to Deal With the Most Difficult People

Expressing emotions
Expressing emotions | Source
Rude woman and difficult  character
Rude woman and difficult character | Source
Angry rude boy
Angry rude boy | Source

Difficult People

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Devika Primić


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