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"Single Mothers Stop Being Married To Your Children"

Updated on September 22, 2013

Single Mothers Stop Being Married To Your Children"

Mother's stop being married to your children.
Mother's stop being married to your children.

''Single Mothers, Stop Being Married To Your Children"

This hub is dedicated to single mothers that is the head of the household. When there's only one parent in the household, children can become spoil and rotten brats, depending totally on that parent whether it's mom or dad. I know this for a fact since I was a single mother for a long time, before I married again and my kids were all grown up but one . Single mothers and divorced mothers tend to spoil their children. They're really trying to make up for the other parent that not there. The reason I know this is because I played that roll with my five children. The simple truth is we can't make it up no matter how hard we try. I use to cook special meals and desserts for them because I didn't have a lot of money to do special things with them. So, I did the best I could with what I had.

I gave them what ever it was they wanted to eat. Since I was a pretty good cook, it wasn't a problem. One thing all my children can say is they ate the best foods anyone could ask for because I prepare great meals for them, because of my ability to cook almost anything their little pallads desired. They didn't go lacking for any good foods. All mothers want the best for their children. We if the dads aren't around that's a strike against our children. We try to compensate in other areas of their lives to make them happy and content. I know single and divorced mothers know exactly what I'm talking about. We have all over compensated for the happiness of our children. Our children tend to depend upon us more because they know we're their for them. They know if it is God's will, we will be there for them in their time of need.

Our children have a tendency to get just as possessive as some of the husbands that we us to have. They wanting to know things like, Where you going, What you're doing, Who you re doing it with, How long will you be gone? This is the routine for most single or divorced mothers, and the truth is, it's really not any of their business. We have allowed this kind of behavior to go on for so long that they think they can get away with. Mother's this is unacceptable behavior and it cannot go on any longer or you will be embarrassed and frustrated the rest of your days. If we don't tell your children you're the child and I'm the adult and where we go, is not their concern. When you're coming back and who you're going to see really isn't none of their business. If they continue to scrutinize you about how you live your life. You will have to put them in their place. This kind of scrutinizing coming form your children can really become a royal pain in the butt. This is what happens until we put a stop to it. We have to tell our children that they're not your husband or your parent. Tell them to stop questioning you about your actions and take care of their own business and leave yours alone.

If we're away from home, we don't want the children to be calling us around the clock asking when we're coming home. These actions can be down right embarrassing to say the least.Only we can put a stop to our children harassing us when we're away from home. We should leave a number. Where we can be reached only for emergency purposes and nothing more. It will get to a point where the single mother, don't have a life. Since we let our child dominate in that department. So, it's time to get a life and live it. Let the children know their place in your life and hands off your personal life. I'm sure they want like like it, but there's not a lot they can do about it. We have to let them know that there is a life after them. We all should tell the children how much we love them and need them. We should let them know that we also need a friend to communicate with and do fun things with too. Let them know how selfish it is of them, to want you to spend all your time with them. Let them know you need a break and some time alone. Also make them aware that you need time away from them every now and then.

I thought of this hub when I had a young lady friend of mines come by my home. While she was with me, not twenty minutes lapsed before her phone started ringing. She just looked at it and said it's only the kids. The phone wouldn't stop ringing and she finally answered it. The question was, where are you? what you're doing? I asked her are you sure you don't have a husband? She kind of laugh and said that they all ways do that to me. A good ten minutes later she gets another call form yet another child. Wanting to know the same information. I told her, I think you do have a husband. Finally I told her that I use to have the same problem with my children. You have to put your foot down and tell them only to call if it's an extreme emergency and nothing else. She said she would have to talk to them and tell them. Since that was very embarrassing to her. I told her the kids calling like that would drive me bonkers and she said it did bother her a lot. I told her to tell hem to stop doing it because they aren't your husband are your parent and you're not obligated to tell them anything.

I know it's a hard thing to do, when it has gone on for so long. it does need to be stopped. Especially if your kids are hounding you from the moment you leave home. We all need some me time to unwind and take a break but if you don't discipline our kids we'll never have any time to do anything for ourselves. Take a little bit of advice from someone that has been there and done that. Stop them from menacing you and every move you make so you can take a much needed break and be able to enjoy it.

Benny Faye Douglass


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